Nine Flames Sovereign/C30 The Giant Poisonous Bee
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Nine Flames Sovereign/C30 The Giant Poisonous Bee
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C30 The Giant Poisonous Bee

Han Feng had learned from Instructor Lin that Aquatic Arowanas, before reaching maturity, are never left alone by their elders, such as their parents. The solitary Aquatic Arowana Han Feng had consumed in the river could only be alone for one reason: its parents were long deceased. This knowledge gave Han Feng the confidence to eat the fish without fear of retribution.

The Jade Peak Mountain Range was home to numerous Devil Beast clans, including the formidable Giant Tree Monster. Without the company of Instructor Lin and three other Middle Stage Human Rank experts, Han Feng wouldn't have dared to face the Giant Tree Monster on his own.

Once Han Feng felt fully revitalized, he rose and cautiously hunted Level 2 Devil Beasts in the vicinity, marking his path meticulously to avoid getting lost. As dusk approached, he made his way back to his starting point.

Nighttime in the Jade Peak Mountain Range belonged to the Devil Beasts. Their unique abilities allowed them to navigate and identify most things in the dark, a skill humans lacked unless they had reached advanced levels of cultivation. The darkness significantly hindered humans, and even Han Feng refrained from lighting a fire. While flames could deter ordinary beasts, they were ineffective against Devil Beasts, particularly those of higher levels, and would likely draw them closer instead.

Han Feng was aware that he could only contend with top-tier Level 2 Devil Beasts. Engaging Level 3 Devil Beasts required the use of mortal fire, which was highly taxing. Casting three to five consecutive flames was already pushing his limits.

Lighting a fire risked attracting numerous Level 3 Devil Beasts or even more powerful Level Four Devil Beasts, which would spell disaster. Fortunately, the night passed without incident.

The following afternoon, Han Feng captured a pig-type Devil Beast, intending to roast it. However, he abruptly tensed and cast a wary glance in a particular direction as the sound of running grew louder.

"Who's there? Is it someone from the Han family, or the Chang family?" Han Feng wondered silently.

The footsteps drew nearer, and Han Feng sensed something was off. The erratic and irregular pattern suggested someone was fleeing.

Han Feng's expression shifted, and with a surge of his internal strength, he braced himself for imminent action.

"Han Rong!"

"Han Feng!"

As the figure emerged, Han Feng let out a startled cry. It was none other than Han Rong, one of the preeminent figures among the Han family's ten experts.

Seeing Han Feng, Han Rong was equally taken aback. The sight of the roasted pig beside Han Feng made his mouth twitch involuntarily. Since arriving at the Jade Peak Mountain Range without Instructor Lin's protection, Han Rong had come to profoundly appreciate the perilous nature of the area.

Since his arrival, Han Rong had been on constant high alert, never allowing himself a moment's respite, and now he found himself pursued by Devil Beasts.

Yet, here was Han Feng, seemingly carefree and about to indulge in roasted pig, which filled Han Rong with a mix of disbelief and resentment.

The disparity between their situations was stark.

The aroma of the roasted pig filled the air, prompting Han Rong to swallow hard.

Suddenly, a sinister buzzing from behind made Han Rong's face pale. "Han Feng, run! It's the Giant Bees—they're after me!"

"Giant Bees!"

Shock registered on Han Feng's face.

On their own, the Giant Bees weren't particularly fearsome. The juvenile ones straddled the line between wild beasts and Devil Beasts, not even ranking as Early Period Level 1 Devil Beasts.

An adult Giant Bee was merely at the Early Period of level one, with very few reaching the mid or late stages, and those at the peak of level one were rarer still.

But Giant Bees were never solitary; as a swarm, they were formidable. Each Giant Bee hive housed thousands, a number so daunting that even a Level 3 Devil Beast would steer clear.

"Quick, into the water!" Han Feng urged. "Giant Bees are weak swimmers and won't dare follow us in."

With that, Han Feng leapt into the water. Recalling that Instructor Lin had mentioned something similar days before, Han Rong wasted no time in following suit, plunging into the river.

Moments later, dozens of Giant Bees buzzed menacingly overhead, each the size of a youth's fist, with a few as large as an adult's.

Their bodies a mottled purple and yellow, with venomous needles glinting ominously, a dozen Giant Bees formed a daunting line across the sky, a sight that was chilling to the bone.

Submerged in the water, Han Feng and Han Rong shuddered as they watched the aerial display.

If those venomous behemoths caught up to them, a single sting could leave them crippled, if not dead.

They held their breath, faces turning a shade of purple as they waited. The Giant Bees hovered over the river for what seemed an eternity before finally dispersing. As they departed, they devoured Han Feng's meticulously roasted pig, leaving nothing but bones.

Han Feng's heart sank at the sight. Such a fine roast pig, all for naught.

These otherworldly Giant Bees were no ordinary creatures; he had never heard of any in his past life with a taste for pork.

The two emerged from the river, gasping for air, their faces flushed with the effort. Han Rong, faced with the skeletal remains of the roast, wore an expression of sheepish guilt. Han Feng, giving him a cold shoulder, had a look of pure annoyance.

Aware of his fault, Han Rong hastily offered, "I'll go hunt another pig beast right away."

Han Feng shot him a piercing look, then abruptly moved to Han Rong's side and ripped open his sleeve.

"What are you doing?" Han Rong exclaimed, startled, clutching his chest and eyeing Han Feng as if he were a lunatic.

With a twitch of his mouth and a tone laced with irritation, Han Feng replied, "I noticed something on your sleeve, that's all."

He extracted a tiny granule.

"This appears to be some kind of powdered substance." Han Feng furrowed his brow and sniffed it, detecting an odd scent, but the exact nature of it eluded him.

Realizing his mistake, Han Rong's embarrassment deepened.

With a stern look, Han Feng pressed, "Have you had any altercations recently? I suspect these particles are connected to the Giant Bees' pursuit. Knowing you, you wouldn't have provoked them without cause."

Hearing this, Han Rong's complexion fluctuated between pale and flushed. "Damn it, the Chang family scoundrels!"

"The Chang family? I should have known!" Han Feng exclaimed with a knowing look.

Han Rong didn't wait for Han Feng to ask and immediately launched into the details.

"Just a few hours ago, I encountered someone named Chang Tianyi from the Chang family. Chang Tianyi is considered one of their young elites, under fifteen years old. He may not be on Han Lin's level, but he's definitely stronger than I am."

"We sparred for a bit, and then Chang Tianyi withdrew voluntarily."

"I had been puzzled about why someone of Chang Tianyi's caliber would so readily back down from the longstanding feud between our families. Now it all makes sense."

Libre Baskerville
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