The Silent Crush

The Silent Crush

The famous Qin Ye had actually become the servant of a weak woman who could be bullied. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock.
"You and I were never meant to be together. It was all my doing," Ningsi said, clicking her tongue and touching a man's chin with an expression of infatuation.
But... wasn't her man too well connected, and how did he meet so many big shots wherever he went?
The big shots shook their heads in fear. No, no, no. In front of Master Qin, they were just small fries.
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Modern Romance
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Table of Contents

C1 I'm the Only OneC2 What Did You SayC3 Why Should I Let You See ItC4 I Don't like Him AnymoreC5 One DayC6 Can You Do ItC7 Clients Are GodC8 You Stay out of ItC9 They Were a FamilyC10 What's It Got to Do with YouC11 Contradictory ConflictC12 Old Man Ning NingC13 Take over the NingsC14 To the CompanyC15 WarnedC16 The Blocked CompanyC17 To Drown One's Sorrows with WineC18 Encountering Each Other AgainC19 Attracting Each OtherC20 Takes You down a NotchC21 Meeting on a Narrow PathC22 Silent ConfrontationC23 The Bathroom FlirtationC24 FramedC25 A Powerful CounterattackC26 Investigate Until the EndC27 Become NeighborsC28 Her Fiancé AppearedC29 Rumours Were Flying All over the PlaceC30 Ultimate ReversalC31 Intentionally LeakedC32 Attending the Dinner PartyC33 The Atmosphere Was TenseC34 Point out the RelationshipC35 The Toilet Was JammedC36 Embarrassing in PublicC37 A Heavy BlowC38 Get Your Contacts BackC39 Let's Go Home TogetherC40 Forced to Sell MiseryC41 Successfully Entered the JobC42 AmazingC43 Shouldering Heavy ResponsibilitiesC44 An EmergencyC45 Prove Your InnocenceC46 An Accident OccurredC47 There Was Another MisunderstandingC48 His Nephew AppearedC49 Resign Yourself to ActingC50 Irregularities All over the PlaceC51 He Began to Suspect SomethingC52 Official AdmittanceC53 Hidden EdgeC54 Rise to ProminenceC55 Encountering RejectionC56 Aunt Came to the RescueC57 Introduce Your AuntC58 An EmergencyC59 New TrapsC60 It Was a Heavy Slap in the FaceC61 Bothering and PesteringC62 Completely ShatteredC63 Lost in ConfusionC64 Face to FaceC65 Mentioning the pastC66 Visiting the Qin FamilyC67 Start ActingC68 All of Them Were King of the Silver ScreenC69 I Almost Gave Myself awayC70 Something Big Happens AgainC71 All of a Sudden There Was a SiegeC72 A Hero Saving a Damsel in DistressC73 Guarding Qin YunC74 Suspicion RaisedC75 Godfather Qin Made His MoveC76 Get away with ItC77 Business BanquetC78 Again and AgainC79 Encountering DangerC80 Godfather Qin Barged inC81 The Feast of HongmenC82 Invert Black and WhiteC83 Insulting Him in His FaceC84 There Was No Denying ItC85 Taking Advantage of the SituationC86 Telling the Dirty TruthC87 Forced to MarryC88 Discussing MarriageC89 Meeting on a Narrow PathC90 Farewell Love RivalC91 Vicious MeansC92 Began to ThreatenC93 Counterspell the RumorsC94 Take RevengeC95 Attending the WeddingC96 There Was Another ArgumentC97 The Wedding Had ChangedC98 Opening His Mouth to BiteC99 Clean upC100 Continue with the HammerC101 There Was No Way to End ThisC102 Both ConvictedC103 It Ended BadlyC104 Began to CentrifugeC105 Live Broadcast LiveC106 Impolite RequestC107 Refusing to HelpC108 I Won't Let This GoC109 BulliedC110 Dredge ChannelsC111 Public