Doomsday Hegemony/C24 He Expressed His Attitude.
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Doomsday Hegemony/C24 He Expressed His Attitude.
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C24 He Expressed His Attitude.

At one in the afternoon on doomsday, over four hundred surviving students converged on the rooftop of Dormitory No. 48 at Y University's Engineering Department, jubilantly electing members for their self-rescue committee.

Lin Chen, accompanied by more than eighty combat team members, watched the 'election' unfold with a detached amusement.

Seizing a teachable moment, Lin Chen turned to Lin Ya and asked, "Yaya, do you think what they're doing is right?"

Lin Ya furrowed her brow. "Brother, even I can see that a unified voice is crucial for effectively handling a crisis. How can these bright minds from Y University not grasp that?"

The fighters broke out in a nervous sweat. "If you're the weak one, Auntie, what does that make us? Chopped liver?"

With a sardonic smile, Lin Chen replied, "These high-IQ individuals surely grasp the concept. They just haven't come to terms with the harshness of the apocalypse or faced reality yet. Their overflowing sense of free will has made them resistant to taking orders. And indeed, many see the crisis as a chance for personal gain."

"An opportunity? What kind?"

After tuning into the emotions of the dozen or so emerging leaders, Lin Ya whispered, "Brother, I get it now. Those vying for leadership are brimming with a desire to control."

Lin Chen responded quietly, "Yaya, that's a facet of true human nature. Even in peril, they're eager to seize any chance for power, no matter how illusory it may be."

Lin Ya nodded, the chill on her face deepening.

Eventually, the election for the committee wrapped up, with nine individuals securing their spots, each backed by the Superpowered.

Kong Yifan, with the support of Du Hai and Tian Dagang, as well as his own solid reputation, snagged a seat. Bai Zhengfeng's protégé, Lu Yi, who had awakened his power and enhanced his strength, along with his influential family, was a shoo-in for the committee.

Among the remaining six, four were Espers, and two had undergone physical enhancement.

Lin Chen abstained from the election, but the group, recognizing his influence, respectfully reserved a place for him.

It was an unspoken truth among them that Lin Chen's team was the most formidable force to reckon with.

Dai Cheng relayed the news to Lin Chen, who remained noncommittal.

The election for the executive committee's president, vice president, and various other positions was underway.

Bai Zhengfeng was set on securing the presidency. He had a solid plan: by winning the position and leveraging Lin Chen's team's formidable combat prowess, he could quickly rally numerous survivors and earn significant political clout. This would not only enhance his uncle's reputation upon their return to the government's sanctuary but also bring him immeasurable personal gain.

For now, Lin Chen was useful to him. Once the danger had passed, if Lin Chen proved compliant, he'd keep him on as a loyal enforcer. If not, Bai Zhengfeng would dispose of him without a second thought.

During his campaign speech, Bai Zhengfeng declared, "...As the former vice president of Y University's student union and president of the Engineering Department, I possess exceptional organizational skills. Most importantly, as everyone is aware, my uncle is a prominent figure in our Bai family... Therefore, if I am elected as the committee's president, I assure you that upon our return to the government's survival enclave, I will secure substantial advantages for our group and pave the way for everyone's bright future..."

His fervent speech was abruptly cut off by Lin Chen.

"Bai Zhengfeng, hold on a moment; I have something to say."

"Lin Chen, aren't you aware that it's rude to interrupt someone? Moreover, I'm in the middle of a serious campaign speech. If you wish to speak, you can do so after I've finished."

"If my interruption has upset you, I apologize. But I need to remind everyone that saving lives is urgent, like extinguishing a fire. While we're safe here, many of our peers are still awaiting rescue. I've done my duty as a fellow Engineering Department student, and my conscience is clear. Given our profound differences, it's best we part ways. You can continue with your electioneering; I'm going to lead those who choose to join me in making a difference in the world. Farewell to the rest of you."

With that, Lin Chen and his team set off, leaving the onlookers in shock.

Without Lin Chen's formidable combat strength, what could they possibly achieve?

Bai Zhengfeng was growing impatient. Lin Chen was playing the game by his own rules, refusing to be swayed by the crowd, and had just dropped a bombshell. Bai was caught completely off guard by this turn of events.

"Hold on! Lin Chen, is your refusal to collaborate with me because I took Qiao Yilan from you? I can give her back to you. You can't just abandon everyone and walk away!"

Lin Chen's expression chilled noticeably.

"Bai Zhengfeng, Master Bai, you've got it all wrong. This issue has absolutely nothing to do with Qiao Yilan. But to put your mind at ease, I'll clarify my stance on this matter right here, in front of everyone."

"Bai Zhengfeng, from what I understand, you didn't resort to any dirty tricks with Qiao Yilan; you simply bought her compliance with money. As for us students, our financial status is a reflection of our parents' circumstances, so I won't blame my parents for not being wealthier, nor will I feel that my dignity has been compromised. I see it as you having shown me a woman's true colors."

"Regarding the incident a few days ago when I confronted you and ended up being reprimanded, that was my mistake for not seeing the situation clearly, for not facing reality. I brought that upon myself. So, while I hold some resentment towards you, I have no intention of settling this with violence."

"Qiao Yilan chose money over me. I'm not the type to harbor resentment, so I won't hate her. But I'm also not the type to offer warm wishes, so I won't bless her either. The moment she chose money over me, she became just another acquaintance, no longer a part of my life."

"Bai Zhengfeng, consider yourself lucky that you didn't stoop to foul play. Everything was Qiao Yilan's choice. Had you used any disgraceful tactics, trust me, I wouldn't hesitate because of who you are. Even if the end of the world hadn't happened, I'd find a way to deal with you. And now, if I wanted to take you down, it would be as simple as willing it to happen."

