The silent tears I cry every day wishing someone sees it.
-Who cares about the feelings of an Orphan?
-She's called the undesirable child.
-She knows she's unwanted.
Growing up in Bright's Orphanage hasn't been easy for Hazel and her best friends, but they always try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sticking to her friends and always smiling just to cover her pain is what she's good at.
What happens when one of the most wealthiest and influential couples in the world takes interest in adoption and decides to visit Bright Orphanage and a certain girl spikes their interest.
Throw in two of the most desirable, eligible, and cherished bachelors, who will do anything to have her in their arms.
She is thrown into a world she never thinks of being a part of, how she survives, and who will win her heart???
Find out in the journey of Hazel???????lg...
