The pains in my world (I was far from this!)/C1 The pains in my world (I was far from this!)
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The pains in my world (I was far from this!)/C1 The pains in my world (I was far from this!)
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C1 The pains in my world (I was far from this!)

Written by Jemimah

"Oh no.

Alicia take your hands down"my lecturer said facing the class.

"Is she the only one in the class?

Did she have two heads? The female lecturer asked.

she took the award of the best student last year,she is here making her parents proud and you are here bringing share to yours."she would always say.

If someone is said to be brilliant, I was very intelligent. I always represent my school whenever we are going for competition,my school having hundred percent assurance and I always came back with flying colors.


"Sister Alicia."Someone called my name as I was about to go home immediately after the church service.

"Sister Alicia"the person called again and I turned back to see it was my pastor calling.

"Good evening pastor."I greeted immediately.

"How are you, sister Alicia?

Are you going home now?"my pastor asked.

"Am good sir.

I have a lot to do at home so she asked me to go."I answered, referring to my mum.


Anyway, thanks for today's ministry."my pastor said smiling.

When she is true with the prayer she will come join you"he said and walked away.

I'm a born again Christian and active in his presence.

I put God first in everything I do.


I was in the class one afternoon at lunch time.

I brought out my food to eat, then they took it from me and threw it away.

As expected no one stood for me.

they all started laughing and raining insults on me.

it was not a new thing to me so i was not carried away by that,i was used to be bullied by them especially

Janet and her group.


where is she now????(she smile)


Mr Johnson, my father is the complete opposite of my mother.

He is the devil in my family.

Despite the things I am passing through, I still choose to be happy for the best.

Where is the best now?(she asked hurtfully.)

Of course the best never comes my way!!!





Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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