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Belle Miller at twenty three decides to lose her virginity to a stranger she met via an app named sex mate. After her one night stand with Ben, she hopes not to see him again but fate disagrees and lead her to him again. She finds out he is the famous Billionaire Ben Larkson and didn't know how to feel about it. On the other hand Ben wants her and even though he believes he doesn't love her just because he isn't a romantic, he still acts possessive over her. Read through to find out how his obsession for Belle turns into love, how he falls in love with her through their lust. ********* He leaned in and touched her lips with his, not kissing her yet, he just caressed her lips with his, teasing her because she closed her eyes when he leaned in, ready for a kiss. He sucked on her upper lips first, feeling how soft they were, he enveloped both her lips now and he heard that 'Mmnn' from her again, he loved it. She didn't return his kiss at first, she just let him play with her lips, she enjoyed it. She hadn't felt his tongue in her mouth yet, she wanted that, so she grabbed on to his neck, to kiss him back still with her eyes closed but he moved away from her a little, and she longed for those lips that just left hers. When she opened her eyes, he wasn't in front of her, he was behind her now. He kissed her neck and he got her soft moan again. He pulled on her dress's zipper at the back of the dress, exposing her bare back. With the tip of his nose, he caressed her naked shoulder, slowly moving to the nape of her neck. She tilted her head backwards when he began to place wet kisses across her back and when he stopped at her waist, where he had unzipped to, he made her dress fall from her body. Read more.....
Steamy Stories
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
"Compañera!" Escuchó a su lobo gruñir. Los ojos de Lancelot se posaron en el lugar donde ella le estrechó la palma. 'Tienes que estar bromeando.' ******** Lo había perdido todo en solo un día: el trabajo que tanto intentó encontrar, su prometido con el que salió la mitad de su vida y lo que quedaba de una relación con su hermana gemela. Lo único que no podía permitirse perder era lo que quedaba de su dignidad; ciertamente no en una boda que debería haber sido suya. Y por eso lo necesitaba a él, al apuesto extraño al otro lado de la calle. Lo que Roxanne Harvey no sabía era que este extraño había llegado para quedarse. Lancelot Dankworth, Príncipe Alfa del London Pride Pack no podía creer lo que veía. La loca americana que le gritaba a su asistente hizo que su lobo gruñera posesivamente por primera vez en 26 años. Nunca creyó que sería capaz de amar a nadie más, pero ¿por qué parece que no puede controlar sus emociones cuando está cerca de la loca estadounidense? Le encanta estar solo, siempre lo había estado, pero ¿por qué de repente estar separado de ella lo vuelve loco? No deberían estar juntos. Él es un príncipe alfa y ella es una mujer humana. Sin embargo, este hecho no le impide enamorarse perdidamente de ella. Con el oscuro pasado de Lancelot y sus numerosos enemigos, él lucha por protegerla de sus innumerables enemigos, así como de él mismo. ¿Su vínculo sería lo suficientemente fuerte como para conquistarlo todo? ¿O se perderían el uno al otro junto con ellos mismos?
Fantasy Romance
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
"¿Tu tenias un novio?" Stefan mordisqueó mi oreja, volviéndome loca. "Hmm" Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo temblara de emoción. " ¿Dormiste con el?" La voz ronca de Riven vino desde mi lado, sus manos recorrieron mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. "Noo..." Mi voz era entrecortada, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó hacia atrás sobre el pecho de Stefan. "¡No te preocupes, lo vamos a sacar de tu sistema!" Kevin prometió con su seductora voz profunda. …………… Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Dark Sapphire para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo esposo, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Dark Sapphire es una de las más ricas y Alpha Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. ¡Los famosos tripletes alfa! Por alguna razón desconocida, Triplet siempre despreció a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de hacer de su vida un infierno cuando ella entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará cuando sepa que los trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los dos trillizos, Kevin y Stefan, hagan todo lo posible para persuadirla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Podrá domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que hay zorros a su alrededor disfrazados de hombres lobo, que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (solo mayores de 18 años)
My Mate From Another World
My Mate From Another World
Adeline Galdur is a 20-year-old alpha’s daughter who doesn’t believe in a mate bond. She has a boyfriend and plans to get married, and mark him. She’s smart, strong, and also the pride of her pack. Kaiser Heroux is the fierce, strong, and powerful alpha of the Blue Moon Pack who enjoys intimate relations with different she-wolves, even as he waits for his mate. During one of his encounters, a witch placed a curse on him, decreeing that he would only find his mate in another world. Initially dismissing it, he continued with his life. When he encountered Adeline and suddenly disappeared, he remembered the curse the witch had placed on him. However, he chose to ignore it, attributing Adeline’s vanishing act to her intentions, which left him infuriated. Despite his feelings for her, he engaged with other she-wolves even more when he felt her infidelity. Adeline wasn’t sure what was happening—being pulled and pushed into Kaiser’s world. She couldn’t smell him yet, so she remained unaware that he was her mate. Consequently, she continued her relationship with Mike, causing Kaiser's unbearable pain which he get used to. When the Blue Moon appeared in Adeline’s world, she found herself back in Kaiser’s realm and finally smelled him. However, the sight of him engaging intimately with another she-wolf sparked her anger. How will they navigate their interdimensional bond when they have no idea when and how Adeline will come and go from Kaiser’s world? What challenges will they face when Kaiser’s counterpart in Adeline's world is an adversary she must confront, and when Adeline’s counterpart in Kaiser’s world is being used to separate them? Why do their paths cross when they hail from two different worlds?