Vampire High
Vampire High
Vaughn Series 1 FIN FLYNN VAUGHN She's a Half human and a half Vampire, but she didn't know about it. She only know that she's a pure human. He's a Half Vampire and a Half Elementalist. He can't control his power, he can't control his expression. Clementine Leullie Konzet, ang babaeng bibigyan ng pagkakataon upang makapasok sa Vampire high. Ang babaeng nabigyan ng pagkakataong makilala ang mga di pangkaraniwang estudyante ng Vampire High. Welcome to Vampire High, where are the extra ordinary Creature are studying.
Santino Rivas, es un exitoso abogado de 35 años que no ha perdido un sólo caso en toda su carrera. Frío, narcisista y completamente omnipotente, cree que tiene a todas las mujeres a sus pies, hasta que se interpone ella, una mujer 14 años menor él que pone su mundo patas para arriba. Teniendo a cargo a su hermana menor, quién necesita una operación para volver a caminar, Abril se ve obligada a dejar sus estudios y trabajar duro para poder juntar la cantidad de dinero que necesita, y en su desesperación termina siendo arrastrada a un mundo morboso cargado de lujuria donde deberá arrodillarse a los deseos de un hombre que se cree el amo supremo de su vida y de su cuerpo y quien para obtener de ella lo que desea, le ofrecerá un acuerdo al cual, aunque quisiera, no se podrá negar. Pagar la operación y el tratamiento completo de su hermana. Un contrato con tres reglas fundamentales que bajo ningún concepto ella debe infringir. 1 - Discreción: nada de lo que suceda en la intimidad de ambos debe filtrarse. 2 - Exclusividad: no puede estar con ningún otro hombre a no ser que él lo autorice. 3 - Prohibición: no puede enamorarse. ¿Aceptará Abril arrodillarse a los placeres sexuales, poco comunes, de Santino Rivas a cambio del dinero? y aun así ¿Podrán ser capaces de no quebrantar ninguna de esas clausulas?
Millenia ago, the six continents lived together in peace under the oversight of the strongest continent. Each continent was headed by different species of medieval creatures. The werewolves, vampires, sword cultivators, witches, wingmen and the superior dragons. The peace streak ended when the five continents decided to rebel against their peace enforcers resulting into a huge massacre and coup. The dragon continent was rendered extinct , everyone killed …… Without a peace authority, the other continents broke loose. Murder, insecurity, corruption, hunger, suffering and injustice was the new order across all other continents. “did one survive? And not just any other one….one of the stronger kind to ever exist
With everything I am
With everything I am
Blurb I've watched him fall in and out of love our whole life_ Gianna Young Gianna Young twenty-three years old successful model and Elon king Twenty four years old, bachelor owner of one of the most successful companies in the state. These two have been best friends since they were ten. Gianna is secretly in love with her best friend and there is nothing she can do about it because he's in love with somebody else, Karina Beckett? his secretary. Read with everything I am to know all about this journey.