Surviving the Apocalypse: Death and Desire/C26 The Shelter Fell into a Wave of Zombies and Split into Two Sides.(2)
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Surviving the Apocalypse: Death and Desire/C26 The Shelter Fell into a Wave of Zombies and Split into Two Sides.(2)
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C26 The Shelter Fell into a Wave of Zombies and Split into Two Sides.(2)


"Why though? The military sanctuary here is gone, it's terrifying!" Sun Meng urged, "Let's drive to City B together! We need the protection of the soldiers to survive! Didn't this gentleman mention that City B has tanks and artillery? They'll surely hold back the zombies!"

"Absolutely!" Qin Fen agreed, nodding. "Buddy, why don't we all head to City B? There's safety in numbers, right?"

Tang Bing glanced at the survivors and shook his head. "I can't go. I can't bear to leave my home."

"Isn't that true for all of us?" Qin Fen said with a wry smile. "Don't be so stubborn. In this perilous world, unity is our only chance at survival!"

"Sorry!" Tang Bing insisted, shaking his head. "You're welcome to take the supplies on the bus. It's fully fueled. If you're cautious on the road, you should be safe. I truly don't want to leave. It's better if you take them."

While talking, he looked over at Qin Mengli on the bus. She quickly looked away, hiding behind her colleagues.

Tang Bing let out another sigh at the sight.

"People have their own paths; we can't force them," Qin Fen remarked, seeing Tang Bing's resolve. "Well then, if they're willing to go with me, I'll accompany them."

"Did everyone hear that?" Tang Bing addressed the survivors on the bus. "Surely no one wants to stay, right? As Uncle mentioned, the military sanctuary has fallen to the zombies and can no longer protect us! Now, you have the option to follow him to the sanctuary in City B. I don't wish to leave City A, so this is where we part ways. Though our paths diverge, I hope we all make it through!"

"Would you like to come with me to City B? It's said to be much safer!" Qin Fen called out as he boarded the bus. "In this horrifying world, our best chance is to band together!"

"I'm not going!" Zhao Dagang got up from the driver's seat and dashed to Tang Bing's side. "I'm sticking with you! I still owe you my life!"

"If you don't go, who's going to drive?" Tang Bing asked, his brow furrowed.

"Don't worry, I've got it!" Qin Fen assured him. "I can handle it!"

"Do you hear that? If he can drive, I'm staying!" Zhao Dagang chuckled as he watched Tang Bing with a grin.

"Bing, didn't we agree to leave together?" Sun Meng looked up at him, pleading. "Don't stay behind—let's all go together!"

"I'm not going," Tang Bing said firmly, looking down. "You should get in the car. Go with them to B City; it's probably safer there."

"Bing, are you really not coming with us?" Sun Meng's face was a mix of confusion and concern.

"Yeah," Tang Bing confirmed with a nod, "I'm staying."

"Then... I'll stay too!" Sun Meng declared.

Tang Bing frowned. "What's the point of you staying?"

"Why are you getting mad?" Sun Meng retorted, noticing Tang Bing's displeasure. "If Brother Zhao can stay, why can't I? I've known you longer than he has!"

"Does that even matter?" Tang Bing said, exasperated.

"Are you saying I can't kill zombies?" Sun Meng pouted. "I admit, that's beyond me, but I'm a nurse! If you're hurt or sick, I can look after you. I won't hold you back! Brother Zhao owes you his life, and so do I. If you're not leaving, neither am I!"

"Boring!" Tang Bing muttered, yet he couldn't help feeling moved. He believed Zhao Dagang and Sun Meng were sincere; choosing to stay with a smaller group over a larger one took real courage, especially when they didn't know about his mysterious system and the risks it entailed.

"If you're staying, we're staying," Sun Meng insisted stubbornly. "Isn't that right, Brother Zhao?"

"Mhm!" Zhao Dagang nodded emphatically.

"Suit yourselves," Tang Bing said, his face expressionless, but internally he was convinced of their loyalty. They had chosen to stand with him when they could have opted for safety in numbers, a choice that was truly heartfelt.

