
Almost immediately all the ministers, after seeing the powder Chang had brought them, had unearthed the prospects and market for MSG.

There was no doubt that this would be a powder that could bring about a huge amount of wealth!

The value of its creation was no less than the 60,000 taels of gold that Inkyan previously possessed. It could even be because of the advent of MSG that they would become powerful again.

It's over!

The foreboding feeling in Molda's heart had finally taken shape!

When he was still thinking of using that person's status as a slave to force him to continue working for him, that person had already started to scheme something on his own!

It was truly a gamble! Killing a donkey!

Mo Da, who liked killing donkeys, couldn't stand being slapped in the face like this.

At that time, he suddenly felt a surge of anger from the bottom of his heart. Hmph hmph, thinking about your identity?

He gave Murong Nan another look and gestured fifty-fifty at the same time.

Murong Nan instantly understood.

Was Molda trying to steal the ownership of the MSG?

The sly Murong Nan couldn't help but sneer as he thought about how everything worked out just like that. Let you earn enough money to recruit people and then beat me up?

Not to mention the fact that there was no door, not even a crack in the window!

He looked at Morda with an expression of helplessness. He walked to Molda's side and whispered bitterly in his ear.

"General, although I understand that you have suffered greatly today. However, this was still a business that could bring about a great deal of profit. With it, the treasury would be abnormally rich. Even if I agree, which civil and military officials in the imperial court would loosen up and let go of such a large piece of meat? "

Morda didn't look at Murong Nan, but looked away. When his gaze landed on the smiling faces of the civil and military officials, as well as the lines of pudding that each of them inadvertently revealed, he suddenly understood what Murong Nan meant by 'big fat meat'.

"Are you trying to tell me that you intend to devour all of the forty-nine powders that were produced today?"

Murong Nan said nothing. His expression was still bitter.

At a time like this, his best option was to remain silent. No, but it was better than jumping up and suggesting that everyone deal with Morda.

However, even before Molda and Murong Nan decided to work together, Molda had already expected this day to come. It didn't matter when Murong Nan didn't want to stand on his side and talk.

Molda shook his head and looked at Murong Hao, who was standing high up in the sky. He repeatedly said, "What a pity. His Highness the Crown Prince of the Big Dipper still hasn't gotten his main wife yet." This was not normal at all. It seems like I have to spend the entire night cultivating a letter for my father to consider marrying the Heavenly Wolf Princess to him. "

What? Murong Nan hadn't even been happy for half a minute when he heard by his "partner" that they were going to marry the princess to his sworn enemy!

"General, didn't we agree earlier?"

Murong Nan immediately became anxious and quickly leaned over to Molda. He began to lie in an attentive tone, "Didn't we previously agreed that we would have to hide news of the princess' arrival for at least a month. So that we can objectively choose the most suitable husband for the princess? "


This time, the initiative fell back into Molda's hands.

He seemed to be imitating the way Murong Nan had treated him before. He shook his head regretfully as he looked at Murong Nan happily saying that the MSG must become another important source of revenue for the government.

"But now the situation has changed. As you know, the reason why we want the princess to choose her husband is because we want to choose a true partner. Whether the partner is trustworthy or not is the first factor that we Sirian consider. But he is still my slave, and I cannot have what he makes. "

"How do you expect me to prove to my father that you're a trustworthy partner?"

Murong Nan was immediately followed by a loss and couldn't say what the pain was.

However, at this time in the imperial court, the ministers had already made a passionate deductions about how to expand the future of the MSG. Some of the more farsighted people even thought that the first tax revenue should be used for the nearest water conservancy project.

The situation had clearly exceeded his expectations. Unless he continued to emphasize his status as a slave.

"I'll say it." Murong Nan quickly collected his emotions and raised his hand. "Everyone, can you quiet down and allow me to say a few more words?"

"Let's hear what General Molda has to say first."

It was unknown who suddenly spoke out from the crowd: "Traitor!"

"The magnificent Prince Dazhi actually dares to hand over to the Sirian the achievements of our great men! Giving away a large amount of taxes to foreigners! Why should we listen to you? "

It was obvious that the benefits of the MSG were too great. The unimaginable amount of money had blinded all officials, making them instinctively begin to use moral weapons to compete for resources. Even if this thing was made nominally by a foreigner's slavery.

Mo Yan stood in the crowd and hadn't spoken a word since her confrontation with Murong Nan. But just because she didn't say anything didn't mean she didn't do anything. His black eyeballs rolled from time to time. He looked at the officer on the left, then to the one on the right, or he pulled his line of sight closer to Mu Rong Duan, who was sitting on a throne.

Although they were very far away, because of her young age, Mo Yan could easily see that this middle-aged man had a face that was very similar to Murong Hao's. Wearing the imperial suit, he looked down from above through the pearl curtain at the farce below without saying a word.

His precious son, the Crown Prince Murong Hao, was standing at the end of the hall, looking at him with his big, shining, gentle eyes. His eyes were filled with interest as he watched the show.

This was already the second time, from the eyes of the noble people watching, Ink Yan saw them pull away from the wall. Arrogant as if she were the overlord of all things in the world, she and everything around her was merely a result of his meticulous planning. A puppet with a thread attached could only perform and kill as he wished.

Until she decides who to stand with.

However, Ink Mist did not!

Just as Murong Hao was waiting to see how things would develop, she actually stretched out her arm and asked to speak. This time around, her words had obviously gone through a lot of thinking and she had decided to take the final stand.


"I am deeply honored to hear that you all agree that I am a big-time person and that the things I make should be used to pay big taxes! It is the duty of every one of us to contribute to our country. "

"However, it seems that there are still people at the scene who believe that I am still General Molda's slave and that I owe all my contributions to General Molda. I do not deny this logic here. However, I would like to ask General Molda if you have paid taxes while staying on my territory and enjoying the large amount of gold that I have provided you. "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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