The Duke's Unwanted Wife

The Duke's Unwanted Wife

Author: Greyworrld
While falling from the building, there was only one thought in her head.   "If rebirth is real, I hope I’m not born ever again. Life is too horrid to live again."  Her head hit the ground, splitting into a million pieces. The perfect way to die for someone who wanted to be unrecognized and forgotten.   Like a painful dream, she opens her eyes she’s back again, 10 years in the past. She was back to the day she was being married off to the duke who was destined to abandon her and love another, to a prince who was obsessed with other people’s possession, and a witch who pretended to be a saint.   "One of you gods up there must be messing with me, right? I said I didn’t want to live again! What is the meaning of this?"  Brought to the past, Natalia has two choices, flight or fight.
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Table of Contents

C1 IntroductionC2 Fairy Mother MadalineC3 Hard to SwallowC4 Wedding NightC5 A Place to BelongC6 A Worthless VentureC7 Cage RusellC8 The Town of TraisenC9 The Skills of a Married WomanC10 Knowledge from the PastC11 Guests of the Duke's MansionC12 Alana's Thoughts (1)C13 Alana's Thoughts (2)C14 Mother of DarknessC15 Overprotective BrotherC16 A Reverse SituationC17 The Search For PropertyC18 The Beldania MemorialC19 Natalia's IdeaC20 Alana's Selfish RequestC21 Lack of WillC22 Sebastian's RegretC23 Picking a GiftC24 KinshipC25 Monster in Human FleshC26 UnlovableC27 Strangers in a MarriageC28 Adelie GraysonC29 AngelsC30 Arriving in StyleC31 Greeting the wife's familyC32 Arrival At The PalaceC33 The Difference Between ThemC34 A Little InterestingC35 The Duke's RequestC36 The Banquet HallC37 Picking SidesC38 The Mistakes of The PastC39 Beautiful WildflowerC40 Endless GreedC41 His PropertyC42 Tea PartyC43 The Truth Of The PastC44 Battle of WitsC45 Natalia's GiftC46 Natalia's PatienceC47 Firework ShowC48 Temple MaidenC49 Wary GuestsC50 Careless CompassionC51 Marvis JaneC52 Pregnant?C53 In PoliviaC54 GuiltyC55 The Extent of Her InfluenceC56 Don't Leave MeC57 Inspired ChaosC58 Failing ReputationC59 PowerlessC60 Aldie's HollowC61 Fated MeetingC62 Peaceful DeathC63 Harsh RealizationC64 Moving ForwardC65 Moving Forward (2)C66 SpeculationsC67 Marvis's HelplessnessC68 The Berden PassC69 The Berden Pass (2)C70 Duchess EveronC71 First Official Royal BallC72 Who I amC73 Back to YouC74 Back to You (2)C75 Gaining a FootholdC76 Gelta SalonC77 AscensionC78 Ascension (2)C79 UncoincidentalC80 Her Affectionate BrotherC81 Helping HandsC82 Welcome PartyC83 Royal WeddingC84 Royal Wedding (2)C85 Strange AttractionC86 The Great Era of TheaterC87 Reagan's PersistenceC88 God TrialC89 TranscendentalC90 How Important?C91 HeatC92 Heat (2)C93 Duchess of GravisceraC94 Strange AilmentC95 New HomeC96 New Home (2)C97 Mining Town Iro C98 MonopolyC99 ProgressC100 Conflict of Interest C101 Familiar Fake Smile C102 Ancestral GroundsC103 GrandmotherC104 Master of the HouseC105 Good Influence C106 Turbulent Reunion C107 Turbulent Reunion (2)C108 Confrontation C109 Broken RelationshipC110 Unwelcome VisitorsC111 Come BackC112 Intimidation C113 Divine Bird C114 Hard Labour C115 Silent WarC116 Forced Change C117 Anti-HeroC118 Cunning Tactics C119 Painful Goodbyes C120 Fairy God Mother Madaline C121 Dangerous SecretsC122 The Burdened oneC123 Fairy AssistantC124 Warm Familiar BondsC125 Unimpressive BeginningsC126 CharityC127 The End of the WarC128 Play DateC129 Natalia's WillfullnessC130 Conflict at the BallC131 FriendsC132 A New FutureC133 Cursed ArtifactC134 An Imperial House VisitC135 Feels Like HomeC136 False MemoriesC137 Powerful Intruders C138 The Elven Saintess Denitra C139 Sarcophagus C140 The Auction C141 The Auction (2)C142 Price of Pride C143 Anti-Magic Barrier C144 Journey to the HollowC145 An Unwelcome Welcoming C146 Prodigal SonC147 TranceC148 Secret Meeting C149 Secret Meeting (2)C150 Natalia's GoalC151 Hostage C152 Reassuring Presence C153 Dungeon C154 Alana's GoalC155 Martial LawC156 Natalia's TruthC157 Three MonthsC158 Madaline vs NonC159 The RevivalC160 CompletionC161 Epilogue