Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
"Compañera!" Escuchó a su lobo gruñir. Los ojos de Lancelot se posaron en el lugar donde ella le estrechó la palma. 'Tienes que estar bromeando.' ******** Lo había perdido todo en solo un día: el trabajo que tanto intentó encontrar, su prometido con el que salió la mitad de su vida y lo que quedaba de una relación con su hermana gemela. Lo único que no podía permitirse perder era lo que quedaba de su dignidad; ciertamente no en una boda que debería haber sido suya. Y por eso lo necesitaba a él, al apuesto extraño al otro lado de la calle. Lo que Roxanne Harvey no sabía era que este extraño había llegado para quedarse. Lancelot Dankworth, Príncipe Alfa del London Pride Pack no podía creer lo que veía. La loca americana que le gritaba a su asistente hizo que su lobo gruñera posesivamente por primera vez en 26 años. Nunca creyó que sería capaz de amar a nadie más, pero ¿por qué parece que no puede controlar sus emociones cuando está cerca de la loca estadounidense? Le encanta estar solo, siempre lo había estado, pero ¿por qué de repente estar separado de ella lo vuelve loco? No deberían estar juntos. Él es un príncipe alfa y ella es una mujer humana. Sin embargo, este hecho no le impide enamorarse perdidamente de ella. Con el oscuro pasado de Lancelot y sus numerosos enemigos, él lucha por protegerla de sus innumerables enemigos, así como de él mismo. ¿Su vínculo sería lo suficientemente fuerte como para conquistarlo todo? ¿O se perderían el uno al otro junto con ellos mismos?
Fantasy Romance
Suck Me Harder, Mr. Bodyguard!
Suck Me Harder, Mr. Bodyguard!
Ivanna did not expect Jax Alister, the man she hired as a bodyguard, to turn out to be a bloodsucker with the particular purpose of capturing a lycan creature who is Ivanna's fiancé, Damon. However, slowly Ivanna and Jax's relationship is no longer limited to bodyguard and lady. Ivanna feels a different feeling every time she is around Jax, and vice versa, because Jax feels that Ivanna is the girl he has liked for a long time, who is reborn, and he follows her in every reincarnation. Unfortunately, Ivanna and Jax's love story is not as smooth as they expected when one by one, problems come to Ivanna, starting from the breakup of the engagement between her and Damon. She is in a relationship with Kay Lee, a friend who has long liked her, who turns out to be an addict and has emotional problems and sexual disorders. One of the most terrible things for Ivanna was when she found out that she had blood cancer, her life seemed to collapse under her feet, and Jax always tried to be there and accompany her through all her life trials. Both of them did not expect love greeted and required Ivanna to become part of Jax because many vampires wanted her, and Jax had to choose whether to turn Ivanna like him or keep the girl as a human, but at the risk of suffering and dying from her illness.
Doomsday Zombie Queen
Doomsday Zombie Queen
Struggling in the abyss of the apocalypse, having experienced the death of loved ones, she sealed her fragile heart and became cold and strong. Unexpectedly acquiring a time-space ring, she fled in panic during an invasion, only to be tragically bitten by a zombie. When she awoke, zombies would detour around her, acting like slaves under her command. She had become the strongest among the zombies, with a mere flick of her finger summoning an army of tens of thousands. Any worthless man? They all met their end. Blood, humans, all became her delicacies, flesh, flesh, flesh, she craved it! To conceal her identity, she decisively joined the human army. Yet, what she witnessed was the annihilation and horror of human nature! Setting off to search for her brother, she opened the time-space portal of the 21st century, traveling between two worlds, crafting her own legendary life. And in the struggle between humans and zombies, who will lose, who will win, or will she ultimately become the queen of that world?
