Doomsday Hegemony/C22 The Team Was First Established
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Doomsday Hegemony/C22 The Team Was First Established
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C22 The Team Was First Established

"Boss, where have you been? You look like you're doing pretty well for yourself. And how did little Yaya get so strong?" Kong Yifan inquired on behalf of everyone.

Lin Chen replied with a smug grin, "Haha, there was this doomsday prophecy online a couple of days ago, and I bought into it. So, I called Yaya over, stocked up on some supplies, and booked a room at the Cloud Hotel to wait it out. Sorry for not giving you guys a heads-up, but if I had and doomsday didn't show, I'd have lost face as your leader. Plus, I figured you'd all see the post but probably wouldn't believe it. Turns out, I was right. And now, here I am, back to rescue you all."

Tian Dagang chimed in, "Boss, you, Yaya, this guy, and this girl—all of you are so strong. Did you awaken some kind of powers?"

"Well, after Yaya and I woke up, we took down a few zombies and felt a surge of strength and agility. Yaya even unlocked her wood-type extrasensory abilities. Lee Jun and Lee Ying come from a family steeped in martial arts, so they've always been skilled. What about you guys? Any awakenings?"

"Boss, I've developed a speed ability," Yu Yang said, shooting Lin Chen a covert glance.

Xu Peng announced, "I've gained a strength ability."

Du Hai added, "I've awakened an ability related to my vision."

Kong Yifan admitted with a hint of embarrassment, "Unfortunately, Da Gang and I haven't awakened any abilities."

Lin Chen clapped Kong Yifan on the shoulder, reassuring him, "Yifan, don't lose hope. The apocalypse is just getting started. Keep fighting, and chances are you'll awaken something too."

"Boss, hearing you call me by my name is still something I'm getting used to."

"Really, Yifan? I figured with the times changing, I should use your name as a sign of respect. Or would you rather I stuck with 'Second Brother'?"

"No, no, keep calling me by my name, Boss," Kong Yifan conceded.

Internally, Yu Yang snickered. This newfound respect also implied a formality, a sign of growing distance. Clearly, there was tension between the boss and his second-in-command.

"Yifan, aren't you going to introduce us to the rest of the group?" Lin Chen asked.

The others quickly stepped forward to introduce themselves.

They were Shen Huan with the ability to harden skin, Deng Shulin with speed, and Peng Jun with enhanced hearing. The others, Feng Fei, Zhang Guang, Wei Shengping, and Fan Haiyang, had yet to awaken their abilities. All seven expressed their willingness to follow Lin Chen's lead.

Lin Chen, with a sense of relief, addressed them, "To my brothers who haven't awakened their abilities yet, don't lose heart. It's been shown that abilities often awaken during battle. Just keep fighting, and you may find yourself awakened in the blink of an eye. Since you've all agreed to recognize me as your leader, I promise to guide us through this apocalypse. Enough talk; let's get to work."

Before they began, Lin Chen handed out two Miao blades to Yu Yang and Xu Peng, justifying that since they had awakened their abilities, they were key members of the combat team.

With more hands, the work was easier! In five minutes, they cleared the third-floor corridor. On this level, three students volunteered to join the fight. Kong Yifan and his group had already cleared the fourth floor. The fifth, sixth, and seventh floors took less than twenty minutes to clear, with eight more students joining the fray.

The team now boasted twenty-two members with combat experience. Ye Tingting and Jiang Mei weren't considered combatants, but even so, with Lin Chen occasionally letting them practice on weaker zombies, they managed to take one down together.

At 11:30 AM, Lin Chen called a meeting for all the survivors of building 47 on the rooftop. The headcount revealed 2400 beds, over 2200 occupants, but only 370 survivors—a survival rate of less than 20%. In many cases, if one person in a dorm turned into a zombie, the rest were doomed.

Lin Chen got straight to the point, "There may be dangers on our way to the cafeteria, so anyone who prefers to wait for rescue should head back to their dorms now."

Over 90 people chose safety over risk. The remaining 270-plus decided to retreat. Standing before them, Lin Chen spoke earnestly, "I appreciate your trust. I'll do everything in my power to ensure our survival, but you must follow my lead. I won't send you to your deaths. Once we reach the Fourteenth Cafeteria, I won't make such demands again."

Everyone was in agreement.

"Those who believe they can take on the zombies, step forward. If you're still grappling with your fears, stay where you are."

This time, 110 people stepped forward, including four individuals with Extrasensory Perception abilities.

The ones who stepped forward were brave and intelligent. They understood that from this point on, survival meant taking risks.

Lin Chen was aware that among them, one was an Innate Evolver, while the other three were Acquired Evolvers.

Yet, the current ESP users were not much different in their effectiveness from those with physical enhancements; in fact, they might even be less effective. Therefore, Lin Chen didn't give these four ESP users much thought.

As long as they didn't challenge Lin Chen for leadership, he was content to overlook them for the time being.

"Those who stepped forward, quickly divide yourselves into 11 groups based on who you know. Each group should have 10 people."


"Each group will elect a leader. The remaining nine will form three-person squads."


"Everyone, start dismantling the bed frames to create makeshift spears, gather supplies, and pack your bags. Those who prefer not to fight will be assigned to logistics. However, you must carry a long steel pipe to fend off any zombies that come too close. When we march, logistics will stay at the back for protection but will be expected to carry the combatants' gear. You're only allowed to bring blankets, clothing, and food in your luggage—nothing else. From now on, you will address me as 'Captain.' Our strategy is to first clear out the zombies at the left gatehouse, then secure the Cultural and Sports Activity Center of the Engineering Department. Once secured, we'll proceed to rescue the occupants of buildings No. 48 and No. 49, followed by the female dormitories of the Engineering Department."

