Natalia’s High School Manual

Natalia’s High School Manual

Author: happywriter18
Welcome to Natalia's high school manual!
        Yup, she's just your average normie student. And nope, this is definitely not a fairytale. It's not your typical girl meets boy and they fell in love with each other story, then all of the sudden, BOOM! A happy ending that will satisfy the whole humanity.
        Her story was a bit different, -nope. Scratch that. It was a disaster, to be exact. A roller coaster ride to the top. Witness how Natalia (without H) face her high school journey with the help of her manual, a set of rules that she invented for herself. Rules that will help her survive high school. Along with her family, friends, and even enemies, will she be able to follow all the rules on her manual, or not? Read and find out.
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Young Adult
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Table of Contents

C1 CHAPTER 01: Season OneC2 CHAPTER 02: Her ManualC3 CHAPTER 03: First Day Of SchoolC4 CHAPTER 04: Her RantsC5 CHAPTER 05: Freeda’s SmileC6 CHAPTER 06: Parties?C7 CHAPTER 07: I’m Sick, LiterallyC8 CHAPTER 08: Nerdy NathanC9 CHAPTER 09: Felt Neglected?C10 CHAPTER 10: Alone, Or Lonely?C11 CHAPTER 11: New BeginningsC12 CHAPTER 12: Tyler’s RevengeC13 CHAPTER 13: My HeroC14 CHAPTER 14: Your Friends?C15 CHAPTER 15: Our SquadC16 CHAPTER 16: Weird MomentsC17 CHAPTER 17: Need Help Part IC18 CHAPTER 18: Need Help Part IIC19 CHAPTER 19: Beach BodyC20 CHAPTER 20: The EncounterC21 CHAPTER 21: Season TwoC22 CHAPTER 22: The ClubsC23 CHAPTER 23: The RehearsalsC24 CHAPTER 24: Helping A FriendC25 CHAPTER 25: The RumorsC26 CHAPTER 26: The ConfrontationC27 CHAPTER 27: Asking Another FavorC28 CHAPTER 28: The KissC29 CHAPTER 29: Nathan’s ConfessionC30 CHAPTER 30: The WitchesC31 CHAPTER 31: Boy FriendsC32 CHAPTER 32: Student CouncilC33 CHAPTER 33: The CheatersC34 CHAPTER 34: Their Final SpeechC35 CHAPTER 35: The Election DayC36 CHAPTER 36: Season ThreeC37 CHAPTER 37: The PresidentC38 CHAPTER 38: Get EvenC39 CHAPTER 39: The Set UpsC40 CHAPTER 40: Broken HeartsC41 CHAPTER 41: His TutorC42 CHAPTER 42: Officially Dating C43 CHAPTER 43: First KissC44 CHAPTER 44: The Promposal C45 CHAPTER 45: Letters To NathanC46 CHAPTER 46: Season Four C47 CHAPTER 47: Tyler’s Game Over C48 CHAPTER 48: The Jail Booth C49 CHAPTER 49: The Bullies C50 CHAPTER 50: New Couples In Town C51 CHAPTER 51: Campfire Night C52 CHAPTER 52: The Unbreakable Squad C53 CHAPTER 53: College Application C54 CHAPTER 54: The Last Day Of School C55 CHAPTER 55: The Rule Of Falling In Love C56 SPECIAL CHAPTER: Natalia’s High School Manual