My Hot Girl, Don't Run Away
My Hot Girl, Don't Run Away
*The first time they met, Chu Feifei put her middle finger on his face. The second time they met, Chu Feifei slept with him. The third time they met, Chu Feifei jumped over the wall and was caught by him. "Mr., I'm busy running away from the wedding, so I'll be leaving first." The handsome man caught her hand, "If my fiancee runs away, who am I going to marry?" "Pfft, who's your fiancee..." Before Chu Feifei could finish her words, he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her. "Little wild cat, you won't be able to escape."
Beyonce White is a young, beautiful, and gentle girl. Known all over Downtown street for her humility and beauty. She is 20 years old. It's so sad that Beyonce happens to be an orphan. She grew up in the orphanage home all her life and it's so sad that no one actually adopted her. And she was told that her parents were killed by the people of the town because they were engaged in witchcraft. When she was 20, she decided to leave the orphanage home to the streets. She knew she was becoming a burden to them back at the home. Ramson Salvatore, a 26 year old working class man, known for his very handsome face and muscular built body. He was nicknamed a Greek god by the women who admired his beauty. He was every ladies dream, he always had them lined up at his door begging for him to f**k them. Which he did delightfully. He was also feared for his character and association with people. He was very rude, arrogant, mean, anything you call it. It was all in him. Trust me, he gained that pride from the excess money he gained in a day. He loved to f**k women a lot. He never really had his heart for any lady apart from his mother who suffered domestic abuse from his stepfather. His mother was known as his weakness. But who can get to his mother? No one! He had her guarded 24/7. Ramson met with our gentle Beyonce on the streets where she was still in search of a job. Their meeting wasn't a pleasant one and that got Mr Hatefully really pissed. And he decided to avenge our poor Beyonce's mistake by taking her to his house.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- love find it's way
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- love find it's way
A fate bounded by marriage, and a love to an unconditional ending "Make sure girl you never cross paths with me or devil will make your life hell." Said a man in a fine talored dress and dangerous aura. The innocent girl never thought that she'll cross paths with him, until the day." You...?" Said the girl shocked to see the devil in front of her who was now going to marry. Love an unconditional commitment to the most unexpected person, Anastasia, a simple sweet girl, who lost her parents in an accident, wanted to find a love from an arranged marriage. Xander knight, the cold, mighty, billionare, CEO of Knight Industries who had no faith in love and relationship, will he able to love Anastasia? Let's start a journey of a beautiful story, with twists and turns and a happily ever after.
My Blind Wife Wants Divorced
My Blind Wife Wants Divorced
Leonel Grisham, CEO of Mountain Ltd, 38th, considers his wife a status symbol. There is no love between them. It's cold. They rarely spend time together. They rarely even show affection to each other, which can be counted on one hand. Throughout their 5-year marriage, nothing was special except that Chloe Delilah is Leonel's parents' favorite daughter-in-law. Leo has a girlfriend whom he loves deeply. Unfortunately, Leo's mother disapproves because his girlfriend, Ester Gabriella, is an ordinary-class photo model. Leo's world revolves around his work and Ester. Chloe is not a part of his life; she is just a trophy wife. The unfortunate incident that took away Chloe's eyesight also shocked Leo when Chloe, after waking up from a coma, requested a divorce. Leo cannot accept Chloe's ridiculous request. But she insists, no matter what happens. This includes demanding all Leo's assets and shares as stipulated in their prenuptial agreement. Leo can't understand how Chloe could express such a crazy idea. One by one, Leo discovers that Chloe's accident was staged. Someone orchestrated it all. Mountain Pte is also in a significant crisis because the mastermind targets the destruction of the Group that Leo leads. Chloe continues to insist until she eventually realizes that her accident was not without reason. Will Chloe maintain her desires or help Leo regain his power in Mountain Ltd?
