Wisps of Skylar's fate/C2 Top fan saga
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Wisps of Skylar's fate/C2 Top fan saga
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C2 Top fan saga

(Top fan saga)

Minefair University, City F

"There she is!" Someone shouted excitedly.

The students nearby giggled among themselves in anticipation. Of course, they knew who was being talked about. They continued to giggle and kept their eyes glued on the huge, black gates of the school, their hearts yearning for their school's beauty queen, the only one who could get such reactions from her fellow students.

Two luxurious, white Ferraris drove right into the school compound and straight into the school's spacious car garage. The giggling and cheers became louder as the cars drove in. Some students brought out their phones, ready to take pictures. Some even went as far as hurriedly getting books and pens for autographs.

Seeing Antonia Daniels was not an everyday affair. She was a part-time student so she didn't go to school daily. Her fashion brand and charity home needed more of her time and attention so she had to settle for part-timing at school.

Antonia was a top student studying business administration. Just like her father, she had always loved the business world and she never hesitated to showcase her interest in it.

Two hefty bodyguards dressed in black suits with security earpieces fixed to their ears stepped out of the second Ferrari. They were stone-faced men who would do anything to protect their young madam.

The door of the first Ferrari opened and another bodyguard dressed in the same fashion came out. The driver of the car came out and hastily stepped forward to open the car door for Tonia but she opened it before he got to her.

The three men stood protectively behind her in such a way that greatly irritated Antonia, making her eye them with an annoyed look.

Antonia had tried to understand her father and accepted the fact that he was only doing this for her. Though the number of the bodyguards were reduced from seven to three, she still didn't like it. She would have been more comfortable with only a bodyguard but she had to please her father. It was for her safety after all.

"Tonia!" Shouts of her name rented the air as she stepped out in style. She walked out slowly, revealing her fair, long legs. She was wearing a short, flared black gown with pink floral designs carefully designed on the hem of the dress.

Gracing her legs was a pair of black high heels shoes and a black hat to adorn her head. On her neck was a customized silver pendant with her name boldly designed on it. Beautifying her ears was a pair of diamond earrings. She looked so breathtaking in her light makeup.

She smiled as she looked at the students who were her fans.

"Hi guys" She waved her beautifully manicured fingers at the little crowd. Most of them were her juniors. She was also very popular among them due to the fact that she gave them extra tutorials when she had the time, giving them a helping hand in their academics.

Tonia was a final year student of Minefair university, a school attended by geniuses and brainers. One cannot be admitted into the school with connections or influence due to its tight procedures and rules.

Before one could be admitted, he or she had to write the school's entrance examination which was usually laced with tough and tought-provoking questions. It was not a school for the weak hearted.

There were low gasps from the people as she walked gracefully, Mother Earth kissing her feet.

"She has always been gorgeous"

"Gosh! She is so beautiful"

"I will be the happiest guy on earth if I ever have a chance to date her"

"My role model"

"Blinding beauty"

"I can't wait to attend her tutorials classes again"

"She is so hot"

"Tonia is the best"

"Beauty with brains"

"My crush"

"My love for her is unlimited"

There was a lot of comments about her as she walked past them, acknowledging their greetings with slight bows and smiles, making the students cheer louder. Her killer smiles were just more than enough to give them a beautiful morning.

Many of them rushed to her to take pictures with her and make her sign her autographs. Tonia did all these still maintaining her smile.

She suddenly looked up and sighted a cute looking girl trying to surge through the small crowd of the students. The chubby girl was holding onto a small jotter and a pen. Perhaps, they were for an autograph. The lady kept adjusting her eyeglasses as she made her way towards Tonia.

Tonia stood still and gazed at the girl. What struck her at first was her cute looking, innocent face. Her brown, wavy hair looked so appealing to the eyes. One could easily sight her gemstone green eyeballs which was covered by her eyeglasses. Her determination to get to Tonia made Tonia to pick more interest in her.

