My Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO
My Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO
It was Valentine's day; the day of love. Arianna had gone out for a date with her boyfriend, she was expecting him to pop the question tonight but instead, he did the exact opposite. He announced that the relationship was not working and he couldn’t push on anymore. So he walked out of her life and out of the country as well. She was broken, and ended up in a bar where she intended to drink away her sorrows. She got tipsy and that’s when Mr. handsome stranger showed up. They both ended up in a hotel room and the next morning before she could wake up, he was gone. Only if she knew that the one night stand would lead to an unexpected pregnancy. She was pregnant for someone whose name she didn’t even know, a complete stranger. Six months later, she bumps into a magazine with his picture “Oliver Gomez; Businessman of the year” That’s when she realizes that her Baby's Daddy Is Mr. CEO!! She confronts him but the billionaire CEO denies it, however she is not going to give up, not without a fight.
¡Se busca un millonario!
¡Se busca un millonario!
Ashley Moon es una chica tranquila. Vive con su madre en un pequeño pueblo a tan solo treinta kilómetros de distancia de la ciudad. Trabaja a medio tiempo en una cafetería-librería, para pagar sus estudios y la educación de su hermano menor. Su vida no tiene nada de interesante; realiza la misma rutina, día a día, sin una mejora a la vista. Pero todo cambia cuando Steph, su mejor amiga, intenta romper su monotonía. Y lo logra. William O' Sullivan, no esperaba que la chica tímida y trabajadora que se había acostumbrado a visitar, estuviera haciendo tales ofertas. Llevaba más de un mes planeando la mejor forma de acercarse a ella cuando un cartel con colores llamativos, expuso su verdadero carácter. «Una oportunista». Ahora se encuentra en la disyuntiva de si avanzar o no. Su obsesión por esa chica podría ocasionarle graves consecuencias. Pero tampoco logra, por ningún medio, alejarse del todo. Un encuentro casual, no tan casual. Los hilos del destino no se mueven solos. A veces, simplemente hay alguien, que tiene ganas de cambiar el mundo. Todo comenzó con un: ¡Se busca un millonario! Ahora sólo debemos averiguar cómo terminará.  
We meet again.
We meet again.
Michael King was an orphan who was adopted by the Dixon family at the age of Twelve years old, when he saved the beloved daughter of the Dixon family Debbie Dixon. Since then he was living there until the death master Dixon and Michael went missing returning after fifteen years to find out the truth and solve the crisis of the Family.