Príncipe licántropo Matteo
Príncipe licántropo Matteo
Freya es la hija adoptiva de la pareja guerrera de Midnight Pack. Ella no tenía olor, por lo que todos pensaron que no tenía lobo, al igual que los humanos. Matteo Harith es el príncipe Lycan, que pronto será rey, que estaba esperando a su pareja. La había olido desde hacía 9 años en palacio, pero después de eso, nunca más la encontró, por mucho que la buscara. Cuando el padre de su rey asignó a Matteo para investigar el caso de una manada que había sido aniquilada, él vivió en la Manada de Medianoche y encontró a Freya. En el momento en que Matteo salió de su camioneta, Freya descubrió que él era su compañero. Pero Matteo no podía olerla en absoluto. Un torneo que se había celebrado dentro de la manada hizo que Matteo encontrara a Freya como su compañera cuando sus miradas se encontraron. Cuando Matteo finalmente olió el aroma de Freya, también fue el momento en que recordó lo que había sucedido en su infancia y que el palacio se había negado a ayudarlos cuando se lo pidieron, lo que provocó la muerte de sus padres biológicos. ¿Qué va a hacer cuando Freya esté culpando a la realeza y quiera rechazarlo incluso después de que se marquen entre sí?
Her New Year Mate
Her New Year Mate
Beta Aaron Keizer brings Diwa back to the Packhouse after being away for more than ten years. However, as soon as she arrives, a dangerous presence from her past begins stalking her and her newly found mate. Even worse, Di’s elder brother, who happens to be the Gamma of the pack, openly shows his disapproval of the union. Will Di be able to find freedom from her past while finding happiness in Aaron? And can the Beta be able to see beyond the bond so he can help Di finally fight the monster who continues to claim her as his?
Lycan Prince Matteo
Lycan Prince Matteo
Freya is the adoptive daughter of the warrior mated couple of the Midnight Pack. She didn't have a scent, so everyone thought that she didn't have a wolf, just like humans. Matteo Harith is the Lycan prince, soon to be king, who was waiting for his mate. He had smelled her since 9 years ago in the palace, but after that, he never found her, no matter how much he looked for her. When Matteo was assigned by his king's father to look into the case of a pack that had been wiped out, he lived in the Midnight Pack and found Freya. The moment Matteo stepped out of his SUV, Freya found out that he was her mate. But Matteo couldn't smell her at all. A tournament that had been held within the pack made Matteo find Freya to be his mate when their eyes met. When Matteo finally smelled Freya's scent, it was also the time that she remembered what had happened in her childhood and that the palace had refused to help them when they asked, which caused her biological parents' death. What is he going to do when Freya was blaming the royals and wanted to reject him even after they mark each other?
Beauty and the Vampire Lord
Beauty and the Vampire Lord
Unlike her twin sister Edith, Edna has always been the nerdy reserved one in contrast to her sister. Edith convinced Edna on a night out leading to Edna's accident on the highway. Vampire Lord Vincent sensed the accident right from his home and he hurriedly saves the pureblood thereby marking her as his mate along the process" Everything changes when Edna became conscious and she won't be healed so fast, she also finds herself visiting a strange place. Read to find out whether the good twin will abandon her home for her mate.