The CEO's Obsession
The CEO's Obsession
"I told you several times, I don't have feelings for you anymore," Kim answered her. She finally got him to talk after pestering him for a long time. How does a person change in such a matter of time? She wondered. "What about everything we shared? The love? The..." "You were nothing but an obsession to me, Riele." he cuts in. Riele looked at the lady beside him who was holding his hand as if her life depended on it. "Are you saying all this because of her? If you..." before she got to finish her words, Kim pulled Ji Soon closer and kissed her. She got the answer she needed. She was nothing but an obsession he is trying to get rid of. She shouldn't have trusted her heart to handle this situation. She should have used her head instead. She turned around and left with tears in her eyes. The moment she was out of sight, Kim pulled away from the lady but then he didn't feel those butterflies he felt when he kisses Riele and he wondered why. Is Riele just an obsession he is trying to get rid of or an obsession he can't help but love?
Corazón gélido
Corazón gélido
Isabella aprendió que la vida no era como en los cuentos de hadas, que la vida no era color rosa. Sin embargo, nadie escapa de las «garras» del amor e Isabella no fue la excepción. Se enamoró y sufrió y, cuando creyó que podría darle una segunda oportunidad al amor, volvió a sufrir. Un engaño. Un desamor. Un corazón roto. Un corazón gélido. A veces los designios del destino son… caprichosos. Un accidente. Un sueño. Un chico. ↔↔ Valentín se propuso ser alguien diferente cuando sufrió, en más de una ocasión, por amor. Decidió dejar de ser el chico gentil, amable, romántico y cursi. Se propuso ser de esos chicos celosos, egoístas y posesivos con tal de no sufrir nuevamente por amor. Valentín creyó que podría lograrlo hasta que conoce a una chica que pondrá en tela de juicio sus decisiones. Valentín tendrá que luchar, tendrá que demostrar que sus sentimientos son sinceros y, quizá, consiga conquistar el corazón gélido de esa chica. Obra registrada en Safe Creative. No se permite copia total o parcial. Todos los derechos reservados.