The Alpha King's Hated Slave
The Alpha King's Hated Slave
Warning! This book is highly rated! King Lucien hates her more than anything in the world, because she is the daughter of the King who killed his family and enslaved him, and his people. He made her his slave. He owns her, and he will pay her back in spades, everything her father did to him. And her father did a lot. Scarred him into being the powerful but damaged monster King he is. A King who battles insanity every single day. A King who hates—LOATHES—to be touched. A King who hasn't slept well in the past fifteen years. A King who can't produce an heir to his throne. Oh, will he make her pay. But then again, Princess Danika is nothing like her father. She is different from him. Too different. And when he set out to make her pay, he was bound to find out just how different she is from her father. ********* A love that rose from deep-rooted hatred. Are you as interested in this ride as I am!? Then, fasten up your seatbelts. We're going on a bumpy ride!
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
"¿Tu tenias un novio?" Stefan mordisqueó mi oreja, volviéndome loca. "Hmm" Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo temblara de emoción. " ¿Dormiste con el?" La voz ronca de Riven vino desde mi lado, sus manos recorrieron mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. "Noo..." Mi voz era entrecortada, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó hacia atrás sobre el pecho de Stefan. "¡No te preocupes, lo vamos a sacar de tu sistema!" Kevin prometió con su seductora voz profunda. …………… Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Dark Sapphire para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo esposo, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Dark Sapphire es una de las más ricas y Alpha Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. ¡Los famosos tripletes alfa! Por alguna razón desconocida, Triplet siempre despreció a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de hacer de su vida un infierno cuando ella entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará cuando sepa que los trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los dos trillizos, Kevin y Stefan, hagan todo lo posible para persuadirla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Podrá domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que hay zorros a su alrededor disfrazados de hombres lobo, que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (solo mayores de 18 años)
The Billionaire’s Sex Slave
The Billionaire’s Sex Slave
Alfred hates her more than anything in the world because she's the daughter of the man who killed his family and took away all his family's property. She's the daughter of the man who captured him and made him a slave at a young age, but then he was able to escape and he ran into hiding for 15years. Trained and built himself. Now he's back as a CEO ready to make them pay for what they did to him and his family. He took his daughter and made her his sex slave. He's gonna make her pay for everything the father did to him. But then again Lisa is nothing like her father. She's different from him, too different. As he set out to make her pay, he was bound to find out how different she is from her father. But then love rose from the deep-rooted hatred.
La criadora del Rey Licántropo
La criadora del Rey Licántropo
"¡En la cama!" Ordenó con brusquedad, sin dejar lugar a preguntas. Todo estaba en silencio y escuché los latidos de mi corazón. Era difícil incluso respirar. De repente se movió y me alcanzó. Sentí sus dedos rozar mi hombro, la bata sedosa se deslizó lentamente fuera de mí. Mi corazón se llenó de pavor al pensar en cómo me veía a los ojos en este momento. Mi cuerpo tembló, mis ojos se cerraron y sentí como si mi cara estuviera en llamas. "Por favor..." rogué con voz quebrada y temblorosa. "No quiero ser tu criador". *** Talon the Black es como su nombre indica. Dominante. Cruel. Implacable. Rey de los licántropos, Talon está perdidamente enamorado de su compañera, Willow, pero las cosas empiezan a desmoronarse cuando ella no puede darle un hijo. Llevada a la desesperación, Willow le ruega que críe a un humano asqueroso y, aunque Talon se muestra reacio a hacerlo, hace lo que su amado quiere. Abusada y maltratada por sus padres, Avalyn ha sido vendida por su padre a los licántropos. Su vida empeora aún más cuando se da cuenta de que será la criadora del Rey Lycan. Ella se acostará con él y tendrá un hijo aunque él ya esté casado. Es un frío intercambio de negocios, su cuerpo curvilíneo a cambio de un heredero, nada más. Pero, ¿qué sucede una vez que este rey despiadado comienza a enamorarse de ella? ¿Podrán ocultarle su amor prohibido a Willow o tendrán que pagar un infierno una vez que ella se entere?
Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate
Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate
Danica wakes up beside a strange man in the morning. The next day, she finds herself becoming the surrogate to a mysterious man, in the bid to save her twin sister Daniella from a ruthless mafia boss. But what she doesn't understand is, why did he change the rules? He wants her body once every month till she conceives yet; she can't see him face to face...
