The Sex Gods Pornstar
The Sex Gods Pornstar
“How long does it take for you to orgasm?” The first interview question took Kate by surprise. She looked over at her potential boss and blurted. "Excuse me?" "Or are you a virgin?" He asked again. Then ordered her to strip when Kate agreed she wasn't a virgin. ** Kate Migrated from New Orleans to Sin city looking for an acting role after she received an email from the company. Unknowingly to her, the company turned out to be a very popular Porn company owned by the twins, Alex and Aiden, who were popularly known as the sex gods. Initially, Kate wanted to reject the job but she became too desperate after she found out her father's condition. One thing Kate never knew is that she'll get tangled in the struggle between the twin brothers, who were fighting to gain her love and own her heart. When the tension between the brothers became too hot, secrets started coming to light. The exact secret that ruined Kate's life years before. Who among the twin brothers is the father of her son?
Steamy Stories
Ella era fea
Ella era fea
¿Qué pasa cuando rechazas a una niña enamorada y la llamas fea? Pueden suceder dos cosas: que ella llore y te golpee, como también puede suceder que llore y salga corriendo: pero jure vengarse de ti en el futuro. Bueno, a Josef le sucedió la segunda opción: rechazó a Keidys de niña y ella juró vengarse de él. Por lo cual, se concentró en volverse la joven más hermosa y una modelo de alto renombre. Y ahora se vengará de Josef. Pero una venganza tiene muchos giros: entre ellos el que Keidys termine siendo la chica popular del instituto y que él se convierta en el feo nerd. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando el nerd no es ningún tonto y sigue ignorándote, ridiculizándote y rechazándote por más bonita que seas? Una historia donde el amor y la venganza van tomadas de la mano.