AmbiguityC112 The First Time I Saw My ParentsC113 Silent ProvocationC114 Being PesteredC115 A Sudden TussleC116 Revealing His True FeelingsC117 Coming BackC118 Public ExecutionC119 The Heart Relies on the SoulC120 ThreatenedC121 It Was Easy to ControlC122 Forced to SubmitC123 Pretending to be InnocentC124 An EmergencyC125 Disrespecting Each Other Was Not a Good IdeaC126 He Asked for Her Hand in MarriageC127 Keep a Low Profile and Show offC128 Get the Certificate as Fast as You CanC129 Dog PoulticeC130 He Was at a LossC131 Malicious CompetitionC132 The Clubhouse Ran into Each Other by AccidentC133 This Was a Big MisunderstandingC134 Deepen the MisunderstandingC135 BetrayalC136 Leave in a RageC137 A Sudden AccidentC138 Emergency TrackingC139 MisguidedC140 To Begin to Save HimselfC141 Desperate for His Own SafetyC142 EscapedC143 Intentionally ExposedC144 Join the NingsC145 There Was Internal StrifeC146 He Had a Backup PlanC147 A Present for YouC148 An Inexplicable Debt-chasingC149 Tracking Him in SecretC150 There Was No SolutionC151 A Successful BreakoutC152 Easily FinishedC153 The Mastermind Behind All ThisC154 Emotional and HoneyedC155 Gifts ReceivedC156 Go Home to DinnerC157 Enter the Qin FamilyC158 The Horse's Feet ReappearedC159 Forcefully ExplainC160 The Hostility DeepenedC161 Start WarningC162 Unwilling to Give up His Evil IntentionsC163 Dismissed from the NingsC164 An Accidental EncounterC165 Toilet TalkC166 Eavesdropping SilentlyC167 Attempting to SeduceC168 He Was Going to Get Himself into TroubleC169 Get out of HereC170 Incomparably WorriedC171 Forced to LieC172 Endless EntanglementC173 Urgent NoticeC174 I Almost Gave Myself awayC175 Official WarningC176 Visiting and PesteringC177 Flagrantly and FlagrantlyC178 Threats and PromisesC179 The Lin Family Was ResponsibleC180 PunishedC181 Compromise for the Sake of the WholeC182 All Sorts of TricksC183 StimulatedC184 Discovered Suspicious PointsC185 Another AccidentC186 Fatal BlowC187 The UltimatumC188 Zhan Qing Made Her MoveC189 Fatal EncounterC190 He Slammed the Door and LeftC191 Heavy ConversationC192 Make Your PromiseC193 Tell the Lin FamilyC194 There Was Another ConflictC195 Double TroubleC196 Rattling with Each OtherC197 Avoid EntanglementC198 Let Her be SafeC199 Kill the Chicken as an Example to the OthersC200 You Reap What You SowC201 Enjoy the TendernessC202 Encountering Each Other AgainC203 The Phone Was StolenC204 Li Substituted Peach Rigor MortisC205 Almost CrazyC206 Borrowing PhotosC207 Comatose and Sent to the DoctorC208 Tell Her You're PregnantC209 FrustrationC210 On-the-spot StatementC211 Reveal the Inside StoryC212 Out of the Game for GoodC213 Openly DenouncingC214 Causing DissensionC215 Painful to Each OtherC216 Left on BusinessC217 In the Face of CrisisC218 Both Sides Confronted Each OtherC219 Trying to Drive a Wedge Between UsC220 Got the NewsC221 The Divorce Was SuccessfulC222 Danger Had ComeC223 Rescue ArrivedC224 Exposed IdentityC225 To the HospitalC226 Conversation in PersonC227 There Was a Grudge Between ThemC228 My Heart Ached for the DialogueC229 Separated for the Time BeingC230 Torturing Each OtherC231 A Sudden VisitC232 Open Your HeartC233 Change of HeartC234 Let Bygones be BygonesC235 Understanding Each OtherC236 Inpatient AgainC237 Let's Go Home TogetherC238 A Good DinnerC239 Coldly RefusingC240 Suddenly He Urged Her to Marry HimC241 Mother and