Doomsday Hegemony/C29 They Parted Ways.
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Doomsday Hegemony/C29 They Parted Ways.
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C29 They Parted Ways.

At 5:27 PM, nearly two thousand students from the Engineering Department streamed into the first floor of the Fourteenth Cafeteria.

Spanning seven to eight thousand square meters, the cafeteria could seat four to five thousand diners at once. With less than two thousand students present, the atmosphere was lively but far from overcrowded.

The students collectively breathed a sigh of relief—they had made it to safety at last.

Once the shutter door clanged shut, the cafeteria was softly illuminated by dozens of candles, a precaution against power outages.

Lin Chen instructed all the students to gather in the center of the hall. He procured a battery-powered megaphone, typically used to maintain order, and stepped forward to address the crowd.

"Congratulations to all my fellow Engineering Department students on successfully relocating to this temporary haven. I'm Lin Chen, a senior from the International Trade Department. Some of you know me; those who don't, well, you probably recognize me by now. Yes, I was the one who organized this rescue operation. While the success we've achieved is due to the collective efforts of many, I cannot deny that I played a crucial role."

Lin Chen's self-praise drew a wave of chuckles from the crowd, yet no one disputed his claim.

The students of Y University were known for their 'if not me, then who' attitude, and they took Lin Chen's self-promotion in stride.

"I'm not here to tout my achievements or seek your gratitude. I don't need that, nor am I anyone's savior. The reason I've done all this is because I've gained some unique abilities since this cursed apocalypse began. Many of you have acquired similar powers. I organized this rescue to be able to look back without regret, knowing I risked my life for you."

"The apocalypse has unleashed chaos without rhyme or reason. This world has seen countless anomalies, and it's likely more will follow. Many of you have probably drawn on apocalyptic fiction to guess what might come next. I have my own theories."

"Now, I plan to act on those theories. I'm ready to lead those who trust in me out of here, to navigate the perils of this new world."

"Some of you may have already figured out why I'm leaving this place of safety and what I intend to do next."

"Absolutely, I can say with certainty that I am on a quest to seek power."

"I've been a staunch believer in the apocalypse, convinced that it's inevitable. I've devoured countless apocalyptic novels and films, and have spent endless hours pondering how I'd fight if doomsday truly arrived. Recently, the internet has been rife with apocalyptic prophecies, and I've prepared extensively. Turns out, I was right."

"Just the other day, everyone experienced an enhancement in their physical abilities. And today, some have even developed various forms of Extrasensory Perception. It's clear evidence that the constraints on human evolution have been unlocked."

"I'm ready to dive into this perilous world to strive for power, to better my chances of survival in this apocalyptic age."

"Perhaps I'll meet a swift end, but I harbor no regrets!"

"Apocalyptic literature is rich with descriptions of doomsday scenarios and power evolution systems. I encourage my fellow students remaining here to pool our knowledge, drawing from literature and personal experiences, to devise fundamental strategies for navigating the apocalypse and methods for acquiring power to enhance our survival."

"Ultimately, I hope our government swiftly quells the apocalypse, ushering in a return to peace. I also wish for all of you to thrive."

"And a final thought for everyone: No one belongs to anyone else; self-reliance trumps all."

After setting down the megaphone, Lin Chen disregarded the stunned faces around him and addressed his team with clarity, "You've all heard my speech. Now, you have three minutes to make your choice once more. Will you opt for the safety of this place, awaiting government rescue, or will you join me in embracing the perils of the unknown? Remember, while I'll do everything in my power to ensure your safety, I can't make absolute guarantees. Your lives are ultimately in your own hands."

The team members exchanged glances.

Following a brief but intense period of contemplation, over thirty women and more than twenty men decided against joining Lin Chen on his perilous journey.

Though they had gained combat experience, their inner reserves of courage had been depleted.

Lin Chen showed no sign of disappointment as he prepared to move out.

A hesitant voice emerged from the crowd, "Senior Lin Chen, may I join your combat team now? If I do, will I receive your battle training?"

Numerous requests echoed through the air, all from those who had previously shouldered the burden of carrying luggage. Lin Chen's recent speech had snapped them out of their daze, and having grown accustomed to the violence they'd encountered along the way, their psychological restraints were nearly shattered. They were now entertaining the idea of taking control of their own destinies.

As Lin Chen prepared to depart, they were eager to grab hold of this final chance. With a slight smile, Lin Chen responded, "Certainly. I'll offer you all the assistance within my power."