La maldición de Alpha, El enemigo interior
La maldición de Alpha, El enemigo interior
¡Advertencia! ¡Contenidos maduros! ***Extracto*** "Tú me perteneces, Sheila. Solo yo soy capaz de hacerte sentir así. Tus gemidos y tu cuerpo me pertenecen. ¡Tu alma y tu cuerpo son todos míos!" *** Alpha Killian Reid, el Alfa más temido de todo el Norte, rico, poderoso y ampliamente temido en el mundo sobrenatural, era la envidia de todas las demás manadas. Se pensaba que lo tenía todo... poder, fama, riqueza y el favor de la diosa de la luna, pero sus rivales no sabían que había estado bajo una maldición, que se había mantenido en secreto durante tantos años, y Sólo aquel que tiene el don de la diosa de la luna puede levantar la maldición. Sheila, la hija de Alpha Lucius, quien era un archienemigo de Killian, había crecido con mucho odio, desprecio y maltrato por parte de su padre. Ella era la compañera destinada de Alpha Killian. Él se negó a rechazarla, pero la odiaba y la trataba mal porque estaba enamorado de otra mujer, Thea. Pero una de estas dos mujeres era la cura para su maldición, mientras que la otra era un enemigo interior. ¿Cómo se enteraría? Averigüemos en esta pieza trepidante, llena de suspenso, romance apasionante y traición.
"Tell me you are mine" the cold, sharp, merciless blade tried to force me into submission. Into HIS submission. I am not a property that anyone can own. "I-I am yours". Green is supposed to be my favorite color but as I look into his green merciless eyes I feel nothing but fear. "Good girl. Now, we don't want your dear ones hurt do we?" **** Where do you see yourself in three years? Two? One? What gives you the certainty that there will be one at all? In a world where most people dream and everything is normal, how would it feel to not know what normal is? Life is never easy and it won't ever be. It's harder when you have demons of your past and devils in your present to fight against. No one wants to lose but how long can you keep yourself stable? Only the strong and brave survives in the race. Is she strong and brave? Triggers are present.
Steamy Stories
The Ruthless Sex Master
The Ruthless Sex Master
Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules. And his first rule: you can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid.
Steamy Stories
Su Desagradable Retorno
Su Desagradable Retorno
Acosada: una palabra tan simple, pero esa era la definición total de mi vida. Me callé y soporté. Porque en mi corazón, me aferré a esa pequeña esperanza de que mi pareja me rescatara. Sin embargo, esa esperanza se ve aplastada cuando mi compañero, el Alfa de mi manada, me rechaza ante toda la escuela. Bueno, la broma es sobre ellos cuando me paré frente a ellos como un arma hermosa con el paquete más duro apoyándome. No hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de mi nuevo Alfa. Pero, ¿estoy lista para abrirle mi corazón?
Deseos manchados
Deseos manchados
18+ ROMANCE OSCURO QUE CONTIENE ESCENAS EXPLÍCITAS. "¡Quítate la ropa, Brie! ¡No puedes huir de mí! Siempre te atraparé, ratoncito". Su voz amenazadora sonó. Ya estaba enjaulada entre él y la pared, no había ningún lugar donde correr. Me agarró las muñecas con fuerza, hasta que grité de dolor. "¡Por favor, no estoy lista! Necesito más tiempo" sollocé, todo mi cuerpo temblaba mucho, estaba dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para llegar a la poca humanidad que le quedaba. Tenía los ojos fríos. Despiadado. Me iba a hacer daño, lo sabía. "Pero estabas listo para huir con ese bastardo, ¿no?" La sonrisa en su rostro mientras se burlaba de mí traicionó la ira helada que hervía a fuego lento en sus ojos. "¡Me perteneces, Brie! ¡Soy tu marido! Y no se me negarán mis derechos. Rechazame de nuevo, ¡te desafío con Brie!" Siseó, sus ojos grises ardían con furia ardiente. ¿Qué sucede cuando Gabriella Thorne se ve obligada a contraer un matrimonio arreglado con Lucian Castiel? Tiene frío. Brutal. Consigue todo lo que quiere. ¿Qué sucede cuando está decidido a MANCHAR la inocencia de Gabrielle con su oscuridad? ¿Habrá un destello de luz al final del túnel, o ella quedaría para siempre contaminada por su obsesión psicótica?
