The Golem Mage
The Golem Mage
Alec found himself reincarnated into a world where magic reigned supreme. He was initially confused by the turn of events, but little did he know that this was just the beginning of a much more extraordinary journey. As fate would have it, he soon discovered that he was the illegitimate son of one of the most influential families in the capital, the Blaze Clan but His grandfather, taking on the responsibility, cared for him until he was old enough to embark on his path as a mage. Ironically, Alec never truly grasped the significance of his family's ancient secrets, dismissing them as trivial. However, everything changed when he awakened his dormant system and gain abilities that made him unique. From that moment on, he dedicated himself to becoming one of the world's most renowned mages, all while working towards fulfilling his grandfather's unfulfilled aspirations and carrying on the golem mages' legacy.
Science Supremacy Magic
Science Supremacy Magic
What will you do when you one day wake up in a fantasy world filled with magic and risks? Follow the incredible journey of Rex as he ventures into a magical world that mirrors the European Middle Ages, but with one major difference: the magic here can affect and control the very building blocks of matter. As Rex delves deeper into this enchanted world, he discovers the truth about the wizards known as mages. They are not merely practitioners of magic but rather scientists who have devoted their lives to understanding the secrets of their world. However, their quest for knowledge is under siege by the Holy See, which sees them as opposites of God's will. Witness how Rex embarks on a thrilling adventure to uncover the truth about the world. He soon discovers that a scientific theory is the key to unlocking the full potential of magic. As he delved deeper into his research, he realized that he possessed a power unlike any other. But with the Holy See hot on the mages trail, Rex must race against time to unlock the secrets of magic and science before it's too late. Will he be able to overcome the forces that seek to destroy the magical world and usher in a new era of knowledge and enlightenment?
The Alpha Purple and The Queen of Luna
The Alpha Purple and The Queen of Luna
I Shawl Purple just loves Menia and his libido is active whenever he sees Menia. He always wants to make love when he meets Menia. He is a loyal partner. Unfortunately their families are hostile and against their romance. But purple did not give up. He chose to impregnate Menia. He did it on purpose because he wanted to show his power. Made everyone mad at him. And their clans war. The Purple clan is superior to the Pomp clan, even though the Pomp clan was desperately trying to defeat Purple. The clan Pomp remains far away. Actually, Purple and Pomp are still one blood, they are still brothers. because of an ego of the both, they founded their own country. Joe doesn't want the werewolf species to rule the world. A fairly influential reptilian, he infiltrated the Pomp clan into a low-level werewolf. He became an omega in the Pomp clan. And tried to approach Baraak Pomp (Menia's old brother) as the heir to the clan. Joe's strength is that he can change shape into anything, including being a werewolf in a certain time. Reptilian species are the most dangerous species in the world. He also pitted the Pomp and Purple clans against them until they continued to fight. Before that they couldn't do anything. They planned the assassination of Shawl Purple so that the intention was achieved to destroy the strongest clan. But this idea was accidentally discovered by Menia. At first, Menia hated Shawl at school because Shawl was known to be ignorant and mean to all the girls. Shawl often stalks Menia wherever Menia goes. Instead of being happy, Menia was afraid. Menia chooses to berate Shawl and they fight every day. After learning about Baraak and Joe's evil clans, Menia saves Shawl and helps him secretly. Every evil planning that Baraak and Joe wanted to carry out always failed. Shawl was also starting to feel weird. At first he accused Menia of taking revenge on him because he often felt unlucky. Menia and Shawl fight again but they end up expressing their love for each other. The love story of two hostile clans begins..
Queen of Fae
Queen of Fae
Never thought I'd fall for three gorgeous Fae— especially since it was my job to kill them. Yet, here I am, the fated mate of three Fae Lords, Guardians of the new Queen… me. Yeah, I'm still working on wrapping my mind around being royalty or even half-Fae. Not everyone is pleased to have a half-blood on the throne. Peachy! But I will fight for my sexy men because the desire and love I feel for them grows stronger every day. As I struggle to balance my new duties, lovers, and uniting the Seelie and Unseelie courts, those I thought I could trust the most, betray me. Now I'm learning that monsters can hide in plain sight. I just hope I live long enough to find the real evil before it destroys me and my men.
False Loneliness
False Loneliness
In the depths of a vast and mysterious forest where nothing is what it seems to be, Randall, a 20-year-old orphan and former soldier of the kingdom of Enzidax, will meet the companion who will completely change his life, begin a new adventure, and will discover that loneliness is not the key to not being hurt, along with his most loyal friends, he will travel paths that will lead him to discover the truth about his past, where he will have to make the most difficult decisions of his life, will he be able to keep by his side those he loves the most? That will only depend on how strong his will is, accompany him on his journey and you will find out.
Rahasia Sang CEO
Rahasia Sang CEO
Entah siapa yang harus sangat dibencinya. Mama atau papanya? Tak ada yang bisa disalahkan oleh Chris. Mamanya yang lebih dulu berselingkuh dengan kaki tangan papanya, di saat bisnis milik papanya semakin menanjak. Tapi setidaknya Howard tak menceraikan istrinya. Saat itu Howard sempat berkata jika Jane bisa melakukan hal seperti itu padanya, dia akan tetap bertahan tapi dia akan memberitahunya seperti apa rasa sakit dikhianati dengan memberinya 100x lipat pelajaran dari apa yang dia perbuat sebelumnya. Howard melakukannya, meski dia tahu dia membutuhkan Jane di sisinya, tapi membuat Jane bertahan untuk menikmati rasa sakit itu. “Chris,” panggil Jane sebelum puteranya benar-benar lenyap dari pandangan. “He-em?” “Menikahlah.” “Aku akan menikah jika aku sudah menghancurkan setengah dari populasi wanita di dunia,” jawab Chris santai, kemudian melenggang masuk ke dalam mobil.
Elizabeth Catherine Edwards and The Mighty Antimagic Spell
Elizabeth Catherine Edwards and The Mighty Antimagic Spell
Who would expect a story titled ANTIMAGIC to be about wizards, mystical creatures and fantastic, unusual adventures? Yet, it really is ... It's even more than that. You'll see if you read the story, that there is, beside all this, a spell, mightier than the strongest spells ever, even than Abracadabra. Yes, Antimagic is the most powerful magic of all known and unknown in the wizards' world, because it's a spell that can stop any magic, no matter how powerful it is. The narrative in Antimagic story will succeed not only in helping the children's minds to imagine fantasy worlds or to create their own stories with fairies, princesses, famous wizards or knights, because they already know how to do it, but it will develop even more their thinking and desire to KNOW. Reading this book they'll see and understand what all wizard students got after their decision to study magic at the famous and old Elmbridge School of Magic. What they all got is that they'll become skilled and wise wizards and magicians only through study and long and painstaking search for knowledge. And even more than that, this book will help grown-ups too to remember to dream again, because we, grown-ups, kind of forgot to do that. Therefore, dear readers, young or grown-ups, enjoy the lines of this book and discover with Elizabeth Catherine Edwards and her friends the mysteries of magic. Go through many and wonderful events with the heroes of this book, more or less unusual, strange. Swim with her and her friends in the mysterious waters of the Purple Oasis. Run with them from the dangers that are all over the Ancient Forest and into the maze beneath Elmbridge School of Magic. Admire together imposing creatures such as ogres, carticors, fantastic hybrid mole-elephant-badgers, lycanthropes and many others interesting as well. Enjoy this book, which will show you that in order to become a great wizard in Elizabeth Catherine Edwards' magic world you must embrace learning and knowledge.