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C46 Alone

That night, Jedidiah went to bed sad. His mind was filled with all sorts of mixed emotions. Everything was just too overwhelming for him right now. Nevertheless, he knew the only way to solve this problem was for him to leave. There were no two ways about this. If he stays, his family is in trouble. If he leaves, the sect and his family will be safe.


Over time, Jedidiah got tired and slept off. As he slept off, he started dreaming. In this dream, he was in the woods running. He doesn’t know what he was running from, but he ran so fast, it was as though his life depended on it. His heart was pounding. Showers of sweat trickled down his body. His lungs were fast at work as he inhaled and exhaled heavily like a horse.

On his body, his clothes were torn, wrinkled, and drenched in blood. Cuts of all length; deep and light, wide and narrow covered his back. Blood flowed gracefully from his back injuries. With each passing second, he could feel his energy seep away from his body. His head was throbbing, as though he could faint at any moment.

To Jedidiah, everything felt real.

At one point; while he was running, he could hear the whistles of flying arrows accompanied by the banging noises of gunshots that were fired at him. It was like a never-ending parade of fireworks that haunted him wherever we went.

As he ran, there was a huge tree in front of him. Jedidiah planned to use that tree as shelter. So that he could hide whatever or whoever is chasing him. As he approached closer to the tree, an arrow flew right past his eyes. This action scared him. He was so scared, he actually woke up from the dream.

Still scared and afraid, Jedidiah held his hand on his chest, as he tried to calm himself down. While he did that, he surveyed the room once again just to make sure that he was truly dreaming. After a while of affirmation, Jedidiah tucked himself back to sleep.


The following morning, Jedidiah’s perspective.


“It’s morning already? Why can’t these birds just shut up and leave me to sleep in peace?” Jedidiah complained.

Lazy and tired, I wanted to go back to bed. However, those loud and annoying tweets of the birds outside wouldn’t stop. So, irritated, I got up from the bed and went to brush my teeth. After that, I took a shower and wore my new set of clothes.

Normally, I would be happy, but today, I'm not. I have to leave. It’s all my fault though(Sigh), I shouldn’t have gone out of control. However, it’s too late for that now. I have to ‘man’ up to my own responsibilities and leave.

That being said, I plan to enjoy today. Regardless of what happens.

Determined, Jedidiah left his room and went downstairs to eat. It’s quite weird for him to be extremely hungry in the mornings. This is because of his bloodline activation. With his newly activated bloodline, Jedidiah’s body as he knew it had changed. Well, internally for the most part.


Inside his body, there is an immense amount of power flowing through his veins. This power is so great, his body can’t support it on its own. He’s going to have to gain energy through eating to support his body. At least, until his body is fully adapted to the changes which come with his bloodline.

In fact, this kind of thing is actually common amongst so many races. Each time their bloodline talent/power is awakened, the individual’s body will undergo minute changes for their body to contain the bloodline and its powers.

So, during these times, Pheonixs’ for example will feel extremely hot. They will be so hot, their skin will glow red. Even the irises of their eyes will change color to red. Their hair color will also temporarily change color to red until their body has fully adapted to the bloodline.

If the bloodline power is too powerful, and for some reason, the individual’s body is unable to adapt. They will be supported by a machine that would help regulate or decrease the effect of the bloodline. If it’s unable to do so, the individual will die.



Famished, I opened up the fridge and brought out my breakfast. I was going to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This time, I was going to try something new to it. I am going to use strawberry jam instead of the normal blueberry or raspberry jams.

I’ve never eaten it before, so I'm excited.

While I was making my breakfast, I heard footsteps from the stairs. It was my uncle, Alex, who was probably also coming downstairs to eat his breakfast too.

“Good morning bud, how’s your night?” My uncle asked with a smile on his face.

“Good morning. It was fine, and yours?” I answered...

“It was good. I’m a little bit tired, but it’s fine.” Uncle Alex replied.

After that, uncle Alex also came into the kitchen as he looked for something to eat.

Looking inside the fridge, uncle Alex was unable to find something to eat. Maybe it’s because the fridge is so stacked, he ran out of ideas on what to eat.

“Jedidiah, what are you making? Can I have that too? Can you please make it for me?” He asked.

“Sure, I can,” I said.

“However, I’m using the Strawberry Jam not the blueberry Jam” I warned.

“Oh, Strawberry...that’s fine. Please, just bring it to me when you’re done making them” He said lazily as he went to the living room to watch Tv.


45 minutes later, aunty Marry finally came downstairs.

She was still wearing the same pine green pajamas she slept with. However, this is perfectly normal for her. She wasn’t going to work today, so I guess she’s really taking in this break away from school and teaching.

“Good morning aunty Mary.” I greeted.

“Good morning dear, how’s your night?” She asked.

“It was fine, and yours?” I replied

“It was perfect. Thanks for asking.” She replied.

