Jide can't believe his luck when he scores the most coveted job in the country with just a BSc. Navigating and adjusting to the transition "from a small town to the city" isn't apples and peaches but a small price to pay until he meets his insufferable boss.
(21+) Bhaga mungkin akan menyesali keputusannya pulang ke desa kali ini, atau mungkin pula menganggapnya sebagai karunia. Dia tak tahu bahwa di rumah orang tuanya kini tinggal pula seorang gadis bernama Atma. Atma yatim piatu dan hanya lulusan SMP, dia bantu-bantu membersihkan rumah dan merawat ayah Bhaga yang sedang terbaring sakit. Ketulusan hati keduanya telah menumbuhkan benih-benih cinta di antara mereka. Bhaga hampir lupa bahwa dia sendiri telah memiliki tunangan di kota. Belum lagi status sosial yang terpaut jauh menghalangi mereka. Atma tahu diri, dia tak ingin menyakiti perasaan orang tua Bhaga yang telah begitu baik kepadanya. Sampai tiba waktu Atma juga harus dinikahkan sebab usianya telah cukup. Lantas, bagaimana mereka menghadapi segala pelik yang datang?
Lorena {My C.E.O baby}
Lorena {My C.E.O baby}
Lorena is the single story of a cute African white girl who meets with Freddy Da Silva a citizen of a foreign country, she loves her mother and siblings she is willing to go extra miles of working just so they are okay. Little did Lorena know traveling to Paris will lead her into stumbling with Freddy Da silva a C.E.O of Golden Spark newspaper and Magazine. There the rollercoaster ride of love, pressure, and endurance began, the knowledge of each other's existence got notice but Lorena was not ready for a relationship. It all came to a reality when Lorena was lucky to receive an invitation to study for free in a foreign country. It was a golden opportunity for her to meet new people and earn a living for herself. Lorena Jackson a die-hard workaholic working hard to help out her family and Freddy Da Silva a playful some times bipolar boss who picks an interest with the hardworking lady without thinking of the differences that stands between them, will their relationship as worker and employer turn out fine? Considering the circumstances around them? Lorena and Freddy are asked to choose their path but will the path they choose unite their love or break them apart?
Unexpectedly Mine
Unexpectedly Mine
A battle of love between two people of different world. One is used to having a social and stable life and the other has to work hard in other to have a normal life. " hey Mr, are you stupid or what? If you know you are sick why not go to the hospital. If I wasn't driving a Range Rover my car would have had a scratch at the front . Take your stupid container out of my face, now I'm late for work all because of you. " I shouted at him and people around came closer to see what was the commotion all about and I don't give a damn that I insulted this low life, he deserves it. All this while, he only look stunned at my outburst, I hissed at him and turn to walk away but the stupid man held my arm in a strong hold . He look like he wants to strangle me " Don't ever talk to me like that. I repeat, don't ever shout at me" he angrily gritted out at me and at the same time, his hold on my arm tighten. It really hurt. "Just because, you're privileged to have fancy cars doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that, you spoilt brat. It's people like you that made people like us insult the rich " he shake his head in some worth like pity, for me? . I just look shock at him. How dare this low life insult me like this in public? " if you think you'll be respected just because you are high and mighty, then sweetheart you're wrong. No one would give you the respect you deserve if you don't change this stupid attitude of yours" I slap him right at the face with my other hand. Ride with me to the journey of love between Rahma and sadiq.
Mafia Bride
Mafia Bride
She's a girl with a broken family He father is a drunk and her mother is no different from him He's a mafia boss, the most deadliest and feared in the country He's devoid of any emotions ~EXTRACTS FROM THE STORY~ " You can take her sir she'll make a fine price " " What father I can't go with him " He pushed me roughly and he closed the door in my face " let's go" he said grumpily " let me go I'm not going anywhere with you" He whipped me heavily across the face and dragged me to the car Wanna know more about this story of hurt, revenge and heartbreak???
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