Kate is a charming, dashing lady that can happen to any guy. She finds love in the hands of two cute men of opposite personality; cool headed Brian, and bad boy, good, sexual diva; Tony. The celebration of her 20th birthday kick starts a war that makes her put Brian aside and fall into the horrible sexual web of bad boy Tony, believing he is the right one for her. But her affair with Tony sparks the worst experience not just for herself but for her family. Her father goes to jail; her family is thrown into shambles and sexual desires because she is unaware of the bad boy her heart beats for. A cloud of twist sets in when she is implicated in a crime and stands to be sentenced to life imprisonment; that was when she realized true love in Brian who owns up to her crime and serves her jail term. Brian is ready to fight the good fight of love to recover the love he has for her and help put her family back to what they were. The aura of true and sacrificial love between Brian and Kate is thereafter sealed in an agreed marriage. Tony through gritted teeth will have to spend the rest of his life in jail. But would the gripping hands of lust, and obsession give room for true love? Would Brian’s decision cost him his happiness and eventually fetch him regret?
Amor Bajo Cero
Amor Bajo Cero
Dhara Kiraz es una de las modelos más reconocidas del mundo, su rostro angelical y figura perfecta son todo lo que los grandes diseñadores de moda desean es sus pasarelas y por consecuencia a quien buscan las revistas más importantes a la hora de una portada de impacto. Todo el mundo diría que su vida es perfecta, que su belleza y los lujos que puede darse esta modelo son todo lo que cualquier persona busca, pero nadie sabe la vida que realmente lleva esa mujer a la que todos envidian. Su vida no es tan perfecta como el mundo lo imagina, pero esto es algo que oculta con gran recelo y que solo una persona será capaz ver como es realmente Dhara. Esa persona es Xan D’elia un hombre que llega a su vida casi por casualidad rompiendo todos los esquemas de esta famosa modelo y así volteando su mundo al revés llevándola a ser alguien diferente.