Undeniable Attraction
Undeniable Attraction
Kelvin Adrios is a billionaire known for his arrogant and rude attitude. The only thing that matters to him is his work and family. He only does one night stands and is an ultimate playboy. He doesn't want anything to do with another girl except her and his hatred for her has made him colder than ice. She was the girl who broke him and made him heartless. Shayan West is a girl striving to survive in the big city. She has a past which she keeps, she was involved in a guy that ruined her life. What happens when they meet now? he's the boss and she's the undeniably attractive personal assistant. Would they be able to let go of their past and hatred for each other and would he discover the secret she keeps?
Delhi delights
Delhi delights
Rajeev & Akhil are two friends but with a very different set of values and behavioural traits. While the former is focused and career-oriented, the latter is more fun-loving, less hardworking, always ready to take the easy route to success and given a choice, is more than eager to keep away from facing the numerous challenges and hassles in the journey called life. Away from home for the first time in their lives, they soon realize that life is not exactly a cake-walk and strive hard to boldly face the numerous hardships, uncertainties and temptations that can divert their attention from chasing their career goals. As both of them make new friends and gain new contacts, their long-lasting bond of friendship is put to test. In a world, where people prefer to measure success only in monetary terms, will the two be able to succeed and retain their friendship? And most importantly, will they be able to truly enjoy their success with their loved ones who made innumerable sacrifices to help them chase their dreams? Success after all is a very subjective term. It can be that tingle of excitement about what one does, sticking together through the tough times or living a life that one can feel proud of in retrospect. But how will it feel if the person whom one desperately wanted to see and feel that moment of glory in someone’s life outlived that moment of glory? Will the so-called ‘success’ still be worthy of celebration?
Young Adult
El ser humano tiene la tendencia de, entre más prohibido, más tentador y excitante se vuelve y Leandro Licciardi lo era. Con su sola presencia erizaba cada parte de mi cuerpo, era un hombre imponente con una mirada que hacía desde mojar mis bragas, a hacerme temblar de puro miedo, todo de él emanaba peligro y sexo, mucho sexo. Él era el pecado hecho persona y yo solo una simple mortal que cayó en tentación. Soy Nicole Davis y esta es mi historia.
"She looks exactly like me but we're very different." Gabriella. "You're are always gonna be beneath me no matter how hard you try." Gabrielle. Twin sisters, Gabriella and Gabrielle may look alike but they are definitely complete opposites. Gabrielle, the proud, popular and overly ambitious sister, who loves to be the center of attention and would go to any length to get whatever she wants, without any care of the consequences. Gabriella, as opposed to her twin sister is the quiet one, the gentle one and the smart one and she unlike her sister is not overly ambitious or power and fame hungry. Liam Helton, son of famous fashion designers in New York bumps into both sisters on the same day but on different occasions but falls in love with one and detests the other. Both sisters not only end up falling in love with the same man, they also end up going head to head in the fashion industry but what happens when lies, greed, dirty tricks and deceit become the only way to be victorious? A story about an obsession for fame, power, money and love. Who wins and who loses? Find out in OBSESSED.
Steamy Stories
Escorting the Groom
Escorting the Groom
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD… Ruthless technology billionaire Lucas Ford has run out of time. The rules of his trust make it clear: be married by thirty-five and stay married for one year. Otherwise, bye-bye inheritance—and the family fortune will be inherited by his sister, who might very well blow it on Botox and funding her sorority alma mater. FOR BETTER AND FOR WORSE… Struggling escort Blake Maxwell has a choice: accept Lucas's offer to marry him in exchange for a million dollars or keep working as an escort until she can scrape enough money together to quit the business for good. This is the chance she's been waiting for—to take care of her ailing mother and leave her own backstabbing sister behind… TO LOVE, HONOR, AND OBEY… Both Blake and Lucas are forced to make the best of a bad situation. As their enemies fight to take them down, they have to work together to meet their goal: stay married for one year and persuade everyone that it's real so the terms of the trust can't be contested. But keeping things real complicates matters even further. Blake can't afford to have feelings for her brooding client. She needs to take the money and run to protect her seriously wounded heart. On the other hand, Lucas can't afford to lose the one woman he's ever really fallen for…the woman he never expected to steal his heart. TILL DEATH DO US PART… But they have to survive their respective demons, their attraction to each other, and their enemies first!