Endless Love-By-Lexi
Endless Love-By-Lexi
Two people loved each other. No, let me rephrase it. Two people never loved each other. They hated. But fate played the game and they were forced to get married to each other. Will this marriage full of hate ever amount to real love.
El Imperio del Orco
El Imperio del Orco
Los cimientos de la realidad se desmoronan para Joel. Su muerte repentina lo arroja a un mundo despiadado, y para su desconcierto, ya no es un humano. En este reino, Joel se encuentra en una encrucijada. Sus sueños humanos yacen destrozados mientras navega por un territorio oscuro y mágico. La debilidad es un destino inevitable, y la magia es tanto aliada como enemiga. Atrapado entre la fragilidad de su antigua humanidad y la identidad que ahora representa, debe lidiar con bestias místicas y sombras con secretos insondables. En un imperio donde su raza es la más débil, Joel busca su lugar en un escenario de caos y magia. ¿Podrá un antiguo humano encontrar la redención y dejar una marca en un mundo donde la supervivencia es la moneda de cambio? Únete a Joel en esta epopeya mágica y descubre si puede forjar su destino en El Imperio del Orco.
Loving Her
Loving Her
Love and hatred are two sides of the same coin but at the end of the battle it is always LOVE that wins. Yet when there is faint peek of revenge added, would there still be a victory of passion in the tussle? Augustus Martin - a billionaire heartthrob, cold hearted business tycoon, CEO of Sunrise Industries A teasing snicker on my lips. Angelica Evans, I give you two days of time to hammer out the deal and save your neck from further destruction. Else you know I play the game of destruction quite well A shadow of the past.....If only you knew 'My Angel', you are always the only person reigning my heart – Augustus Martin Angelica Evans - A simple and a sweet girl who believes in herself and works hard to attain her goals. Love to hate you Augustus Martin. I may be the person falling on my knees at the moment but in the peroration you will pray God in begging me for a withdrawal. Welcome to the world of hell. A glimpse in the gleam....No matter how many times I say I hate you. You are the only person who holds me together - Angelica Evans Welcome to the game of love and war.
The Bratty Heiress
The Bratty Heiress
Olga... you're his daughter, you're the heiress, you're coming back to him. That was the nail to my coffin. That was my fate. That was my doom. ******** Luka, she's the boss's daughter, she's way above your league, she's never going to fall for you. That was the ugly truth. That was the reality. That was the fact. ******** She's a player He's a nerd How will the two struggle? How will their love flourish? How will their relationship grow?
Love & Justice
Love & Justice
Zane has worked hard to make police chief of Hurstville at his age. It’s a job he intends keeping. An anonymous tip off leads Zane and his team to arrest a queenpin and her recruits who have been tasked to set up shop in Hurstville. Hope is ruthless and will let nothing stand in her way not even her feelings for Zane. She has a job to do and has no choice but to do it for a reason she prefers not to disclose to Zane. She nevertheless tries to warn Zane that he can’t win the fight for Hurstville that lies ahead in the hope that he will give up and leave. But Zane’s not a quitter. He’s never sold out and he’s not about to start now. As a result, he finds himself struggling to juggle his conscience and the need for justice with his feelings for Hope and his desire to save her from the trouble she is involved in. Hope finally makes it clear where her priorities lie and just as Zane appears to move on and begins to rekindle his relationship with an old flame, Hope drags Zane to the forefront of her actions in Hurstville which threaten to destroy everything Zane has ever wanted and worked for. Can Zane prove his innocence and get the woman he loves?
Power and Greed
Power and Greed
The novel opens in the midst of a world where Sarah Palin has become president during a time of financial ruin for the United States. It is a world for only the extremely rich and extremely poor. All public supports have been taken away, including Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment. Unions have been outlawed. The streets are ruled by bands of thugs known as The Young Zealots and Sarah’s Soldiers. Chauncey Gibbons and Billy Wild, the one a successful, but ruthless, businessman, the other destitute, homeless and mentally ill, wander through the novel, unaware of each other, slowly working their way toward each other, through a series of unpredictable circumstances, until Billy Wild kidnaps Chauncey and drags him back to an underground hovel he’s dug at an abandoned construction site. The thread linking their destinies is the fact that Billy Wild was once a respectable accountant at Eagles Fly, a private investment company, owned by Chauncey Gibbons. One Christmas Eve, he receives a nasty pink slip from Chauncey Gibbons and his whole world begins to collapse. Soon, the bank seizes his house, all reserves run out, and Billy’s wife leaves him with the kids, only to commit suicide. The timeframe of the novel begins on Christmas Eve and ends on New Year’s Eve, adding a dark sardonic air to the narrative’s atmosphere. In the course of that time, Chauncey and Billy’s lives completely reverse themselves, as if the two men have exchanged roles. In the course of the kidnap phase, Chauncey is starved and driven mad until he offers up the codes to his offshore accounts, and Billy transfers all of his wealth to organizations helping the poor. Billy himself is left with a million in cash that he found in Chauncey’s car. At the end of the novel, we see Billy heading to a South American beach resort, while Chauncey is left to walk the streets in a diaper, a hair shirt, and a ghetto gold chain with a cross on it, proclaiming he’s the Messiah.