Daughter Working TogetherC242 The House ProblemC243 The Qin Family VisitedC244 Officially EnteredC245 Before the BanquetC246 Let Me Introduce YouC247 Proposal in PublicC248 Misinformation Spread like WildfireC249 Come out and Face It Head onC250 Suspicion RaisedC251 Investigate the He FamilyC252 Sisters' InfightingC253 Rumors Were FlyingC254 Despicable ThoughtsC255 Wait for the Right MomentC256 Add Fuel to the FireC257 Things Were Getting out of HandC258 It Fermented to the EndC259 Jedi Counter-attackC260 Public Opinion Has Been ReversedC261 The Truth Was RevealedC262 Complete ClarificationC263 The Assistant DefectedC264 Send out a Distress CallC265 Investigate IdentityC266 The Woman AwakensC267 Suspicious Mrs HeC268 All of ItC269 I Was in a Bad MoodC270 Preparations for the WeddingC271 WeddingC272 The Wedding Took PlaceC273 The Wedding Dress Was RuinedC274 Decided to Save HimC275 Anxious to WaitC276 Surprise Presented ItselfC277 The Wedding BeganC278 Check the BouquetC279 An AccidentC280 Learning of the Status QuoC281 A Hero Saving a Damsel in DistressC282 The Aunt and Nephew Were at Odds with Each OtherC283 The Results of the Test Showed ThatC284 The Betrothal Went SmoothlyC285 On the Island on VacationC286 First Signs of DiscoveryC287 See the TruthC288 Once upon a Time 2C289 Suddenly He Came to Her DoorC290 Qin Bai Made His MoveC291 To Break upC292 Huang's BankruptC293 Moral KidnappingC294 Wounded and BleedingC295 Beginning to AbstainC296 It Kept Bothering HimC297 Encountering the Former by ChanceC298 Send It Back to the Qin FamilyC299 Discussing Important MattersC300 Full of GunpowderC301 There Had Been a Long-standing Grudge Between ThemC302 To Marry Qin YunC303 The Strong and the Strong Joined ForcesC304 Attacking to Stir up TroubleC305 A Glib TongueC306 The Marriage Was ArrangedC307 Keep a Hand in the DarkC308 Take Advantage of the Chaos to StrikeC309 Luring the Enemy DeeperC310 Annual Assembly PlanningC311 Strange WomanC312 Get Rid of Them and Get out of HereC313 He Showed up at the AirportC314 The Injuries Drove People awayC315 At the Annual MeetingC316 Open ProvocationC317 In the LoungeC318 Face to FaceC319 Target Qin GangC320 Aware of AbnormalitiesC321 Panic and JustificationC322 All the Way to the EndC323 Internal SettlementC324 He Was in a DilemmaC325 Let Him GoC326 Flaunting His ProwessC327 Attack the City with All You've GotC328 Again and AgainC329 Suddenly the Situation ChangedC330 Frequent MistakesC331 Very CooperativeC332 The Kitchen Had Run into Each Other by AccidentC333 Playing Hard to GetC334 Innocent and HarmlessC335 Trust CrisisC336 Rumor Has It That a Marriage Took PlaceC337 Public Opinion Was BoilingC338 Public Opinion EscalatedC339 Causing TroubleC340 I Gave Myself awayC341 Shock to the FamilyC342 At the Freezing PointC343 Guessing UpgradesC344 Steal the MalletC345 Deliberately Making Things Difficult for MeC346 The So-called EvidenceC347 Grievances and AccusationsC348 On the Surface They Looked Different on the Inside but on the Inside They Looked DifferentC349 Prove Your InnocenceC350 My Feet Slipped and I FellC351 Hospital First-aidC352 Qin Bai PressedC353 UnexpectedC354 Dangerous SeductionC355 The Alienation Had FailedC356 Making WavesC357 The Public Opinion Was at Its PeakC358 Do as You PleaseC359 You Can't Tell Right from WrongC360 Directly TitledC361 Strange SignsC362 Money to MoneyC363 Try to Find a