Tonia couldn't place what exactly it was but she felt an instant likeness for the girl. The girl was about to get to where she was standing when she was unintentionally pushed by someone from behind and she fell.

Her eyeglasses gave way to the floor. The girl groped around half-blindly, trying to locate her eyeglasses. Her vision had become blur but no one seemed to pay any attention to her.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of soft, warm hands on hers.

"Are you alright?" A calm voice spoke to her. The girl nodded as she inwardly admired the voice and thought it sounded familiar. Then the girl realized!

Antonia found the eyeglasses and gently placed it on the girl's nose bridge and helped her up.

Chloe looked up to see a pair of enthralling and bright hazel eyes staring back at her. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Are my eyes playing a prank on me?" Chloe muttered to herself in slight confusion and felt her hands shook a little.

Her favorite idol was standing in front of her smiling and talking to her. She even touched her. Chloe subconsciously touched where Tonia had touched her and she blushed so hard.

Biting her soft plump lips, she looked down in shyness.

"Tonia?" She muttered in her calm voice.

Antonia smiled again and patted her hair fondly. "It is a relief that you are fine." She began, taking a glance at Chloe's eyeglasses. "I am sorry about that. I hope it didn't break." Antonia asked with concern.

Chloe was taken by surprise. She was just too excited to speak. Though Antonia was just four years older than her, she was her role model. She would follow her on all her social media pages and zealously took part in the fans' meetings.

It made her sad that Tonia never took notice of her but she never gave up on being a top fan of Tonia's. Such was the love of a fangirl. Chloe had never thought that she would have the opportunity to be noticed by Tonia but there she was, her idol, standing in front of her and conversing with her. She even patted her hair. Good heavens!

"I....um... I'm fine. They didn't break." She stuttered.

Antonia smiled and nodded.

"She is so cute." She thought to herself. She was used to seeing overexcited fans reacting like that when they see her.

She took a closer look at Chloe and felt instinctively that she had seen her somewhere.

"You look familiar though." She observed, trying hard to recollect how she met her. "Have we met before?" She asked the young lady.

"Yes, you are right." Chloe shyly nodded.

"I'm the fan who gifted you a customized photo frame with your picture customized on the cover page. I gave it to you during your last meet and greet." She reminded, secretly happy that Tonia finally noticed her.

Tonia's eyes glistened with recognition.

"I think I remember now. I am sorry I couldn't thank you properly. I was in a hurry because of the fashion show that I had that day. Thanks for the gift. It was so beautiful." Tonia said with sincerity.

Chloe's heart missed a beat as she watched Antonia mouth those words to her. She surreptitiously pinched herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming and the pain she felt brought her to reality. It was real! She just couldn't stop thanking her stars. She was even more touched by Antonia's kindness, quelling the popular stereotype that celebrities are arrogant.

Chloe smiled widely and gave her a little bow. "You are welcome. I am glad you like it."

Antonia took a glance at her wristwatch and realized that she was running late. She placed a hand on Chloe's shoulder.

"I think I have to go now. My lecture is in few minutes' time."

"Wait please!" came Chloe's voice. "Can I... can I get a hug from you?" She asked, nervously.

Antonia smiled, flashing her bright dimples.

"Sure." She moved closer to Chloe and gave her a big hug.

"I'll like to see more of you" Antonia said, surprising her the more.

She opened her handbag and brought out a card.

"Here, come to my fashion home anytime you're less busy so we can hangout." She said as she gave the card to Chloe who received it with sweaty hands. Antonia, of all people was willing to hangout with her. She couldn't believe her luck. She just wanted to scream out loud in joy.

"What is your name?" Antonia wanted to know.

"Chloe Macintosh" Chloe replied.

"Alright Chloe. I'll see you around." Antonia said and waved at her. Chloe stood numbly as she watched the retreating figure of Antonia. She was being surrounded by her fans again but the bodyguards restricted them, trying to make them understand that she had somewhere to be.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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