Golden (My life is all about music)
Golden (My life is all about music)
Just like every other girl her age Golden has a big dream but hers was different from theirs, her big dream was becoming a popular and we'll known musician by the time she is twenty. After getting admitted to her dream school what she didn't plan on started happening. She began to have feelings for one of her music instructor John Mason who's band owns the school. Will Golden add love to this big dream of hers? or will she leave love to chase her dream?
Young Adult
The Real Teasing Starts Now
The Real Teasing Starts Now
Charlotte Ruiz was once a shy girl who had a small crush on Tom when they were kids. As the years go by Charlotte's crush was soon forgotten. Thomas Morales is a nice guy with an easy-going personality. He's a cool, popular basketball player. He and Charlotte have always been friends as they had the same circle of friends. Their personalities changed as they grew and matured over the years. As they start college together the cool, athletic guy that she had always thought of Tom has a hidden agenda that seems to involve her. ***** This story includes: 1. hot, attractive boys 2. irresistible charm, suggestive jokes and badass moves from time to time 3. full of jokes and teases that will make you look like a psycho when you suddenly laugh and smile at your phone 4. mild swearing and cursing 5. awkward situations 6. explicit (smut, R18) content in the later chapters. [It only gets more intense. Please read later chapters at your own discretion.]
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