Fantasy Romance
Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate
Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate
"Mate!" He heard his wolf growl. Lancelot's eyes dropped to the place she shook his palm. 'You have got to be kidding me.' ******** She had lost everything in just one day her job she tried so hard to find, her fiance she dated half of her life, and what remained of a relationship with her twin sister. The one thing she could not afford to lose was what was left of her dignity — certainly not at a wedding that should have been hers. And that was why she needed him, the handsome stranger across the road. What Roxanne Harvey didn't know was that this stranger was here to stay. Lancelot Dankworth, Alpha Prince of the London Pride Pack couldn't believe his eyes. The crazy American woman yelling at his assistant caused his wolf to growl possessively for the first time in 26 years. He never believe he would be capable of ever loving anyone else, but why can't he seem to keep his emotions in check whenever he was around the crazy American woman? He loves being alone, he had always been, but why is suddenly being apart from her driving him nuts? They should not be together. He is an alpha prince and she is a human woman. However, this fact does not stop him from falling head over heels in love with her. With Lancelot's dark past and numerous enemies, he struggles to protect her from his countless enemies, as well as himself. Would their bond be strong enough to conquer all? Or would they lose each other along with themselves?
Genius Spirit Controlling Master
Genius Spirit Controlling Master
Top wood-type soul... No one could compare to his sense of smell. The world was so big that it was easy for him to handle it! No matter if they lived in seclusion in the depths of the mountains, Whether it's the princes who live in seclusion in the mountains, the Pope who holds high positions, or the son of the richest man in the world, they must submit to me when they meet me!
Fantasy Romance
“Even if the world shuns me, laughs at me, gives me strange looks, and labels me as a freak, I will not give up. I will never give up on what I believe in, even if it takes years, I will continue to persevere until I achieve my goal and get what I deserve!” These were the words Juan always told herself deep down in her heart whenever she looked at the mirror. These were the words that made her keep on going whenever they laughed at her, mocked her for being ugly. To her, as long as she has faith even as small as a mustard seed, she believes that one day, her time will come and her life will change for the better. All she needed was a chance, an opportunity and that is all it took for her life to be changed eternally forever. Destiny came knocking at her door and no matter how many times she tried throwing this chance away, it followed her home and from that day going forward, Juan, the ugly and clown everyone was used to became a beauty that many couldn’t touch. Even if the journey wasn’t simple and rocky, she wasn’t willing to give it up and live a life of suffering as she did. Will there be happiness waiting for her at the end of the road? Will she be willing to sacrifice it all to achieve her dreams and goals?
Red Riding Hood Killed A Wolf
Red Riding Hood Killed A Wolf
Her downfall came hours after her birthday when she found out that she was the mate of the very monster she hunted. A father, tormented by the grief of the past, could do nothing until he found someone like-minded and formed the Alliance to fight those who took away the love of his life. He fought behind the screen while his daughter did what he never could - she killed the big bad wolf. The years passed, and she followed her father's vision until an ill-advised mission led her to imprisonment under the command of an Alpha. Little did Enya know that misfortune would reveal too many secrets. Will Enya ever find herself in a tangle of lies, or will she perish with those who led her astray?
Let's Change The Route
Let's Change The Route
Vestele memiliki kesempatan kedua untuk hidup kembali. Terlahir sebagai peri membuat hidupnya menjadi sangat mudah. Hidupnya berjalan dengan damai hingga ia bertemu dengan Nevarth. Ia bertemu dengan laki-laki itu di festival dan menghabiskan waktu bersama. Namun, Vestele harus dihantam kenyataan setelah ia mengetahui jika dia mengandung tokoh utama laki-laki dan ia akan meninggal setelah melahirkan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, Vestele juga mengetahui jika Nevarth adalah mantan suaminya di kehidupan dulu. Vestele akhirnya berusaha untuk mengubah rute cerita. Dia ingin terus hidup dan membesarkan anaknya. Dia juga ingin menyelesaikan masalahnya yang tidak sempat ia selesaikan di kehidupan dulu. Vestele akan melakukan apa pun agar ia tetap hidup. Namun, apakah keinginan Vestele akan terwujud semudah itu?