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
"Compañera!" Escuchó a su lobo gruñir. Los ojos de Lancelot se posaron en el lugar donde ella le estrechó la palma. 'Tienes que estar bromeando.' ******** Lo había perdido todo en solo un día: el trabajo que tanto intentó encontrar, su prometido con el que salió la mitad de su vida y lo que quedaba de una relación con su hermana gemela. Lo único que no podía permitirse perder era lo que quedaba de su dignidad; ciertamente no en una boda que debería haber sido suya. Y por eso lo necesitaba a él, al apuesto extraño al otro lado de la calle. Lo que Roxanne Harvey no sabía era que este extraño había llegado para quedarse. Lancelot Dankworth, Príncipe Alfa del London Pride Pack no podía creer lo que veía. La loca americana que le gritaba a su asistente hizo que su lobo gruñera posesivamente por primera vez en 26 años. Nunca creyó que sería capaz de amar a nadie más, pero ¿por qué parece que no puede controlar sus emociones cuando está cerca de la loca estadounidense? Le encanta estar solo, siempre lo había estado, pero ¿por qué de repente estar separado de ella lo vuelve loco? No deberían estar juntos. Él es un príncipe alfa y ella es una mujer humana. Sin embargo, este hecho no le impide enamorarse perdidamente de ella. Con el oscuro pasado de Lancelot y sus numerosos enemigos, él lucha por protegerla de sus innumerables enemigos, así como de él mismo. ¿Su vínculo sería lo suficientemente fuerte como para conquistarlo todo? ¿O se perderían el uno al otro junto con ellos mismos?
Fantasy Romance
My Brother's Bestfriend
My Brother's Bestfriend
Meet Skye Barker. She's pretty, smart, heartbroken, and Adam's little sister. Meet Chase Matthews. He's cocky, gorgeous, a player, and Adam Barker's bestfriend. Chase has spent years in making Skye's life a living hell, but when he come back after the summer, things changed. Add in Skye's ex-boyfriend, best friend, and over protective brother, things starts to get complicated.
El Alfa Enamorado
El Alfa Enamorado
Freya es la hija adoptiva de la pareja guerrera de Midnight Pack. Ella no tenía olor, por lo que todos pensaron que no tenía lobo, al igual que los humanos. Matteo Harith es el príncipe Lycan, que pronto será rey, que estaba esperando a su pareja. La había olido desde hacía 9 años en palacio, pero después de eso, nunca más la encontró, por mucho que la buscara. Cuando el padre de su rey asignó a Matteo para investigar el caso de una manada que había sido aniquilada, él vivió en la Manada de Medianoche y encontró a Freya. En el momento en que Matteo salió de su camioneta, Freya descubrió que él era su compañero. Pero Matteo no podía olerla en absoluto. Un torneo que se había celebrado dentro de la manada hizo que Matteo encontrara a Freya como su compañera cuando sus miradas se encontraron. Cuando Matteo finalmente olió el aroma de Freya, también fue el momento en que recordó lo que había sucedido en su infancia y que el palacio se había negado a ayudarlos cuando se lo pidieron, lo que provocó la muerte de sus padres biológicos. ¿Qué va a hacer cuando Freya esté culpando a la realeza y quiera rechazarlo incluso después de que se marquen entre sí?
Second chance for the same alpha
Second chance for the same alpha
Adriana Brown, 18 years old, an omega with the weakest strength in the Broken Light pack finds out that she is the mate of Alpha Ryan Philips, the strongest alpha in the area who is also their pack's alpha. Even though Adriana is a weak Luna, she has an extraordinarily beautiful face, her physique is almost close to perfect. Of course, this was a mockery for the Alpha pack. Adriana, who was considered the most useless and bad member, was not immediately rejected by Ryan. Kesha Black, Ryan's girlfriend who is the strongest female werewolf, came up with a crazy idea. Kesha told Ryan to make Adriana a 'ball' that could be played with by many Alphas.
La esposa no deseada del duque
La esposa no deseada del duque
Mientras se precipitaba desde lo alto del edificio, un único pensamiento ocupaba su mente. "Si la reencarnación existe, deseo no volver a nacer jamás. La vida es demasiado atroz para experimentarla una vez más." Su cabeza impactó contra el suelo, fragmentándose en incontables pedazos. Era la muerte ideal para alguien que anhelaba pasar inadvertida y ser olvidada.
