Tales from The Edge

Tales from The Edge

When you reach the edge, you can't avoid taking a leap of faith.
Joe Dexter leads a complicated life. In one world he is a consultant criminal psychologist—in another he runs The Edge, a successful corporate training company. He's also an active Dom in the London BDSM scene.
A social call to The Underground, a club owned by an old friend, turns into much more when Joe is introduced to a prospective sub. Falling hard for the boy's tumbling blonde curls, huge blue eyes and desperate need for protection, Joe carefully coaxes him out of his shell. By the end of an intense weekend, unbreakable bonds have been forged and Joe is well on the way to becoming Olly's Master.
Joe knows that there is trauma in Olly's past, but it is not until his professional and private lives collide that Joe discovers the truth. He knows he shouldn't have let Olly out of his sight but it's too late—Olly's old Master is back on the scene and he's not in the mood to forgive and forget.
With Olly's life on the line, Joe risks everything to save him. Has Joe found his perfect submissive only to lose him in a horrible twist of fate, or will love win the day? They've reached the edge and there's no avoiding a leap of faith.
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Table of Contents

C1 Reaching the Edge: Chapter OneC2 Reaching the Edge: Chapter TwoC3 Reaching the Edge: Chapter ThreeC4 Reaching the Edge: Chapter FourC5 Reaching the Edge: Chapter FiveC6 Reaching the Edge: Chapter SixC7 Reaching the Edge: Chapter SevenC8 Reaching the Edge: Chapter EightC9 Reaching the Edge: Chapter NineC10 Reaching the Edge: Chapter TenC11 Reaching the Edge: Chapter ElevenC12 Reaching the Edge: Chapter TwelveC13 Reaching the Edge: Chapter ThirteenC14 Reaching the Edge: Chapter FourteenC15 Reaching the Edge: Chapter FifteenC16 Reaching the Edge: Chapter SixteenC17 Living on the Edge: Chapter OneC18 Living on the Edge: Chapter TwoC19 Living on the Edge: Chapter ThreeC20 Living on the Edge: Chapter FourC21 Living on the Edge: Chapter FiveC22 Living on the Edge: Chapter SixC23 Living on the Edge: Chapter SevenC24 Living on the Edge: Chapter EightC25 Living on the Edge: Chapter NineC26 Living on the Edge: Chapter TenC27 Living on the Edge: Chapter ElevenC28 Living on the Edge: Chapter TwelveC29 Living on the Edge: Chapter ThirteenC30 Living on the Edge: Chapter FourteenC31 Living on the Edge: Chapter FifteenC32 Living on the Edge: Chapter SixteenC33 Living on the Edge: Chapter SeventeenC34 Living on the Edge: Chapter EighteenC35 Living on the Edge: Chapter NineteenC36 Living on the Edge: Chapter TwentyC37 Living on the Edge: Chapter Twenty-OneC38 Living on the Edge: Chapter Twenty-TwoC39 Living on the Edge: Chapter Twenty-ThreeC40 Living on the Edge: Chapter Twenty-FourC41 Living on the Edge: Chapter Twenty-FiveC42 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter OneC43 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter TwoC44 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter ThreeC45 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter FourC46 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter FiveC47 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter SixC48 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter SevenC49 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter EightC50 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter NineC51 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter TenC52 Dancing on the Edge: Chapter ElevenC53 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter OneC54 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter TwoC55 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter ThreeC56 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter FourC57 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter FiveC58 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter SixC59 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter SevenC60 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter EightC61 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter NineC62 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter TenC63 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter ElevenC64 A Double-Edged Sword: Chapter TwelveC65 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter OneC66 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter TwoC67 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter ThreeC68 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter FourC69 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter FiveC70 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter SixC71 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter SevenC72 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter EightC73 Rough Around the Edges: Chapter NineC74 Scorched Edges: Chapter OneC75 Scorched Edges: Chapter TwoC76 Scorched Edges: Chapter ThreeC77 Scorched Edges: Chapter FourC78 Scorched Edges: Chapter FiveC79 Scorched Edges: Chapter SixC80 Scorched Edges: Chapter SevenC81 Scorched Edges: Chapter EightC82 Scorched Edges: Chapter NineC83 Scorched Edges: Chapter TenC84 Scorched Edges: Chapter ElevenC85 Driven to The Edge: Chapter OneC86 Driven to The Edge: Chapter TwoC87 Driven to The Edge: Chapter ThreeC88 Driven to The Edge: Chapter FourC89 Driven to The Edge: Chapter FiveC90 Driven to The Edge: Chapter SixC91 Driven to The Edge: Chapter SevenC92 Driven to The Edge: Chapter EightC93 Driven to The Edge: Chapter NineC94 Driven to The Edge: Chapter TenC95 Driven to The Edge: Chapter ElevenC96 Driven to The Edge: Chapter TwelveC97 Binding the Edges: Chapter OneC98 Binding the Edges: Chapter TwoC99 Binding the Edges: Chapter ThreeC100 Binding the Edges: Chapter FourC101 Binding the Edges: Chapter FiveC102 Binding the Edges: Chapter SixC103 Binding the Edges: Chapter SevenC104 Binding the Edges: Chapter EightC105 Binding the Edges: Chapter NineC106 Binding the Edges: Chapter TenC107 Binding the Edges: Chapter ElevenC108 Binding the Edges: Chapter Twelve