After that, she went over to the living room where uncle Alex was and kissed his forehead.

“Good morning,” She said to him.

“Good morning,” he replied.

Soon after, aunty mary went about her morning looking for what to eat.

While she was searching the fridge, I was frantically spreading the jelly on the bread. I was hurrying because I knew what was coming. She was probably going to do the very same thing uncle Alex did; ask me to make her breakfast because she’s too lazy to make it herself.

Luckily for me, I was able to finish making all the sandwiches while she was still deciding what to eat. Quietly, I placed the peanut butter and Jelly on the countertop next to the fridge.

After a successful mission, I placed both of our sandwiches on the dining table and called uncle Alex to come to eat his food.

Uncle Alex may have been successful enough to trap me in his little game. However, I refuse to get caught in that same net by aunty Mary. It just wasn’t right. Why do I have to do all the work by myself? Is it because I’m a child?

After some time, I finished my food and went back upstairs to pack my things


Inside the room, I brought out all my luggage and belongings. It pains me to leave, but I must do it. I have to find the other heirs as soon as possible. If not, my powers will not only get worse but draw a lot of unnecessary attention.

Plus, I have to find a way to control my powers as soon as possible. If not, it might as well be the death of me someday. I mean, who knows if I could just blow up my brain someday by sneezing?

That being said, Jedidiah packed everything that he thought was important to him; his toilet bag, clothes, pictures of his family; both the ones with his actual family and the ones with his uncle and aunt on it. He also packed all the night snacks that he hid in a shoebox.


Meanwhile, as Jedidiah was packing, his uncle and aunty were quietly watching him from the door frame. His aunt, Mary, was on the brink of crying. While his uncle, Alex, was comforting her.

Contrary to his original expectation, Jedidiah’s uncle actually developed a deeply profound respect for Jedidiah. No one at his age has ever been expelled from a sect. On top of that, Jedidiah was handling everything with more grace and courage than even his uncle.

At the back of his mind, Alex speculated that all of these things were meant to be. He had nothing but hope and respect for Jedidiah because he had always known that Jedidiah was special.

“I mean, who are we kidding? Jedidiah is an heir! Not only that, he is one of the many heirs to the Creator! Why would the Creator allow Jedidiah to go through all these things at such a young age(7) and not have a plan for Jedidiah? Maybe this is all part of the plan.” His uncle, Alex, thought to himself.


Some hours later, Jedidiah was done packing everything he needed. He changed his clothes to fit his journey and carried only one large piece of luggage with him. This was because Jedidiah didn’t want to spend hours carrying one bag to another. It was simply too exhausting.

Ready, his uncle Alex, carried Jedidiah’s luggage outside for him. While his aunt, Mary, called for an Omega driver to come to pick up Jedidiah.

Surprisingly, the transportation was fast. It didn’t take up to 2 minutes before his aunt’s phone call, and yet the driver was already outside with an aeromobile ready to pick up Jedidiah.

Now, it was time to say their goodbyes. From here on, Jedidiah will be alone. Independent from his whole family; having no one to turn to, and nowhere to go to. Even the driver had no idea where Jedidiah was going. All he knew were the instructions given to him; that is, to take Jedidiah anywhere he pleases and report back to Omega.

Unwilling, his aunt Mary couldn’t hold her tears at all. Her beautiful eyes gleamed brightly as they were fixed on Jedidiah. Mary couldn’t believe it. Her nephew, who is a son to her, was leaving. Not only that, he was leaving to an unknown destination which meant that neither she nor anyone close to him will ever know where he is. They can only hope and pray that he will be alright in the future.

Grieved by this, Mary knelt on her knees and hugged Jedidiah tightly. Although no words were really shared between them, Mary left him a note. On that note had everything she felt she had to say to Jedidiah.

On the other hand, Jedidiah’s uncle, Alex wished him all the best. He wasn’t too worried like his counterpart, Mary. But he knew that they would see each other again sometime in the future.


While all of these things were going on, the driver put Jedidiah’s luggage in the trunk and was waiting for them to say all their final goodbyes and well wishes.

Once they were done, the driver opened the door for Jedidiah and lowered the steps for him to walk into the car. Once Jedidiah was inside and settled, the driver fixed the steps and closed the door.

5 minutes later, the driver started the car, and off they went.

As they were flying, Jedidiah was actually happy. He was curious to know who the other heirs were. He doesn’t know who they are, where they are, and what they are. However he is meant to find them, how bizarre is this?

Nevertheless, this didn’t discourage Jedidiah because he trusted the Creator when he was told that they will all be drawn to each other. Meaning, no matter how long it takes, they will all meet each other regardless of where they are, or what position they may be in.

How awesome is that? Half of the job was practically done for him right there. Assuming he had to find them on his own without help, who knows what would become of him? Maybe he would never find them until another century or two, without the help of the Creator.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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