"Don't be so naive as to think that your henchman's police pistol can save you. Times have changed. Against someone with Superpowers, a mere pistol is practically useless, provided they stay alert."

"I'm not pleased with you, but I haven't taken action because I don't want to give anyone the impression that I still care about Qiao Yilan. I've truly banished her from my heart; she's now irrelevant to me. I refuse to act on her account."

"Don't flatter yourself by thinking you've cuckolded me, nor should you entertain any petty thoughts about stepping into my cast-off shoes. It would only diminish us both."

"From this moment, we reassess our relationship. Friendship is out of the question—I harbor dissatisfaction toward you, and we're not aligned. Whether we become enemies is up to you, not me."

"Bai Zhengfeng, Master Bai, do you grasp what I'm saying?"

In his past life, Lin Chen would have resorted to the sword at the slightest grievance. If openly confronting someone wasn't viable, he'd resort to subterfuge.

However, in dealing with Bai Zhengfeng now, he's chosen to suppress his discontent. Firstly, he has no desire to engage in conflict over someone like Qiao Yilan. More importantly, he has significant concerns—Yaya and his parents. He can't just take Yaya and roam the world at the onset of the apocalypse, can he?

And what about their parents if the siblings were to wander? The government is still formidable in the early days of the apocalypse. If he were to harm Bai Zhengfeng now, the Bai family would unleash their power to pursue him globally, and his parents would surely suffer the Bai family's vengeance.

Endurance is a virtue, albeit a painful one. In the future, he'd been intimate with many notable women for no more than a biscuit or a slice of bread. That's just the harsh reality of life.

Looking back, the issue with Qiao Yilan truly isn't significant.

As for Bai Zhengfeng, he can be dealt with when the opportunity arises. If it's not the right time, then it can wait.

Bai Zhengfeng's complexion turned a shade paler.

It wasn't surprising to Lin Chen that his lackey had a gun; it was common knowledge.

As a scion of a political dynasty, how could he fail to grasp the subtext in Lin Chen's remarks?

The chill and resolve in Lin Chen's voice were unmistakable, leaving him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Lin Chen's message was clear: Don't use Qiao Yilan as a pretext, and don't even think about manipulating me. Play your games as you wish, but keep me out of them. If you insist on plotting against me, we'll be at odds instantly.

With the apocalypse upon them and the times having shifted, Bai Zhengfeng, despite his disdain for Lin Chen, prudently ceased his attempts to provoke and exploit him, sealing his lips in chagrin.

He vowed silently: A smart man knows better than to take a loss head-on. Lin Chen, don't assume you're untouchable without your grandfather's support. It's better that you're gone. Minus a few enforcers, there's no one left to interfere with my plans. Our paths will cross again.

Seeing Bai Zhengfeng's silence, Lin Chen refrained from further provocation.

Addressing the crowd, Lin Chen declared, "Everyone, you can't deny that it's my efforts that have kept you safe. I don't expect your gratitude, nor do you have the right to dictate my actions. To be frank, aiding you is a courtesy, while refusing is my prerogative. We're at a major crossroads regarding our next moves. I believe there should be one unified voice within our team, while you advocate for democratic decision-making. So, let's agree to disagree. Those who share my vision, come with me and heed my guidance—I'll do my utmost to ensure your safety. Those who don't, stay here and join this democratic ensemble."

"I'm offering you all one last opportunity to choose. In three minutes, I'll be leading the team out to rescue others."

Lin Ya watched her brother with admiration shining in her eyes. She saw in him the makings of a true leader. Her brother was incredible!

His words also sparked deep reflection in her, and she felt herself maturing swiftly.

Three minutes later, not a single combatant who had opted to side with Lin Chen defected to the democratic team.

The combat team members sneered at those clamoring for democracy.

"Damn, in this dire situation, the importance of a strong and wise leader can't be overstated! Following such a leader and adhering to his plans, that's how you ensure your survival," they thought.

Those demanding democracy seemed to have lost their minds. Their time to weep was surely coming.

Ironically, while the autocratic group remained intact, about twenty individuals from the pro-democracy side defected, seeking to join the autocrats.

These twenty had come to realize that democracy doesn't fill bellies. In times of crisis, a sagacious and powerful dictator seemed far more dependable.

Lin Chen welcomed these twenty without objection.

Before departing, Lin Chen addressed the remaining group: "Let me share my initial strategy. I planned to clear the three male and two female dormitory buildings of the Engineering Department and secure the route to the Fourteenth Cafeteria before nightfall. My intention was to escort everyone to the cafeteria to hunker down and await rescue, as there's ample food to sustain us until help arrives. This plan remains unchanged."

"We've taken over the gymnasium. The route there is relatively safe, though there might be a few stray zombies. If you're heading there to wait, please keep the noise down to avoid drawing a horde. If you're relocating, make sure to bring enough gear to keep warm."

"That's all. Take care, everyone."

With that, Lin Chen led his hundred-strong team down from the rooftop, leaving the democracy advocates exchanging bewildered glances.

Earlier, as Lin Chen's team had stormed Building No. 48, the survivors there had taken a page from Lin Chen's playbook, dismantling steel frame beds to forge makeshift weapons. Consequently, nearly everyone was armed, sparing Lin Chen any concern over equipping the newcomers.

Meanwhile, the survivors in Building No. 49, witnessing the activity on the rooftop of No. 48, started crafting their own weapons in anticipation of the rescue team's arrival.

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