Modern Romance
At this point I wanted nothing more than to feel their hands all over my body. I wasn't thinking straight, seems my throbbing pussy was doing the thinking for me. "Let us touch you Ava, let us show you how good we can make you feel princess." It was Ray who spoke. His deep yet erotic voice sending shivers down my spine. "Goddess damn Ava, I want to feel your skin." Bray rasped, already tugging off sweats from my legs
Steamy Stories
Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18+
Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18+
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Each time you break a rule; I'll claim a part of your body as mine" Forced to marry the heir of the largest mafia syndicate to pay for her parent's debt and her grandmother's hospital bills. "Live with my son for 30 days, if you don't fall in love with him, I'll cancel this contract." Can Malissa live with the handsome, hot and dominating Hayden for 30 days without falling for his charms? However, there are rules to living with this lusty monster and as Malissa breaks them, she learns of pleasures that she never knew existed. As his touches set her on fire, her heart starts to melt. But does the two have a future together when Hayden is in love with someone else and Malissa cannot get over her ex-boyfriend? READ NOW to find out!
Steamy Stories
Oprimiéndole la tráquea, la empujó contra la pared trasera y le apretó la garganta con tal fuerza que ella pensó que su final había llegado. Sus ojos se revolvieron, perdiendo casi la conciencia, cuando él inclinó su cabeza y le susurró con los dientes apretados al oído. "NO SOPORTO LA TRAICIÓN, SEÑORITA STELWART, Y HA DESPERTADO AL MONSTRUO QUE DUERME EN MÍ CON SU DESAGRADABLE COMPORTAMIENTO." Tras besarle el cuello e inhalar su fragancia, la soltó bruscamente, con un gesto de dolor marcando su rostro. Aliza tose tratando de recuperar el aliento, mirando al diablo que tiene delante, aterrorizada, y su voz tiembla al hablar. "Por favor, créame señor, soy inocente." Charles baja la mirada hacia el vaivén del pecho palpitante de ella. "NO IMPORTA LO QUE PASE, NO PUEDO DEJAR DE AMARTE Y ME ODIO A MÍ MISMO POR ESO." Lee Forzado (El amor tiene diferentes matices y uno de ellos es el dolor.)
Placeres culpables; Cuanto más sucio... más dulce
Placeres culpables; Cuanto más sucio... más dulce
¿Te excitan los relatos eróticos para adultos? ¿Disfrutas teniendo a tu pareja a tu merced, dirigiendo y rogando por placer? ¿Eres una mujer que se deleita en su propio placer después de un extenuante día de trabajo? O quizás eres de quienes prefieren acurrucarse en un sillón, con la mente llena de fantasías adultas, disfrutando de un momento íntimo... Si es así, no te pierdas esta ardiente colección de relatos cortos que te harán subir la temperatura. Si eres hombre, prepárate para sentir esa tensión creciente en el momento justo, y si eres mujer, prepárate para quedar completamente empapada. ADVERTENCIA - PROCEDE CON PRECAUCIÓN. ALTAMENTE CALÓRICO. SATURADO DE CONTENIDO EXPLÍCITO. CONTENIDO SEXUAL CRUDO Y REALISTA. ESCENAS MADURAS PARA ADULTOS. CLASIFICACIÓN +18. ESTRICTAMENTE PROHIBIDO PARA MENORES.
Gay Sugar Daddy
Gay Sugar Daddy
"I'm gay." My eyes grow so big as I stop breathing, but two seconds later I'm bursting with laughter. "Okay funny," I finally tone down my laugh as I bring myself to look at him again. But he is still staring at me like he had been when he told me that joke. "Wait," uhh, "Really?" He nods, "Really." "You like... guys?" "I fuck guys." Oh wow, you really can't have it all can you. When he checks all the boxes, suddenly there's this big box he doesn't. The most important box, the top on the list. "You're gay or bi?" Because there's a big difference between those two. "I'm gay." "You never fuck a woman?" "I've never fucked a woman." "Then why the hell would you want me to be your sugar baby? To watch you fuck another man's butthole?" He smirks despite my little mockery. "Oh now it's funny?" "It is," he is still smirking, "But no. It's the opposite of what I wanna do." I bring my arms across my chest as I reply in my all-business tone, "Enlighten me." *** 22 year old Estelle is one of the best sugar babies the agency has ever had. She has the whole package, no dick ever gone soft seeing how perfect she is, both her body and personality. But can she sway Owen into the heterosexual group? After being in that homo-pool all this while?
