On their way to their first day of high school, Zhao Lei and his best friend Yu Wei stopped at a store to buy some candies. The store's elderly owner, a grotesque-looking man, welcomed them with a smile and a foul-smelling puff of smoke escaping his mouth. The old man's hands held a cigarette as he handed over the candy bars. "I don't have change, but I'll give you a prize instead." and handed Zhao Lei a mysterious yellow ring as change. The ring looked ordinary, with nothing special about it except for its weight. As he left the store, getting scolded by his friend for being ripped off, he put on the ring. As he expected, nothing happened; life wasn't like in novels. "Lei, be careful!" A car sped by and hit Zhao Lei, sending him flying several meters. While a terrified Yu Wei repeated his friend's name, Zhao Lei got up as if nothing had happened. He was amazed himself. "Lei, is it possible that you awakened your superpowers before entering the Advanced High School of the First Inherent Power, and you didn't tell me?" "Advanced High School of what? Superpowers? What are you talking about?"