Tu no me mandas
Tu no me mandas
Raisa Bech la mejor amiga de Jane Tuell desde la niñez, sus padres son ricos pero nada comparado con el gran imperio Tuell, de las dos la más dulce y soñadora, pero algo que pocos saben es que la dulce Raisa lleva toda su vida enamorada del cruel Damián Tuell, el hijo mayor los Tuell y su perdición.
I stole the billionaire’s heart
I stole the billionaire’s heart
"What if he is the one? But he is afraid to tell you?" ┉ Once upon a one night stand in Milan, Italy┉ 💗Two people fell in love.💗 He snuck out in the morning, before she woke up. And when she finally woke up, she couldn't remember who the stranger was she had a one night stand with. Years later, they still couldn't get over each other. HE turned into a womanizer to forget her and SHE remained single, because she couldn't get the one night stand out of her head. They both break their heads to find each other. HE in search for the girl that stole his heart during a One Night Stand and SHE for the guy that made her fall in love. But as the saying goes: "What's meant to be, will find its way back." Will it be that easy? SHE can't remember HIM. HE can remember HER. Heartbreak.Secrets.Lies I was a goddamn business man. Business deals, contracts, name it and I could arrange it. No hesitation. No second thoughts. And then there's her. I was afraid. Afraid of losing her. Afraid that this love is only one sided.
Right Here
Right Here
Lima tahun digantung dalam status istri, Alika baik-baik saja. Hidupnya tak melulu tentang sunyi dan hampa. Diantara kesibukannya, sesekali dia akan berkendara sendiri ke luar kota atau berpelesir ke luar negeri bersama teman-temannya. Suatu malam, disaksikan bapak-bapak yang sedang ronda malam, pintu rumah besarnya diketuk oleh pria berhodie. Ah tentu saja dia masih mengingat wajah yang jarang menampakkan mimik berarti itu, Anggar si suami yang tega meninggalkannya di malam ke tujuh kematian neneknya.Aku ingin kembali padamu, ujar Anggar, membuat wanita berwajah ayu itu terkekeh tanpa suara.
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
When your best friend is also your boss, ‘great ideas’ aren’t always optional. After all, when you run the largest fashion, gossip and trend blog in the country, you got to take risks to keep it edgy. Believe me. This is edgy. The idea? For one week, date every male fantasy. The list? The Jock The Rock star The Billionaire The Stepbrother See how they are all crossed off except one? That’s because he’s Satan. And Scottish. And my best friend’s stepbrother. And there may or may not have been an incident in Jr. high that he hasn’t forgiven me for…but that’s history. Or so I hope, because I’m at his mercy for the next week…
Only If You Know
Only If You Know
Olivia or Livy for short. She has been through a lot. More than you possibly can imagine. She has lost touch with her true self. Old Livy may still exist deep within her soul, but to others, she is nothing more than a girl with a stone heart who doesn’t feel pain. Caleb pretends to have the demeanor of a bad boy, but he is far from it. Yes, indeed! He is a popular jock, but he is not your typical bad boy. Perhaps he did not suffer as much as Livy did, but he witnessed someone close to him destroying his or her life. What happens if they cross each other’s path? Will they fall in love, or will they despise each other? Will Caleb be able to restore Livy to her former self, or will he push her even deeper into the unknown? This story will provide an answer to every question.
Editor yang satu ini, lebih killer dari dosen pembimbing. Bahkan, dosen killer bisa dibilang kamu dianggap sayur kangkung. Editor yang satu ini, melihatmu seperti steak juicy yang siap ia lahap. Si perfectionist yang menuntut segala kesempurnaan, editor rese yang membuatmu menyerah dan tak ingin meneruskan cita-cita yang terpendam. Editor galak yang menyuruh Ilene menulis cerita erotis. Dan membayangkan dirinya, membuat Ilene mengkhayal aneh. Ngomong-ngomong, siapa dalang di balik layar tersebut? Takdir mempertemukan keduanya di balik layar. Bagaimana jika takdir menuntut keduanya untuk bertemu secara langsung?
Demi sebuah janji akan kesetiaan, untuk kesekian kalinya Irish terluka. Janji tinggal janji, nyatanya, janji semanis madu itu berubah sepahit empedu. Penantian Irish selama 4 tahun, berakhir sia-sia. Kekasih yang telah menjanjikan hal manis padanya, memilih memadu kasih dengan wanita lain, meninggalkan Irish dengan sakit hatinya dan menunggu janji yang telanjur berucap. Akhirnya, Irish nekat, demi janji, demi cinta, demi masa depan. Irish menjadi 'pelakor' di hidup Galen dan istrinya. Iris bertekad Galen kembali menjadi miliknya! Bisakah Galen kembali, atau perjuangan Irish akan sia-sia?