Steamy Stories
My Student's Billionaire Father
My Student's Billionaire Father
*** This story has steamy scenes that are not suitable for minors.*** When Cassie discovered that her boyfriend of six months was cheating on her with a married younger woman, she looked for the cheating woman's husband and insisted to have sex with him. However, after the deed, she found out that she got the wrong person and had a tryst with the billionaire Liam Chapman instead. Soon, her life spirals out of control—Liam's expelled son enrolls in her school. Her ex-boyfriend’s cheating goes out. Students complain about her teaching methods. And her co-teachers think that she is having an affair with the education minister because of the speed of her promotion and the number of her awards. Wanting to escape the drama, she resigns and goes to another city, only to meet Liam Chapman again. This time, he has an offer she can't reject. A contract marriage of three years. He will provide all her needs, but in return, she will provide his, and that includes focusing on his little monster of a son who hates studying because he thinks it's very uncool. However, as she stays with husband and son, she falls more and more for Liam and loves his kid as if he is her own. But, time is running out. Soon the contract will end, and she will need to leave the life she learned to love.
Steamy Stories
Resisting Xavier
Resisting Xavier
He was darkness, sinfully gorgeous, A dangerous fantasy, a walking orgasm with strings of broken hearts behind him a proof of his heartless nature. He was everything decadent yet delicious your mom warned you about. She wanted light He wanted her After running away from her abusive drug addict of a step father and a woman who was busy getting her next fix to care for a whiny 15 years old. Maya could say she have had it tough in life and just wanted her own happy ever after. A husband who adores her, a picket fence, a dog and three Adorable children. After she catches her fantasized soulmate cheating on her with her best friend, she is shattered which leaves her deciding to throw caution into the air once and indulge in a mind blowing one night stand. A one night stand which leaves her sprawled on the bed humiliated, turned on and intrigued about the hot stranger with the distant cold blue eyes who practically freaked out when he discovered she was a virgin. When her friend gets her a job as a PA to the CEO of one of the biggest establishment in the country but turns out Mr Ceo was the hot stranger and what more? He wants to claim her in everyway possible but Maya knows what a picket fence guy material looks like and her insanely hot brooding boss who she had to remind of his mother's birthday and was made to drop a dozen of roses and a one line note of "let's not make this more than it was" to his numerous one night stands, wasnt it. But what Xavier wants, Xavier gets and he is totally determined to get a particular someone who wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Hidden Desires Of Lust Wings
Hidden Desires Of Lust Wings
This book is contemporary erotica based on adventurous and unforgettable moments. Our lives are full of mysteries or secret instances that are hidden somewhere in our hearts that we all cherish by ourselves. The moment it happened we never cared for anything as it becomes a moment of bliss for us where we want to forget whether it is right or wrong. We all call it desires, and the one that affects us most is our physical needs. This is a taboo for many as it comes under the heading of forbidden. But we all want to cross this forbidden bridge, forgetting about everything. Here I am sharing some of the pleasurable moments of life that each one of us wants to enjoy... The need of the moment or an impulsive act for fulfilling the physical need. The conflicting moment when your body betrays your self-control. When you want to live the moment for a while forgetting everything. Want to enjoy every bit of it and waking up the beast inside.
Her Guardians
Her Guardians
They are standing in front of me, looking at me as predators see their prey. They come close to me. I close my eyes in fear as well as in excitement. " You know what you have done, kitten. Right?", Christopher asked me. " I think our pets need more punishment. She has forgotten the rules already", Travis said. " Our baby girl has been a very bad girl hiding such a thing from us. She needs to be spanked. Don't you baby girl", Andrew asked. I still didn't answer them. I know I am in big trouble but don't know why I am feeling excited. " Open your eyes and Answer him, kitten", Christopher whispered in my ears. I open my eyes and see him with fear and lust. " Yes, Sir", I replied feeling breathless. Want to know more then press the read button and enjoy this journey filled with her as well as your darkest secret desires. This story is 18+.
Steamy Stories
Eulalia: The CEOs Assistant
Eulalia: The CEOs Assistant
"Euli." I'm pressed up against his desk, his front to my back, and I can feel everything. "Yes" I answer breathlessly, he pulled my hair backward. "Do you think I care if anyone sees me ravishing your sinful body?" I try to wiggle out of his hold to no avail, he pulls me tighter to his front and I feel his hardness "Cons...tantine " I stutter There's a knock on the door and i quickly regain myself, push him backwards and arrange my scattered hair and he just smirks at me. Eulalia gets a well paying job at a very successful company but she doesn't know why she can't stop thinking about her boss and all the dirty things he could do to her. Constantine can't stop thinking about the little angel that works for him and beautiful her blue eyes are. He will stop at nothing until he makes sure that she is HIS. It started as a boss secretary relationship but turned into something more sinful. Will their love be strong enough to overcome any storm or will it crumble in the end?
