Deep Trial Of Love

Deep Trial Of Love

He dared to discuss unspoken rules with her right after meeting her?
He dared to pretend he did not know her?
He even dared to act like he did not know her and wanted her to be his mistress?
Good! Chen, you are so arrogant!
That was one thing, but he actually asked his assistant to come all the way here to tell her to stay away from the man. Otherwise, she would not be able to see him tomorrow!
His fiancée came to provoke him, and she wanted to fight back, but he said indifferently that she should be more cultured. After all, she was someone who had been a socialite.
She wanted to pack her things and leave, but he threw her onto the bed directly. His tone was cold. If she wanted to leave, she had not slept enough yet.
Damn it, was she against him or not?
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Modern Romance
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