The Hunter's Mate
The Hunter's Mate
I grew older knowing supernatural creatures. For example, I could tell a vampire if I see one. It was strange that I was more powerful than any of them. At first, I thought I was one of them but the more I studied about them, the more it gave me reasons to doubt that I was like them. I gave up trying to find the race I belonged to, so I went about my daily life living like humans. But my world began to crumble when I found my mate. He is a warlock of the witch's coven and one of the mermaid hunters. Through him, I started to find who I really am and my purpose on earth.
Her Heartless Evil Man
Her Heartless Evil Man
In the daytime, she looked at the breathless and unsightly scene. The love she had said before had been reduced to a joke, and he had appeared just in time. "Woman, be my imperial concubine." She had despicably become his concubine and his plaything. He seemed to pamper her to the bones, but he never allowed her to conceive his child. Later on, she found out that a woman who lost her heart was the most foolish, while a man who lost his heart was the most heartless …
Fantasy Romance
Weapon Girl
Weapon Girl
According to the historical records, the Mou Continent was a mysterious continent floating above the surface of the earth. There was a completely different environment from Earth, with all kinds of strange animals and plants, and also the abnormally violent existence of the "primitive species". It was not until the twenty-first century that humanity attempted to reach the continent. Yet humans did not succeed. Apart from the "native species", there was something else on the continent that he had never expected before. The young girl controlling the weapon. It was as if they were the guardians of the Mou Continent, and humans called them "young lady's weapons."
Fantasy Romance
Vampire Girl 1
Vampire Girl 1
You think it's safe to walk alone at night. It's not. You think the only threat is other humans. It's not. Monsters are real. Demons are real. Vampires are real. And I'm about to become one of them. My name is Arianna Spero. I was an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life, until my mother lapsed into a coma. Now, I am her only hope. She made a deal with the devil, and on my 18th birthday he came to collect. But there's a way to save her. There's something the princes of hell want more than my mother. Me. So I signed my soul away and promised to pick a prince to marry. I would take the blood oath, become one of them, and give them an heir. I would become a princess of hell, and my mother would live. I expected fire and brimstone. I expected pain and misery. I didn't expect beauty. I didn't expect magic. I didn't expect love. But the princes are keeping secrets from me. Secrets that could shatter everything.
Fast Transmigration: Save Him
Fast Transmigration: Save Him
*She was a vegetative patient for years. In order to live a normal life once again, She needs to complete a several missions. What is the mission? Well, Her soul needs to travel though space and time in addition to save and conquer the male master in different worlds… So now as an excellent male lead rescuer She must keep calm like aloof worker! She thought it would be easy, until she saw his face. It was too handsome! Every time when she complete the mission, the pain would penetrated her heart. Because all his memories would be heartlessly washed away every time! Until they met at the next different world… Will the loop ever be ended? In the end would they being together after all this?
