Deep Trial Of Love/C18 Painful
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Deep Trial Of Love/C18 Painful
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C18 Painful

Her heart was filled with anger, but Linda, who was sitting opposite her, still said apologetically, "Jamila, I'm sorry. I have something to do, so I'll be leaving first. You can eat here!"

"Alright, I'm fine. If you have something to do, go ahead."

Seeing Linda's hurried back, Jamila snorted and stood up to follow Linda's direction.

The sunset in the west finally could not withstand the grinding of time. It fell into the valley, and the mountain peak devoured the last ray of light.

Following the instructions of Kurt, Linda soon arrived at the underground parking lot of the building.

From afar, Linda saw Kurt leaning against a brown Bentley. She could not help but curse in her heart. As expected, the rich were different. They could change to a branded car every few days.

Through the dim light, Linda could clearly see Kurt's figure.

The man's clean and white face was cold and handsome. His dark and deep eyes were filled with a charming luster. His thick eyebrows, straight nose, and beautiful lips were all flamboyant and elegant.

Sometimes, the Creator was extremely unfair. He gave him a noble and illustrious family background, but also gave him a face that was filled with anger.

However, under this beautiful skin, the pure and kind heart was no longer there.

Right now, Kurt's body was filled with disgusting and nauseating faces.

Ever since she found out that Kurt had a fiancée and wanted her to be his mistress, Linda's remaining love for him had been completely wiped out.

At this moment, Linda looked at Kurt in front of her, and she didn't have a good expression on her face.

Before Linda could say anything, Kurt crossed his arms and stared at the woman with interest. "What do you think?"

"Impossible," Linda blurted out, her face filled with determination.

Her stubborn eyes had unknowingly aroused the desire for conquest that Kurt had buried in his heart for many years. He grabbed her by the waist and pressed her against the Bentley.

Linda was furious. "Kurt, let go of me. This is a public place. Please pay attention."

"Do you think I'm worried about whether this is a public place or a private place?" The corner of Kurt's mouth curled into a smile that was not a smile.

"Why don't I remind you that you have a fiancée. If the paparazzi were to report you, do you think you'll be safe?" Linda tried to warn him.

However, Kurt was not worried at all. "If I was worried about being photographed, I wouldn't have asked you to be my mistress. However, I might as well tell you that if you don't listen to me and let others photograph you with me, the one who will be affected the most will definitely not be me. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Linda's struggling movements paused.

Kurt was right. She was the only one who would be affected the most when she saw the report, and not him.

Just as Linda was in a daze, the man's warm and thin lips pressed against hers.

"Ugh …" Linda was stunned. She felt as if an electric current was numbing all the nerves in her body.

The man's handsome face was just inches away from her. The unique aura on his body lingered in her breath, causing her heart to palpitate. Even her thoughts could not help but slow down.

Just as she was about to struggle free, the man actually pried open her teeth. Feeling this, Linda bit his lips.

The man was in pain and quickly left Linda's mouth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Linda ignored everything else and pushed away Kurt and ran out of the underground parking lot.

Seeing the woman running away again, Kurt licked the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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