A voice asked hesitantly, "Captain, can our combat team really pull off this rescue mission? Also, I've joined the combat team, but I have no experience fighting. What should I do?"

Lin Chen replied with a smile, "You've asked an excellent question. Regarding the combat team, we'll recruit brave fighters, including women willing to battle, to bolster our ranks with each building we liberate. As for those of you without combat experience, we won't throw you into the fray against the zombies right away. We'll provide opportunities for you to get acclimated and will offer maximum support when danger arises."

"If there are no issues, let's take action immediately. In fifteen minutes, meet at the right-side entrance."


At 11:50 AM, in front of the right-side entrance of Building 47, nearly three hundred people stood ready.

Over one hundred and sixty logistics staff each shouldered more than three blankets, with food bags in their left hands and two-meter steel pipes in their right.

The new combat recruits were lightly equipped, gripping simple spears with an air of tension.

"Logistics, fall back. New combatants, hold your positions and await my command!"

The large gathering had already drawn the attention of zombies lurking near the left-side entrance, who began to slowly drift their way.

Lin Chen stepped forward briskly, catching the gaze of the zombies ahead, then swiftly retreated.

The twenty-plus zombies in front hastened their steps to follow.

Once these zombies were distanced from the main horde, Lin Chen signaled Lin Ya, Lee Jun, and Lee Ying, who sprang into action. A flurry of thuds later, the twenty zombies lay with limbs shattered, groaning on the ground.

Lin Chen commanded, "Yifan, help drag these zombies to the rear. Members of the first and second teams, each of you take a zombie and shoot for three minutes."

Before long, some combatants were overtaken by nausea.

Yet, they all endured, tormenting the zombies for three minutes before delivering the final blow.

Lin Chen kept drawing zombies out, ensuring each new combat recruit killed one, helping them surmount their initial fears.

A handful of logistics members joined in the grim task, unchecked by Lin Chen.

Opportunities, after all, are reserved for the ready.

In three days, such leisurely practice would be impossible.

In three days, facing the same horde, Lin Chen would be under immense pressure; it wouldn't be so easy to dispatch zombies for training.

The zombies, in three days' time, would have heightened predatory instincts and a significantly wider sensory range. Any slight gathering of humans would swiftly trigger a besieging tide of undead.

Once the recruits were acclimated, Lin Chen and his three companions began to incapacitate the zombies, allowing the new members to finish them off.

A trio comprised the team: one focused on offense, another on defense, and the third kept watch. The team leader provided comprehensive support—a straightforward yet effective tactic.

After all the new recruits had dispatched zombies with disabled arms but still mobile, Lin Chen began to release intact zombies for them to hunt in coordination. He assigned Yu Yang and Deng Shulin, both with enhanced speed abilities, to provide overall support.

Amidst the apocalyptic crisis, the new combatants rapidly matured. Within mere minutes, they transformed from scholarly novices to seasoned butchers.

Twenty minutes in, the recruits were well-versed in the zombie-killing routine.

Lin Chen then gave the green light for the eleven teams to devise and implement their own strategies.

Seasoned members with abilities stood by, observing and intervening only when a team became overwhelmed by the undead.

Yu Yang seized a moment to quietly confide in Lin Chen about his newly awakened Invisibility ESP, mentioning he had shared this secret with no one else.

Lin Chen had already detected the surge of energy within Yu Yang, aware of his ESP awakening. Seeing that Yu Yang had kept it under wraps, Lin Chen chose to remain silent.

In his past life, Yu Yang's unwavering loyalty had seen him accompany Lin Chen through thick and thin—from their school days to the Oldlight Base, through the Gold Capital Base, the ancient capital base, back to their hometown, and finally to the Imperial Capital Base, where Yu Yang met his end defending Lin Chen.

In this life, Lin Chen's trust in Yu Yang was unparalleled.

Previously, Yu Yang possessed only speed. Now, with Lin Chen's guidance, he had unlocked the Invisibility ESP, promising even greater assistance to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen clapped Yu Yang on the shoulder, instructing him to maintain his concealment.

Half an hour later, the horde of five to six hundred zombies lay vanquished, with the team emerging unscathed.

The new recruits surveyed the sea of fallen bodies, scarcely able to believe these were the fruits of their fledgling efforts.

They recognized, of course, that without Lin Chen's astute leadership and robust protection, such feats would have been impossible.

Lin Chen's authority soared with each victory.

The journey ahead promised to be lighter. With the powered individuals holding back, the new recruits plowed through, making their way toward the cultural activity center.

On their journey, the group came across a convenience store.

Once they had dispatched all the zombies inside, Lin Chen directed them to solve the lunch dilemma on the spot, with permission to eat their fill of anything available.

With everyone satisfied, the logistics team gathered numerous bags and cleared out the store's shelves of food. They also managed to hoist boxes filled with provisions from the storage area onto steel pipes and carry them off.

Unable to transport all the food at once, Lin Chen instructed each combatant to pack a small backpack with over ten kilograms of food, effectively emptying the store's supply.

Thankfully, the store was well-stocked with various bags and backpacks, ensuring there were more than enough for everyone.

By twelve-thirty, Lin Chen's team had successfully taken over the cultural activity center.

The area surrounding the center was cleared of zombies, providing the survivors who had joined Lin Chen with a much-needed safe haven.

At this point, all 130 members of Lin Chen's combat team had become seasoned veterans. Lin Chen breathed a tentative sigh of relief.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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