Fantasy Romance
Little Phoenix Loves Her Martial Uncle
Little Phoenix Loves Her Martial Uncle
feng xi the good-for-nothing had a crush on a certain celestial sovereign and chased him from heaven to earth for three lifetimes without being able to catch him the little bun could not bear to watch any longer mother stand to the side i'll do it he threw himself onto the floor and hugged his father three times as he shouted celestial sovereign's father do you remember that wife who was crazy enough to bang a wall for you a certain high and cold celestial sovereign approached feng xi she's talking about you feng xi laughed embarrassedly senior master i drank too much awakening water i don't remember anything a certain celestial sovereign pulled her into his embrace it's fine if i forget let's have a good time together feng xi was shocked martial uncle please keep your cold face paralyzed you're going to pull out all my hair
Fantasy Romance
The Faye Queen
The Faye Queen
*Sequel of The Lycan King* Read The Lycan King first for better understanding of this book. "It wasn't your motive to hurt me?" She rasped, her voice low but rough, like it hurt her to speak. And then she went silent to gather her strength, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she breathed hard. "It wasn't your motive to hurt me?" She repeated, her voice loud and hard. "Don't lie to me! That's exactly what you wanted!" She screamed, her eyes wild. "You want to hurt me. You always hurt me. Always." My body vibrated with anger. She thought that! And why wouldn't she? It's true. I hurt her. That's all I do. That's what I'm good at. That's what she expects of me. So that's what she is going to get. "You must be a sick masochist then. Since you always come back begging for more." I pushed myself off the wall and walked out. Adrik is still alive and eating at Nikolai's conscience. Will Nikolai be able to kill him or will he lose? Ava's wolf is getting weaker. What does that imply? Will Avalyn and Nikolai still be as strong as ever or will their will to do the right thing and thirst to get revenge get in the way? Will a third or fourth person get added to the mix? Is their love strong enough to withstand anything thrown their way? Nikolai said in the beginning that he wasn't sure if Avalyn was his mate, is she really? What does it mean that Nikolai needs to grow into himself? Are they meant to be together? Will they get a happy ending? Read Queen Avalyn to find out. The sequel is full of action, drama, revelations, betrayal, heartbreak and of course, romance. It's going to be a rollercoaster. Consider yourself warned.
Alpha Ace And His Undercover Mate
Alpha Ace And His Undercover Mate
My name is Roxy Gilbert and I'm a part of The Silent Moon Pack. When I was two years old, we were attacked by a stronger and more powerful pack. They took our home, our people, our land and our dignity... And I'm getting it back. *** Roxy and her twin brother, Aiden, have been training their whole lives to go undercover as spies in the pack that overthrew them. Their aim is to figure out the pack's weak spots, get as much information as possible about them, and attack when they least expect it. What Roxy doesn't know is that her mate was the new Alpha of that very pack, which leaves her torn between betraying her pack or her mate. Who will she choose? Let the tests of trust, love and loyalty begin.... ***Book 2 in the 'Alpha's Mate' series but STAND ALONE book.
Alpha Niall And His Lost Mate
Alpha Niall And His Lost Mate
Does life have to be so complicated? Zoey didn't think so, that is, until she received a certain letter. When Zoey initiated her first shift on her 18th birthday, her life took a bizarre turn for what seemed like the better and the worst. She learnt something about herself that had been dangling over her head all her life, but she never understood until that moment. She vowed to learn the whole truth but she couldn't do it all alone, which left her at a dead end once again. Coincidentally not long after, she learns that her mate was the Alpha of the Truemoon Pack, who automatically took a promiscuous adoration towards her. Niall helps his lost mate through all possible challenges and mountains, just so she could find those missing fragments about herself and be happy. But when she finds out the truth, will she be? ***Book 3 in the 'Alpha's Mate' series but STAND ALONE book.
Dance With The Fairy Fox
Dance With The Fairy Fox
"This beautiful lady, would you be so kind as to dance with me?" Inadvertently, the two of them met by chance, connecting their lives together. Bai Meimeng looked at the smiling eyes of the other party as ripples appeared in the lake water at the bottom of her heart.
Fantasy Romance
Magic Girl Linn's Wonderful Adventure
Magic Girl Linn's Wonderful Adventure
She was originally filled with confidence and anticipation for the path of learning in the future. However, under the authority of the dean, after she touched a book entitled "Illusions and Creations", everything was no longer as simple as she had expected …
Fantasy Romance
I Have A Wish House
I Have A Wish House
Everyone has a desire to achieve... To see another person, to be free, to live a long life... There were all kinds of wishes, but very few could be fulfilled. If you meet someone one day, she can make your wish come true, but you have to pay the same price. Are you willing to exchange? "Master, there's a guest." "What wish do you have?" She smiled.
Fantasy Romance
