Rania is Rauf's cousin whom Rauf's dad persuasively weds. Rauf Zaman would rather not get hitched however gets hitched in light of his dad's resentment, and later his dad's passing he remarries. During Rauf Zaman, a little girl is conceived and he leaves his better half and girl and travels to another country with his other spouse, and never returns. He doesn't have anything to do with Rania and his girl. Rania is extremely vexed however she is a valiant lady and she works and sews garments so she brings up her girl Iman and afterward her girl develops youthful and falls head over heels for a kid Bilal in college. Be that as it may, later Iman's commitment, Bilal's cousin becomes exceptionally irate and says, 'S father calls Iman's home, takes steps to break the commitment and afterward Rania gets frightened, his girl breaks the commitment of Iman to Bilal, Bilal is extremely pitiful, he cherishes Iman definitely and it is hard to reside without him And then, at that point, Bilal leaves the country. He says I will wed Iman at whatever point I can't wed Laila, and afterward one day Laila's mom welcomes Iman to her home. Iman goes there. So he meets his dad and he discovers that Leila is his stepsister, his dad can't perceive Iman yet Iman perceives that He has a dad since he has seen him in pictures, And afterward, she lets her dad know that she is his girl, he is sorry, she returns home irate and afterward, she enlightens her mom concerning the abrupt gathering with her dad, then, at that point, her dad He additionally accompanies his subsequent spouse and girl Laila and everybody apologizes. Rania and Iman pardon everybody and Rauf Zaman chooses to wed Iman to Bilal. At the point when Bilal discovers he is extremely cheerful and gets back to his nation, and starts planning for the wedding. Iman makes a wish to his dad that he wants something on his big day, Rauf Zaman guarantees, and afterward, on the big day, Iman requests that his dad separate from his second spouse Naila I need to satisfy this wish And then, at that point, when Rauf Zaman begins marking the legal documents, Iman pulls out his choice and says I just needed to show my stepmother something new in light of the fact that she caught a discussion between her mom and stepmother the other day. Furthermore, Naila is extorting her mom to move away from Rauf or probably it will be extremely awful and she affronts. She prevents her home from being destroyed and says I simply need to cause her to understand the example she did and afterward she weds Bilal and is extremely content with Bilal.