It's often said that a woman's spirit is more resilient than a man's, and this was evident as over forty women stepped forward to join Lin Chen's combat team, compared to just a dozen men. Consequently, the composition of Lin Chen's group remained over two hundred strong, albeit with a shifted gender balance—over a hundred men and just over a hundred women.

Lin Chen instructed everyone to travel light, equipped only with basic tools and some carrying backpacks. At 5:33 PM, the crowd in the Fourteenth Cafeteria watched as Lin Chen's team rolled up the shutter door and vanished into the twilight, leaving many feeling a profound sense of loss.

A sense of disparity began to creep in among them, a premonition that from this point on, they would fall behind Lin Chen's team. The future achievements of Lin Chen's members were likely to far exceed those of most people present.

Of course, there were skeptics who ridiculed those following Lin Chen, labeling them brainless for venturing out so late, oblivious to the dangers that might lead to their untimely demise.

Bai Zhengfeng and the other fourteen leaders, though somewhat admiring and envious of Lin Chen's bravery, felt a wave of relief. Had Lin Chen stayed, he would have been the one calling the shots in the cafeteria. Now that he was gone, they could take the reins.

Moreover, the current military strength of the cafeteria was deemed sufficient to ensure its safety, rendering the formidable combat power of Lin Chen's team less critical.

In hushed tones, some questioned, "Where could they possibly be going at this hour?" Those aware of Lin Chen's recent endeavors spoke up, "Lin Chen is likely heading to the Cloud Hotel. He took refuge there last night and launched the rescue operation from there this morning. Besides, the path has been cleared. The occasional stray zombie is hardly a challenge for their team."

It goes without saying that this individual had uncovered the truth.

"Ah, the hotel! The environment there is far superior to this place. Had I known sooner, I would've followed Senior Lin Chen."

"Give it a rest. Joining Lin Chen's team means you're signing up for combat. Looking like a frightened quail, you're lucky you haven't been reduced to tears by the zombies."

Someone began to scheme, "The path is clear now. Let's just handle tonight here. Tomorrow, we can head over and join them. The hotel has plenty of rooms; they can't possibly occupy them all."

Another countered, "But the hotel's food supply is limited. Lin Chen's team might not even last a few days. Do you plan to go without eating?"

"We're all classmates. I can't believe he'd just ignore us."

"Did you not listen to Lin Chen's final speech? He said he's fulfilled his obligations to us. Plus, he made it clear with 'no one owes anyone anything.' His stance couldn't be clearer. Why go and make a nuisance of yourself? Do you really think he owes you that level of care? How entitled do you think you are?"

"How could he do this to us?"

But that last question fell on deaf ears.

Most people, proud and self-reliant, believed it was best not to pester Lin Chen unless absolutely necessary.

Besides, given Lin Chen's attitude, it seemed likely that any attempt to bother him would be in vain.

That evening, after the group leaders had settled the survivors and everyone had eaten, they truly came together.

By the flickering candlelight, they pooled their knowledge, drawing from apocalyptic literature and personal experience, to craft a 'Doomsday Strategy.'

While much of it was based on conjecture and reasoning, the strategy's innovative approach was undeniable.

Within a couple of days, Lin Chen's team had taken the essence of this strategy, compiled it into a manual, and disseminated it throughout Y University. It became a guide for the university's self-rescue efforts, giving Y University's survivors an evolutionary edge in the early days of the apocalypse.

Many of the formidable talents that emerged later had their roots in Y University.

As the apocalypse intensified, the strategy was continuously refined and even garnered attention from various bases and the central pivot.

This strategy sprang from Lin Chen's advice, and it has certainly put an emphatic exclamation point on his already legendary exploits!

At 5:33 PM, dusk was on the verge of giving way to total darkness.

Lin Chen, having led his team away from the Fourteenth Cafeteria, was now poised to reclaim the Cloud Hotel.

Given the advancing hour, Lin Chen refrained from training the new recruits in combat. His only directive was for them to stick with the group and not get separated.

He assigned the seasoned experts to scout the flanks while he himself charged ahead, his extrasensory perception fanned out, personally clearing the path.

With the team lacking night combat experience and skills, the task fell squarely on his shoulders.

He had fought his way through this route just that morning, leaving it largely zombie-free.

Any stray undead that did meander in from elsewhere were swiftly dispatched by Lin Chen, causing barely a ripple in the team's steady march.

Witnessing Lin Chen's formidable combat prowess firsthand, the team's morale soared.

Though many were in the dark about their destination, not a single question was raised. Their faith in Lin Chen was unshakable; they trusted he wouldn't lead them astray.

Achieving this level of unwavering trust from his team was precisely Lin Chen's aim.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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