Uncle, Love Me Deeper
Uncle, Love Me Deeper
WARNING: This is a 18+ story. Ivy is a beautiful college girl, everyone wants to touch at least once. Her seduction is enough to pique a boy's desire. She dates a lot of boys, then one day, her uncle appears. ** "Uncle, I have a question for you," I said aggressively as I approached him. He responded, "yes, Ivy," without looking at me. He always ignores me in this manner. He considers me to be that little girl. "Uncle, are you gay?" I asked hastily. I think he is. That's why he keeps himself away from me. "What?" He said, his eyes widening as he heard me. He asked, "What did you say?" "If you aren't, why can't you love me back?" I enticingly asked.
Steamy Stories
Her Forbidden Alpha
Her Forbidden Alpha
"This is wrong..." She whimpered pleasure consuming her. “You want me just as much as I want you, give in to your desires sweetheart and I’ll make you feel so good, that you won't ever want another man to touch you.” He whispered huskily making her core throb. That was what she was afraid of, that when he was done with her, she would be left broken… ------ Scarlett Malone was a feisty headstrong young she-wolf, blessed by the moon goddess as the first Alpha Female. Moving to a new town with her mother to start afresh, they were welcomed into a new pack and a new family. Things became complicated when she begins to feel attracted to her smart and cocky stepbrother, the future Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. Will she be able to overcome the illicit thoughts that consume her mind and awaken a pleasure deep within her? or would she push even her own boundaries and explore the forbidden feelings that burned within her? Elijah Westwood, the most popular boy around, and one every girl wished to have a taste of. A player who didn’t believe in love, nor mates. He was twenty-one and was in no rush to find his fated one, enjoying life as he was, with no shortages of women to. What happens when he returns home only to find that he’s begun to see his step-sister in a new light? Knowing that when the mating ceremony came, she would find her mate. Will he fight against everything for her, or would he let her go?
The Ruthless Sex Master
The Ruthless Sex Master
Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules. And his first rule: you can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid.
Steamy Stories
Su Alfa posesivo
Su Alfa posesivo
"¡Tú me perteneces, Ava! ¡Eres mía! ¡Y que me lleve el diablo antes de permitir que otro te posea!" rugió él, consumido por una ira desbordante. Los antiguos líderes de la manada Luz de Luna mantenían una tradición arraigada que jamás se había quebrantado: seleccionar a la Luna ideal para su Alfa de entre sus propios miembros, orquestando así la unión perfecta que, según creían, ni la misma diosa de la luna podría igualar. Ava Maynard, integrante de la manada Luz de Luna y la próxima en ser coronada como Luna, fue designada para este destino desde su más tierna infancia y se ha venido preparando para ello durante toda su vida. Sin embargo, al llegar el momento de cumplir con su deber y contraer matrimonio con Ray, el Alfa de la manada Luz de Luna, su camino se cruza con el de Lucas, su verdadero compañero. Respecto a su auténtico compañero, Ava siempre había supuesto que lo rechazaría en cuanto apareciera, tal como lo habían hecho las Lunas precedentes; si ellas habían logrado manejar la situación con éxito, ella estaba convencida de que también podría hacerlo. Pero surge un contratiempo: ¿qué decisión tomará al darse cuenta de que ninguna de las Lunas anteriores se había enfrentado a un compañero como Lucas? Un ser tan posesivo, que no escatimaría esfuerzos para alcanzar sus deseos; alguien que no renunciaría a ella sin dar batalla, alguien resuelto a reclamar lo que la diosa Luna le ha otorgado, incluso si ello implica desafiar las tradiciones de su propia manada. ¿Qué ocurrirá cuando Lucas De 'Clan, Alfa de la manada Alba y verdadero compañero de Ava, descubra que ella está siendo preparada para otro? ¿Acaso renunciará a su compañera para que ella cumpla con sus deberes como Luna? ¿O luchará por lo que le pertenece por derecho? Y Ava, ¿qué camino elegirá? ¿Dónde reside la lealtad de su corazón? ¿En su destino o en su deber? Descúbrelo en "Su Alfa Posesivo; Historia de una loba rota". Advertencia: Este libro contiene temas oscuros, contenido sexual agresivo y maduro que puede resultar inapropiado para lectores jóvenes.