"Are you sure you won't leave?" Qin Fen asked, surprised. "Staying in A City is really dangerous. Why not come with us to B City?"

"I've already said it," Tang Bing replied, looking him in the eye, "I can't abandon my home. If death is what awaits, then I'll face it in the land where I was born."

"If you're not leaving, then neither am I!" Zhao Dagang declared, locking eyes with Tang Bing.

"I'm staying put too!" Sun Meng admitted, though her heart was racing with fear. She instinctively felt there was safety in numbers. Staying with the three of them to face the zombies was preferable to the constant dread she'd felt back at the hospital.

Qin Fen tried several times to change their minds, but they wouldn't budge. Finally, he conceded, "Fine! If that's how it is, I wish you all the best. I hope we can meet again someday after the zombies have been wiped out!"

Tang Bing thought to himself that it wasn't going to be that easy. Who would be eliminated first, humans or zombies? But he simply nodded in response.

"Is everyone else coming with me? Anyone else considering staying?" Qin Fen asked. Silence was the only reply.

Tang Bing's gaze fell on Qin Mengli in the crowd, stirring a pang of discomfort within him. Yet, he knew it was to be expected; he had anticipated this moment. He nodded to Qin Fen, "I hope you can get them safely to the military sanctuary in B City."

"It's going to take all of us working together; I can't do it alone," Qin Fen responded. "Well then, if no one else is staying, let's not waste any more time. Off to B City we go! Everyone, buckle up, we're setting off!"

"We should find a place to take cover for now!" Tang Bing checked the time; it was already 4 PM, and darkness would soon fall.

He swiftly climbed into the luxury car, casting one last look back at the bus. But Qin Mengli was out of sight, obscured from view.

What's the point? he thought, knowing the reality of their situation. With a heavy sigh, Tang Bing instructed, "Get in the car!"

"Sure thing!" Zhao Dagang and Sun Meng opened the car doors and settled into the luxury vehicle.

"We'll head this way. Farewell!" Tang Bing pointed to the left-hand road.

"We're going this direction. Here's to hoping our paths cross again!" Qin Fen gestured towards the road behind them. "Stay alive, that's the most important thing!"

"You too!" Tang Bing nodded, igniting the engine.

Qin Fen started his vehicle as well and hit the button to close the doors. "Let's move out. Together, we head for B City!"

"Wait!" In the nick of time, as the car door was swinging shut, Qin Mengli shot to her feet.

"What's up?" Qin Fen looked back, his face etched with confusion.

"Mengli?" Her female colleagues gazed at her, astonishment written across their faces.

Qin Mengli fell silent for a beat, her eyes tracking the luxury car ahead as it slowly reversed, angling to change its course. Then, with resolve, she declared, "I'm staying behind!"

"Have you lost your mind? Mengli, it's safer at the Sanctuary in City B!" Her colleagues were on their feet in an instant, trying to reason with her, "Why stay? For Tang Bing? You've said yourself you don't like him!"

"Yes!" Qin Mengli affirmed with a nod. "I don't like him, and I've no intention of dating him. But we've been classmates for four years, and he's always looked out for me! His hot temper wasn't a big deal before, but now it could cost him his life! I can't just leave him behind! Mr. Qin, please, open the door. I need to get out!"

"Are you certain?" Qin Fen pressed her, "You might regret it when it's too late!"

After a fierce internal battle, Qin Mengli gave a firm nod, "Please, let me out!"

"Alright then." Convinced by her determination, Qin Fen promptly opened the door and gave the horn a short honk.

At the sound of the horn, Tang Bing turned around just in time to see Qin Mengli stepping out of the car and jogging over to his. He froze, "What are you doing?"

"Open the door!" Qin Mengli demanded, her gaze icy.

"You're not heading to City B?" Tang Bing's brow furrowed in query.

"The heart can't easily leave its home," Qin Mengli countered, throwing Tang Bing's own words back at him.

"Get in, then," Tang Bing said, his face betraying no emotion, though his heart was a tumult only he could understand.

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