
Stories: 7

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Esclava del Amor a la Pasión del Jefe de la Mafia 18+
Esclava del Amor a la Pasión del Jefe de la Mafia 18+
[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA MADUROS] "Cada vez que rompas una regla, reclamaré una parte de tu cuerpo como mía" Obligada a casarse con el heredero del sindicato mafioso más grande para pagar la deuda de sus padres y las facturas del hospital de su abuela. "Vive con mi hijo durante 30 días, si no te enamoras de él, cancelaré este contrato". ¿Podrá Malissa vivir con el guapo, sexy y dominante Hayden durante 30 días sin caer en sus encantos? Sin embargo, hay reglas para vivir con este monstruo lujurioso y, cuando Malissa las rompe, descubre placeres que nunca supo que existían. Cuando sus toques la encienden, su corazón comienza a derretirse. Pero, ¿tienen los dos un futuro juntos cuando Hayden está enamorado de otra persona y Malissa no puede olvidar a su ex novio? ¡LEA AHORA para averiguarlo!
El calor prohibido 18+
El calor prohibido 18+
"Te follaré tan fuerte que te olvidarás de él" Historia sobre Natalia y su historia de amor con cuatro hombres en su vida, incluidos su padrastro, su tío adoptivo, su guardaespaldas y su primo adoptivo. Al final, ¿a quién elegirá ella? Natalia ha estado deseando a su padrastro durante mucho tiempo después de que su madre falleciera. De repente, su padrastro se compromete con otra mujer mientras su hermano menor se entera del secreto de Natalia... Tratando de mantener en secreto su romance con su prima de su apasionado guardaespaldas... Cuatro hombres y sus cuatro definiciones de Amor: "Ya no quiero que me olviden. Te daré tanto placer que te olvidarás de mi hermano". - Eduardo "Siempre hemos estado juntos, así que nunca te dije esto... te amo" - Zak "Haré lo que sea necesario para hacerte mía. Por favor, espera un poco más" - Lucien "Siempre te protegeré... incluso de ti misma" - Reiner **Esta historia NO contiene incesto. Todos los intereses amorosos masculinos NO están relacionados con la sangre de la protagonista femenina**
Conquistando al Emperador R18
Conquistando al Emperador R18
[CONTENIDO PARA MADUROS] Unidos por el destino. Separados por el deber. Reunidos en la guerra. Un amor que empezó con una traición. " La mujer que logre quedar embarazada del hijo del Príncipe Heredero será inmediatamente ascendida a Emperatriz"... y la única que quiere soy yo...
Conquering the Emperor R18
Conquering the Emperor R18
[MATURE CONTENT] First met by fate. Separated by duty. Reunited in war. A love that started with betrayal. "The woman who manages to become pregnant with the Crown Prince’s child will be immediately promoted to the Empress" … and the only one that he wants is me...
Steamy Stories
Lust Contracts 18+
Lust Contracts 18+
[Mature Content] Divorced and in debt, Elena decides to become the contract wife of three rich and famous men. A fair exchange begins between a woman disillusioned about love and men with their own demands and desires. But when they demand for more than her body, she discovers many dark truths as the past slowly catches up to her.
Steamy Stories
Forbidden Heat 18+
Forbidden Heat 18+
"I'll fuck you so hard that you'll forget all about him" Story about Natalia and her love affair with four men in her life including her stepfather, step uncle, bodyguard and step cousin. In the end, who will she choose? Natalia has been desiring her stepfather for the longest time after her mother passed away. Suddenly, her stepfather becomes engaged to another woman while his younger brother found out about Natalia's secret... Trying to keep her affair with her step cousin a secret from her passionate bodyguard... Four men and and their four definition of Love: "I no longer want to be forgotten. I'll give you so much pleasure that you'll forget all about my brother." - Edward "We've always been together so I never told you this...I love you" - Zak "I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine. Please wait just a little longer" - Lucien "I'll always protect you...even from your own self" - Reiner **This story does NOT contain incest. All male love interests are NOT blood-related to the female protagonist**
Steamy Stories
Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18+
Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18+
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Each time you break a rule; I'll claim a part of your body as mine" Forced to marry the heir of the largest mafia syndicate to pay for her parent's debt and her grandmother's hospital bills. "Live with my son for 30 days, if you don't fall in love with him, I'll cancel this contract." Can Malissa live with the handsome, hot and dominating Hayden for 30 days without falling for his charms? However, there are rules to living with this lusty monster and as Malissa breaks them, she learns of pleasures that she never knew existed. As his touches set her on fire, her heart starts to melt. But does the two have a future together when Hayden is in love with someone else and Malissa cannot get over her ex-boyfriend? READ NOW to find out!
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