Mafia's Slave: He Drives me Crazy
Mafia's Slave: He Drives me Crazy
Mature Romance 21+ Izabelle's legs were shaking violently, she didn't expect to do something this crazy just to make up for her jerk father. Tonight is Izabelle's last night as a virgin. “You've finally come, little bitch!” Said a man who had been waiting for Belle's arrival that night. That man is Jordan Heron, the mafia boss who is very vile and also a super bastard. “Is this what is called sex.. there is a pain as well as a pleasure..” Izabelle looked up at the clouds in the room with eyes as empty as hopeless. Well, the honor that she had guarded so well was finally taken away by a man she had just met. Even had to accept cruel insults from Jordan after their hot relationship that night. Izabelle was forced to do this illegal transaction so that her father would be free from debts and even Jordan's hostage. Their lives are getting more difficult due to the actions of their father who likes to gamble until they almost become homeless... What will Izabelle do next in the future?
Billionaire's Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back
Billionaire's Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back
Lily was the wife of the richest and most powerful man in the continent, but because she couldn't conceive an heir for her husband, everyone treated her without respect including her husband. After five years, she finally conceived but her husband, Drake Bell believed her pregnancy was a result of an affair she has because he never had any intimacy with her ever since his childhood sweetheart returned back to his life and that was a year ago. Hence, he took Lily to the hospital and enforce an abortion on her pregnancy eventhough it was against her will. Broken, battered and wasted, Lily dropped a divorce paper on the table and left her husband's villa. The wife of the richest man in the continent ended up being homeless and sleeping on the street but two weeks later, she started experiencing strange symptoms. On visiting the hospital, she was told she was pregnant. Many years later, Drake Bell knelt before Lily and begged her and her twin to come to him but Lily was already a top designer with enough money in her account, she has more than enough to take care of herself and her kids, as for Drake Bell, she told him to rot in hell. But destiny can be tricky, could there a possibility of love between Drake Bell and Lily considering Drake Bell's unforgivable act in the past?
Prisionera en tus brazos
Prisionera en tus brazos
Nicole Williams es una chica ejemplar, una joven de 18 años que cursa la universidad. Durante una fiesta, su hermana la engaña para que entre en la habitación de un hombre enigmático. Lo que su hermana no anticipó es que Nicole terminaría en la habitación equivocada. Después de que su apasionada noche se hiciera pública en los periódicos de todo el país, Nicole se ve forzada a contraer matrimonio con ese hombre, quien le promete una vida de sufrimiento inimaginable. Bruno Leone es un multimillonario y CEO, un hombre atractivo que está en la treintena. Tras ser traicionado por una mujer y su propio hermano, se vuelve un hombre amargado. Sin quererlo, pasa una noche con Nicole mientras estaba ebrio por una bebida que le dieron. Su padre le obliga a casarse con la joven, y él está convencido de que ella lo planeó todo. Por eso, decide hacerla pagar, disfrutando al verla sufrir. Lo que nunca imaginó es que terminaría enamorándose de ella. ¿Podrá Nicole perdonarlo después de todo el daño que le causó?
La sexy secretaria de Luke
La sexy secretaria de Luke
Advertencia: este libro contiene escenas explícitas y no es adecuado para lectores menores de edad. Allie había estado trabajando como la secretaria de Luke durante siete años. Fue ella quien le partió el corazón hace siete años, lo que lo impulsó a casarse. Ahora, tras su divorcio, Luke desea tener a Allie de vuelta, no como su pareja, sino como su esclava sexual. ¿Qué sucederá cuando Allie quede embarazada del hijo de Luke? "No significas nada para mí", expresó él con frialdad. "Los hombres solo son amables con las mujeres que les atraen, después de tener sexo con ellas. Pero no puedo ser amable contigo, porque no me atraes, eres solo mi secretaria". Las palabras de él se clavaron en su corazón como un cuchillo. Las lágrimas brotaron en sus ojos. "Si no significo nada para ti, ¿entonces por qué te acuestas conmigo?" gritó ella, mientras las lágrimas de dolor recorrían sus mejillas. "Es la única forma de vengarme", le gritó él a cambio. "Quiero vengarme porque me rompiste el corazón hace siete años".
