Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby
Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby
Unlike centuries ago...when both species remained in secluded isolation with their own kind, keeping their distance from the human race; while, frequently clashing with each other in bloody skirmishes over territorial 'hunting's werewolves and vampires have found it necessary, and mutually agreed, to civilly co-exist with one another; while clandestinely living intermingled among the humans. But, when an increasing number of brutally savage murders start occurring...seemingly committed by a rampant, rogue werewolf... a growing tension arises; and animosity quickly begins to form between several of the werewolf packs and vampire clans in the area. Why? Because, the gruesome murders are drawing a lot of public attention and police activity...which is now not only making it difficult for the vampires to feed; but, may also expose the existence of the werewolf community to the humans.
You Are Only Mine
You Are Only Mine
Yasmine is a young woman who saves a billionaire from a fatal car crash. When he sets his eyes on her, his heart decides to never let go of her, ever... in his life time. To show gratitude, he decides to employ her as one of his maids, but fate has written another destiny for them.
Tragedy and love
Tragedy and love
Lailah Gazth had her whole life planned, but her world falls apart when her best friend Alison dies in a car accident, caused by nothing more and nothing less than the young criminal Azael Grimm or so he calls himself ... Lailah decides to take a risk and report him, getting a trial in which they will debate whether he is guilty or not, but that will be in three months, the same time Azael has to make her fall in love and prevent her from testifying against him and thus not go to jail. Will she get it? What consequences could she bring to her after her?
Young Adult
Quartet : The Royals Bundle
Quartet : The Royals Bundle
With a secret agenda and an identity-obscuring veil, Miri Montgomery tricked His Royal Highness into marriage. Sources say Prince Brandt did not uncover her deception until after the royal wedding night…a night one palace insider claims was quite steamy! Could Miri be plotting against her husband to steal his throne? Would Brandt dare to demand an annulment? Or do the raven-haired beauty and the stoically sexy prince have a hidden history the nation knows nothing about?
The Magnate's Island Bride
The Magnate's Island Bride
A self-reserved small-town entrepreneur meets her longtime childhood crush, one night leads to lifelong decisions and a forever possessive lover.
Power and Greed
Power and Greed
The novel opens in the midst of a world where Sarah Palin has become president during a time of financial ruin for the United States. It is a world for only the extremely rich and extremely poor. All public supports have been taken away, including Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment. Unions have been outlawed. The streets are ruled by bands of thugs known as The Young Zealots and Sarah’s Soldiers. Chauncey Gibbons and Billy Wild, the one a successful, but ruthless, businessman, the other destitute, homeless and mentally ill, wander through the novel, unaware of each other, slowly working their way toward each other, through a series of unpredictable circumstances, until Billy Wild kidnaps Chauncey and drags him back to an underground hovel he’s dug at an abandoned construction site. The thread linking their destinies is the fact that Billy Wild was once a respectable accountant at Eagles Fly, a private investment company, owned by Chauncey Gibbons. One Christmas Eve, he receives a nasty pink slip from Chauncey Gibbons and his whole world begins to collapse. Soon, the bank seizes his house, all reserves run out, and Billy’s wife leaves him with the kids, only to commit suicide. The timeframe of the novel begins on Christmas Eve and ends on New Year’s Eve, adding a dark sardonic air to the narrative’s atmosphere. In the course of that time, Chauncey and Billy’s lives completely reverse themselves, as if the two men have exchanged roles. In the course of the kidnap phase, Chauncey is starved and driven mad until he offers up the codes to his offshore accounts, and Billy transfers all of his wealth to organizations helping the poor. Billy himself is left with a million in cash that he found in Chauncey’s car. At the end of the novel, we see Billy heading to a South American beach resort, while Chauncey is left to walk the streets in a diaper, a hair shirt, and a ghetto gold chain with a cross on it, proclaiming he’s the Messiah.