
Stories: 3

Stories by name

Rechazando tu rechazo
Rechazando tu rechazo
"Soy Dante Hernández, Alfa de la Manada Carmesí, y te rechazo, Reina de Barbosa", dice él con una sonrisa burlona. "Y yo, Daniella Maynard, rechazo tu rechazo, Rey del Narcisismo", replica ella con firmeza. Dante Hernández, el Alfa más despiadado e intrépido de la Manada Carmesí, repudió a Daniella Maynard cuando ella tenía apenas quince años. Su compañera arrastraba un pasado lleno de adversidades y estuvo al filo de la muerte, hasta que su cuñado intervino para salvarla y la alejó de su manada. Daniella apenas lograba sobrevivir a sus demonios internos cuando Dante apareció y la rechazó de inmediato, sin dar explicaciones ni permitirle saber que él era su compañero destinado. Lo que más le dolió fue que la comparara con su compañera elegida o con su excompañera, tal como todos en su pasado habían hecho. Cinco años más tarde, sus caminos se cruzan de nuevo. ¿Persistirá Dante en su rechazo o será ella quien tenga la última palabra?
Rejecting Your Rejection
Rejecting Your Rejection
“I Dante Hernandez Alpha of the Crimson Pack reject you, Queen of Barbosa,” he smirks at her. “And I Daniella Maynard reject your rejection King of Narcissism.” Dante Hernandez the cruellest and the cruellest and the most fearless Alpha of Crimson Pack reject Daniella Maynard when she was fifteen years of age. His mate has a really hard past and was almost on the brink of death when her brother-in-law came to her rescue and took her away from her pack. Daniella was barely surviving from her demons when Dante shows up and rejected her instantly without explanation or her knowing that he was her mate. What hurts the most is when he compares her to his chosen or ex-mate, just like everyone in her past. Five years later and they met again, will Dante still do the rejection or will it be the other way around.
A Mate for the Latecomer
A Mate for the Latecomer
Elle Langford was once the most dedicated hardworking werewolf in her pack. She used to have many friends and was respected by all. They were her priority to which she didn’t even have time to look for her mate. Yet when she felt her bond with her mate break, everything turns awry in her world. The next thing she knew, she was pulled down from grace, marked as the pack slut and banished from the place she once called home. Rules were set once they were accepted into another pack. Elle never saw the outside world again nor was she fortunate to have another mate. She watched as everyone in the pack mated, have pups and lived happily in the pack. She was left with no mate or anyone to feel the spark with. Yet what happens when her Alpha sent her to another territory for the first time on pack business? Will she be able to find another mate? Or is it true that her mate died?
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