"Señor, mi jefe ha indicado que ambos deben firmar", dijo extendiendo su mano hacia Paul con los documentos. "De acuerdo", respondió Paul tomando los documentos. Simon le pasó un bolígrafo y señaló hacia una mesa. Paul dejó los papeles sobre la mesa y firmó. "Listo", comentó Paul, devolviéndole los documentos a Simon. Este los tomó y se acercó a Angelina. "Señora, su firma por favor", solicitó con cortesía, ofreciéndole los papeles y el bolígrafo. "¿Y por qué tendría que firmar sin antes ver a su jefe y sin saber por qué necesitan mi firma?", preguntó Angelina con firmeza. "¡Lina!", exclamó Paul. Sin necesidad de más explicaciones, ella tomó el papel y firmó sin leer. "Aquí tiene", dijo Angelina, entregándole los documentos de vuelta. "Perfecto", Simon revisó rápidamente las firmas y asintió satisfecho. "Ahora esperen a mi jefe, llegará en breve", anunció antes de alejarse. "No entiendo, papá, ¿qué estamos firmando?", preguntó Angelina, claramente confundida y en busca de respuestas. "Pronto lo sabrás, él vendrá a explicarlo", dijo Paul con una sonrisa astuta. Angelina intentó calmarse al escuchar pasos acercándose al salón. Finalmente, Conner hizo su entrada y Paul se levantó rápidamente para recibirlo. Llevaba una camiseta blanca y unos vaqueros azules desgastados, con los dos primeros botones desabrochados dejando su pecho al descubierto. Los ojos de Angelina se abrieron de par en par al ver a Conner. Se levantó de un salto y casi gritó: "¿Tú otra vez?" Conner esbozó una sonrisa maliciosa en sus labios y, sin mirar a Angelina, extendió la mano hacia Paul, quien la estrechó en un apretón de manos. "Felicidades, acaba de vender a su hija a mí", dijo Conner, asegurándose de que Angelina escuchara claramente.
Imperfect Marriage : A Billionaire Love Scandal
Imperfect Marriage : A Billionaire Love Scandal
Beautiful, independent, and possessing nearly everything in the world, Veronica Ashborne life is so perfect. However, the life she's been leading suddenly changes when Veronica is arranged by her father to be married to Darwin Walters. For Veronica, marriage is something sacred. Although she hasn't yet gotten to know Darwin's personality, in her naivety, she believes that love will gradually grow between them. However, Darwin doesn't think the same way. He marries Veronica out of necessity. He even openly shows Veronica that he's still involved with another woman. Without caring, he brings Vivian Storm, his former lover, to the house. Veronica swallows her tears and pain. She erases them perfectly in front of everyone. She covers up Darwin's every flaw so that he remains the perfect husband in the eyes of everyone praying for their marriage. Including both of their parents. For her, giving chances and forgiveness are necessary to keep living. But if the mistakes keep being repeated, is forgiveness still necessary? Or will it eventually freeze the heart of Veronica Ashborne the recipient of it all? And with the presence of Sean Galael, Veronica's heart becomes conflicted in the end.
From the beginning, Samuel Aarick (CEO of Flown Enterprise) had his eyes on Beatrice. Besides the debt her father owed, Samuel felt that Beatrice deserved to be one of his kept women at the headquarters. In addition to being an influential CEO in the Southern Region, Samuel is also the leader of the Twin Dragons clan. The Twin Dragons are known to be ruthless and merciless. Their power extends to various illicit businesses, including arms and drug trafficking. For Samuel, it was easy to obtain Beatrice. He forgot that love can come knocking on his heart at any time. This includes when Beatrice is in danger due to Samuel thoroughly investigating the issue of his subordinate being shot for no apparent reason. Beatrice is kidnapped, which further fuels Samuel's anger. He makes an effort to free her and starts to question himself. Is this just love or something more?
