El Imperio del Orco
El Imperio del Orco
Los cimientos de la realidad se desmoronan para Joel. Su muerte repentina lo arroja a un mundo despiadado, y para su desconcierto, ya no es un humano. En este reino, Joel se encuentra en una encrucijada. Sus sueños humanos yacen destrozados mientras navega por un territorio oscuro y mágico. La debilidad es un destino inevitable, y la magia es tanto aliada como enemiga. Atrapado entre la fragilidad de su antigua humanidad y la identidad que ahora representa, debe lidiar con bestias místicas y sombras con secretos insondables. En un imperio donde su raza es la más débil, Joel busca su lugar en un escenario de caos y magia. ¿Podrá un antiguo humano encontrar la redención y dejar una marca en un mundo donde la supervivencia es la moneda de cambio? Únete a Joel en esta epopeya mágica y descubre si puede forjar su destino en El Imperio del Orco.
The Gentleman's Code
The Gentleman's Code
"Win his trust and report to me." Lord Callum is the son of one of the world's richest men. He's also the youngest one. And with that, he was never expected to be the head of the family. Living a life of privilege and variety, he often spends his time in an unsuitable for his background company. Seeking the thrill and being easily bored with everything, he's unpredictable. Until one day Oliver- his new valet - shows up and that changes his whole life. Oliver is hired by Callum's father and the servant is supposed to report to the old Lord all of his son's actions and missteps. But something happens between Oliver and Callum that no one could have predicted. Warning: The story contains explicit content intended for mature readers. Disclaimer: The story, names, characters, and incidents portrayed here are fictitious, inspired by the Victorian Era
The Forgotten Secret
The Forgotten Secret
A special fairy hidden in the human world. Forgotten Lineage that will soon emerge. A Dark Fairy set to shake the Fairy Realms. A Princess destined to put an end to this darkness.
The Familiar Strangers
The Familiar Strangers
Running through the woods with logs laid everywhere and because it was getting darker by the minute, made it so hard for Laura to seek refuge. The only source of light was the full moon and even the moon didn't give clearer light because of the trees. Laura could feel she was running out of breath, but she was too scared to stop. She continues to run only for her to see a vampire coming from the front towards her direction. She turned to the right, another was coming, she turned to the left another was coming towards her, when she looked back, she saw the angry vampire she kicked in the groin coming towards her. She had no idea what to do. She knew there was no way she would escape, it's not like she could kick all of them in the groin as she did to the first. Maybe this is the end of her life, there are no two ways about it. She thought to herself as the vampires came close to her, ready to devour her when the light emanated from the moon shone on her necklace, attracting the attention of the vampires. "She is wearing the silver moon necklace, everyone run". the vampire that was hit in the groin said but before they could take off, the light from the necklace allowed the necklace to glow so much that it got the vampires and they burnt and disappeared. The moment they evaporated into thin air and her necklace were back to normal, Laura continued running not believing what just happened. As she was running, suddenly she felt a hand drag her pushing her against the tree. Laura tried to protest but the person covered her mouth. "Shh!" He whispered into her ears. "If you don't want to become their dinner, I will Advise you to stay put." the voice whispered into her ear. Laura had no choice but to succumb to his protection. Laura Hall has always lived a normal life with her family as a Florist but things changed when she had a dream or a nightmare that changed her life forever especially when that dream became a reality.