WayC364 A High-profile EntranceC365 A Lot of MoneyC366 Inviting Him out of His Own AccordC367 Forced Debt CollectorsC368 Try to Raise MoneyC369 An Inexplicable ConfrontationC370 Forcefully Leaving the SceneC371 Stars Surround the MoonC372 Deliberately Showing offC373 No AuthorityC374 Extracting FundsC375 Splashing Dirty Water All over the PlaceC376 Accompanying the Maternity TestC377 Long Time No SeeC378 He Pestered Her AgainC379 Threatened by Promissory NotesC380 Risking It AllC381 I Almost Broke ItC382 Taking Advantage of the SituationC383 Dealing with CriticismC384 Successfully HookedC385 A LoopholeC386 Out of the WaterC387 Accident SystemC388 Tricked AgainC389 The Public CollapseC390 The Night Before the DivorceC391 Someone Had Ambushed HimC392 Danger Was ApproachingC393 Fleeing in a PanicC394 He Began to Reel in the NetC395 Kick Them out of the Qin FamilyC396 Public Opinion Against LineC397 DisgracefulC398 Mrs He Was DamagedC399 Causing Havoc in the Qin FamilyC400 Personally Come ForwardC401 Chase Hu Yi awayC402 Threats and PromisesC403 Public Opinion Was SuppressedC404 Switch Sides QuicklyC405 Break the RumorC406 Explode the TruthC407 He Industries CrisisC408 Malicious CompetitionC409 He Was in a DilemmaC410 Bankruptcy Was ImminentC411 Mrs He CounterattackedC412 Young Master SunC413 The Dance EntanglementC414 The Chaos Was OverwhelmingC415 The Sandpiper and the Clam Fight Each OtherC416 The Fisherman Takes Advantage of the SituationC417 The Official BreakupC418 Unexpected NewsC419 Emotional ExposureC420 Threats FailedC421 The Edge of the CrackC422 A Complete BreakupC423 Pregnancy StormC424 The Scandal SpreadC425 The Trick Had FailedC426 Completely Expose HimC427 Kicked out of the HouseC428 Mother and Daughter ConspiringC429 Working Together to Act out a PlayC430 Self-destruction 800C431 Hu Yi AppearedC432 Seizing Someone by ForceC433 Feel the Movement of the FetusC434 He Reached out and Tore It apartC435 Suddenly TimidC436 The Seizure Went SmoothlyC437 Find Another Way outC438 He Lu Stepped ForwardC439 Father and Son Turned Against Each OtherC440 Fu Jin ArrivedC441 A Shocking SecretC442 Live Broadcast of the ExecutionC443 The Target of Public CriticismC444 He Cheng CollapsedC445 Consecutive ConflictsC446 There Was Nothing He Could Do to Reverse the SituationC447 Imprisoned AgainC448 Imprisoned Together with HimC449 Integrate the He IndustriesC450 In Addition to That There Was the InvolvementC451 Great LossesC452 Deliberately AgitatingC453 Finally He Was HonestC454 Second Young Master of the Zhu FamilyC455 The Sun Family Was Under ControlC456 Understanding Each OtherC457 Discovered TailingC458 Young Master SunC459 The Sun Family Was in DangerC460 Fire PunishmentC461 I Left SulkilyC462 Pre-emptive StrikeC463 Once upon a Time the past Had Been the pastC464 Powerful Infusion of CapitalC465 The Pattern ChangesC466 Suddenly He Made a MoveC467 The Treacherous Ji FamilyC468 Back and Forth Back and ForthC469 Running into Each Other on the CourtC470 Domineering HandC471 Catch a Turtle in a JarC472 The Ji Family StruggledC473 Blocks EverywhereC474 Using the Sun FamilyC475 Inducement to Go outC476 The Explosion Was ImminentC477 In Imminent PerilC478 A Feint to the East and a Feint to the WestC479 Ji Chun Fell from PowerC480 Qin Yun Was in DangerC481 Save Qin YunC482 Risking His Life to Save HerC483 Everything Was Going According to Plan