
Stories: 5

Stories by name

Mitchell Campbell es una joven de veintidós años, oriunda de la adinerada familia Campbell. Actualmente, los Campbell ostentan el título de la tercera familia más rica de Estados Unidos y no escatiman en mostrar su opulencia a cada oportunidad. Chris Rodríguez es un joven sin recursos. Quedó huérfano a temprana edad y, además, perdió la memoria. Por azares del destino, se cruzó con el padre de Mitchell. Un suceso llevó al siguiente y terminó por entrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia con Mitchell. Con el tiempo, Chris descubre un secreto sobre sí mismo: nació en cuna de oro, pero tras la muerte de sus padres, perdió la memoria. Una trama llena de secretos que se irán revelando a medida que la historia se despliega. ©️ Tricia
Mitchell Campbell is a young lady of twenty two years, born into the wealthy Campbell family. The Campbells are currently the third richest family in America and they don't fail to flaunt their riches everytime. Chris Rodriguez is a pauper. He lost his parents at a young age and also lost his memory. He happened to come across Mitchell's father. One thing led to the other and he had to go into a contract marriage with Mitchell. At the long run, Chris discovered a secret about himself. He was born with a silver spoon but he lost his memory after his parents death. Lots of secrets to be unveiled as the story unfolds. ©️ Tricia
To Love a Mermaid
To Love a Mermaid
Ae Ri is just like every other human but she woke up one day to discover she has special abilities. She could read minds and was very skilled in sword fight and archery. Just when she thought that was all, she discovered another amazing secret. She was a mermaid but how is that possible? She was given birth to by human parents and unfortunately for her, both parent were dead so there was no one she could question about who she is. Ye Jun wakes up one morning to discover his only purpose for being in this world is to protect Ae Ri. Ae Ri is more powerful than he is when it comes to special abilities but he is very skilled in fighting. They had to go through many difficulties together in order to save many lives. Mi Cha is Ae Ri's rival. She poses a threat to Ae Ri in many ways but most importantly, she's bent on stealing Ae Ri's birth right. Ae Ri later found out that she's a mermaid with lots of responsibilities through Ga Eun, a loyal subject of Ae Ri's mother. She decides to get revenge for her parents death and also take back what rightfully belongs to her. Find out what happens in this supernatural and mystery filled novel. ©️ Tricia
Matrimonio por contrato
Matrimonio por contrato
La historia de dos personas diametralmente opuestas: una con un corazón gélido y desprovisto de emociones, y la otra, de temperamento fogoso y una grosería descarada. Andrian Carter es un magnate empresarial que lo tiene todo a su disposición. A sus 20 años ya es multimillonario, así que la riqueza y el lujo no le impresionan en lo más mínimo. Desprecia a los plebeyos y a las mujeres más que a nada en el mundo. Considera que los plebeyos son seres desdichados que no tienen cabida en el mundo de los acaudalados, y piensa que las mujeres son demasiado frágiles para siquiera existir en él. Solo tiene ojos para su hermana menor, y se muestra autoritario con todos, sin importar si son jóvenes o ancianos. Skylar Brandon es esa persona de corazón helado que parece inmune a los sentimientos, pero en su interior esconde una sensibilidad oculta. Quedó huérfana a una edad temprana y carga con la responsabilidad de cuidar a su hermana menor por sí sola. Es extraordinariamente diestra en taekwondo y judo, habilidades que ha perfeccionado gracias a su dedicación y a las innumerables películas que ha visto sobre estas disciplinas. La vida de Skylar se complica cuando la despiden de su trabajo por rechazar las insinuaciones sexuales de un cliente. Con 20 años, se mantiene virgen, convencida de que lo correcto es esperar al hombre indicado. No tiene más remedio que buscar empleo con sus resultados de bachillerato para sostener a su hermana menor. Por casualidad, se topa con una vacante en la empresa de Andrian, aunque sus calificaciones no son suficientes. Andrian se fija en ella y decide contratarla como su chef personal y asistente. ¿Qué sucederá cuando Andrian deba casarse en tres meses sin siquiera tener novia? No soporta la presencia de las mujeres, pues le resultan irritantes, con dos excepciones: Skylar, quien ha logrado captar su interés, y Zoey, su amiga de la infancia. Se ve ante dos opciones. Opta por un matrimonio de conveniencia con Skylar, ya que ella es la única que no va tras su dinero, y prefiere no involucrar a Zoey, pero ¿podrá tolerar el comportamiento de Skylar? ¿Será capaz de controlar su propio genio y su actitud despectiva? Descúbrelo en esta fascinante historia. ©️ Tricia
Contract Marriage
Contract Marriage
The story of two completely different people where one is cold hearted and void of emotions while the other is hot tempered and really rude. Andrian Carter is a rich business tycoon that has everything at his beck and call. He's a billionaire at the young age of 20 so wealth and riches mean nothing to him. There's nothing he hates as much as he hates commoners and females in this world. He believes commoners are ill fated people who don't deserve to exist in the world of the rich and he believes females are too weak to exist in this world. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone else except his little sister and he's bossy towards everyone whether young or old. Skylar Brandon is that cold hearted human that behaves like she doesn't have feelings but deep down she's really soft-hearted. She lost her parents at a tender age and is left with the responsibility of taking care of her younger sister on her own. She's really skillful in taekwando and judo because she practices a lot and watch a lot of movies that has to do with that. Things became hard for Skylar when she was sacked from her place of work because she refused to have s*x with a customer. Being a dignified lady, she's still a virgin at the age of 20 and she believes keeping herself for the right man is the right thing to do. She's left with no other choice than to go job hunting with her high school results in order to take care of her younger sister. She happened to come across a vacancy at Andrian's company but her qualifications were not good enough. Andrian picks interest in her and decided to make her his personal chef and P. A. What happens when Andrian is to get married within three months when he doesn't even has a girlfriend? He can't stand the sight of ladies because they irritate him a lot except two. Skylar who managed to catch his attention and Zoey his childhood friend. He's left with two choices. He decides to go into a contract marriage with Skylar since she's the only girl that won't be after his money and he also doesn't want to involve Zoey but will he be able to put up with her behaviour? Can he also control his temper and rude behaviour? Find out in this intriguing story. ©️ Tricia
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