I'll change my own fate
I'll change my own fate
My fate was to die and be eaten by wild animals. I escaped from an orphanage and joined a guild. I opened my eyes and remembered I was kidnapped after receiving a high-paying commission from my guild... I sit up from a luxurious bed, a voice startles me "My lady, your father awaits you." Eh? My lady? My father? Wasn't I an orphan? What is this place? What's happening!??
The Alpha's Mate Is A Spy
The Alpha's Mate Is A Spy
After living a life of emptiness, life as a spy wasn’t something i complained about. My mother wanted me to live, so i did. But how can i live when i only have one year left to live? An oracle told me i would die because i gave away my essence to a boy i met 12 years ago. By then i’ve decided to fulfill my mother’s wish so i agreed to find the boy again. One day, my birthday came so our alpha tried to give me a day off but i refused. Instead, I forced my way through the target’s location. just when i was about to kill the infamous Alpha of Crescent Moon, i realized that he was the same person who i saved 12 years ago! "I never thought I'll meet my mate like this. You actually dare to kill me?" He growls. Mates? My eyes widened.
Arrange To You
Arrange To You
Celestia Quinn Vircacel came from a wealthy family. She had an almost perfect life, not until her father's new girlfriend came into their lives. Since then, her life was controlled and she was deprived of freedom.Her father became strict with her, thanks to the influence of his new woman. But that wasn't the worst part. She learned that her father arranged for her to marry someone she didn't know! She would never live her life being controlled like a robot, and she would never marry a man she did not love, let alone a complete stranger! Thus, she decided to run away. Unfortunately, her father learned about this and stopped her. He made a deal that if she would agree to sign the marriage contract, he would allow her to live her life away from their house; otherwise, she stays and lives with her father's controlling girlfriend for life. The proposition was like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea, but she had to choose one and she chose freedom. Hence, she blindly signed the marriage contract and left the house. She made her way to a place called ‘Punto Sierra’, and there she met Wayde Amadeus; a strikingly gorgeous man who offered his rented house for her to stay in. His kindness urged her to accept his offer; she stayed and planned for the future. But unbeknownst to her... Wayde was actually not the man she thought him to be.
Corazón gélido
Corazón gélido
Isabella aprendió que la vida no era como en los cuentos de hadas, que la vida no era color rosa. Sin embargo, nadie escapa de las «garras» del amor e Isabella no fue la excepción. Se enamoró y sufrió y, cuando creyó que podría darle una segunda oportunidad al amor, volvió a sufrir. Un engaño. Un desamor. Un corazón roto. Un corazón gélido. A veces los designios del destino son… caprichosos. Un accidente. Un sueño. Un chico. ↔↔ Valentín se propuso ser alguien diferente cuando sufrió, en más de una ocasión, por amor. Decidió dejar de ser el chico gentil, amable, romántico y cursi. Se propuso ser de esos chicos celosos, egoístas y posesivos con tal de no sufrir nuevamente por amor. Valentín creyó que podría lograrlo hasta que conoce a una chica que pondrá en tela de juicio sus decisiones. Valentín tendrá que luchar, tendrá que demostrar que sus sentimientos son sinceros y, quizá, consiga conquistar el corazón gélido de esa chica. Obra registrada en Safe Creative. No se permite copia total o parcial. Todos los derechos reservados.