El mejor amigo de mi hermano
El mejor amigo de mi hermano
Conoce a Skye Barker. Es hermosa, inteligente, con el corazón hecho pedazos y, además, la hermanita de Adam. Ahora, conoce a Chase Matthews. Un tipo arrogante, atractivo, un verdadero conquistador y el mejor amigo de Adam Barker. Chase ha dedicado años a convertir la vida de Skye en un auténtico infierno, pero tras regresar después del verano, algo cambió. Si a esto le sumamos al exnovio de Skye, su mejor amiga y un hermano excesivamente protector, la situación empieza a complicarse.
Modern Romance
En este punto no quería nada más que sentir sus manos por todo mi cuerpo. No estaba pensando con claridad, parece que mi coño palpitante estaba pensando por mí. "Déjanos tocarte Ava, déjanos mostrarte lo bien que podemos hacerte sentir princesa". Fue Ray quien habló. Su voz profunda pero erótica provoca escalofríos por mi espalda. "Diosa maldita Ava, quiero sentir tu piel". Bray dijo con voz áspera, ya quitándome el sudor de las piernas.
Déjame si te atreves
Déjame si te atreves
"Préstame a tu marido por una noche y le perdonaré la vida a tu padre". Trishia Meyer, la única hija del Senador Meyer exigió. Arabella Jones estaba estupefacta. Tenía que hacer una elección. Para salvar la empresa de su padre, Arabella había accedido a casarse con el malvado multimillonario Bill Sky. Ella se atrevió a besarlo para presumir a su exnovio esa noche pero nunca esperó que el beso se profundizara y él no quería soltarla. Esa noche fue solo un error, pero estaban obligados a encontrarse de nuevo. Acordaron firmar un contrato de confidencialidad y juraron no amarse. Sacrificarse para estar con el hombre frío y dominante y hacer la vista gorda ante sus aventuras sexuales con otras mujeres eran solo algunas de las cosas que necesitaba soportar todos los días. Matrimonio sin amor. Ahora que ella concibió a su bebé, quería que abortaran al instante. Ella pensó que el bebé dentro de su barriga los uniría más, pero él la acusó de engañarlo. Él la miró como una dos veces y la peor cazafortunas. Arabella Jones luego se prometió a sí misma que haría todo lo posible para vivir una vida feliz con su bebé lejos de él. Poco sabía ella, no le corresponde a ella decidir, eso si la ira del multimillonario se lo permitiría.
When Love Takes Another Turn
When Love Takes Another Turn
"At a time when I needed you most, you ended our relationship. You claimed that I wasn't the one you loved, called me a whore, and said that I wasn't your type from the start. So what do you expect me to do?" "Beg!" Michael responded immediately. "I anticipate that you will plead for mercy." "You don't deserve my plea, Michael. You're not worth my tears..." She was about to say more when Michael forcefully kissed her, making it difficult for her to breathe. "Is that why you sold yourself to Kelvin?" He inquired after releasing her lips. Nora wiped her lips with her knotted hands. She looked at him fearlessly and replied, "Who I sell myself to is none of your concern. As the whore you called me, you shouldn't be keeping track of how many men I sleep with." Her response enraged Michael, and he pushed her and raped her, only to discover that she was still a virgin. If he begs for a second chance, will Nora ever forgive him?
Contract with the Billionaire
Contract with the Billionaire
Topaz Salvador is a girl in her early twenties, who dreams of becoming a florist. Saved by the love of her life from her abusive uncle, Topaz thinks she's finally free and could finally achieve her dreams of someday running her flower shop, which by the way, she was working hard towards achieving. Her days were long and hectic as she had to take up two jobs to make her dreams come true and with the help of her boyfriend who always encouraged her. Things seemed to work out just fine for Topaz but her life starts to take a turn for the worst with her boyfriend's sudden change in behaviour. He gradually started to become what she ran away from. Her fairy tale seemed to be ripped away from her, and her world crumbled even harder. There are days when she was even scared of returning from work due to the nightmare that awaited her every day at home. The final straw for Topaz was the day she was almost beaten to death. She realised that no matter how hard she tried, she will never be able to save him from who he was. Adams Anderson a thirty-year-old was the rightful heir of the A&A group of Companies, a wine company he inherited from his father. He had everything he wanted. A girlfriend, a successful company and a lovely family. To him, life was great. His life starts getting complicated when his mother requests a grandchild from him. His then-girlfriend who was a model didn't want her to break damaged or cut because she gave birth and had to begin working on her postpartum body. That was the greatest shock of his life as he tried convincing her in many ways but she wouldn't budge making him frustrated with her decisions his mother's constant want of children made him seek solace in alcohol but he later left that kind of life because it was detrimental and he could think properly. Not knowing what to do about making his mother's wish come true, Adams leaves town for a while to clear his mind where he rescues Topaz from being beaten to death by her then-boyfriend who had recently become a tyrant and a sadist.He rushes her to the hospital and he was reported to the cops as the Doctor mistook him to be Topaz's abusive boyfriend. Once everything cleared, the nurses informed Adams that the girl he had brought to the hospital was pregnant and that due to her condition, if not properly taken care of, she'll lose the baby. There, Adams finally finds the solution to his problem. When Topaz finally came out of the emergency room, Adams laid his proposal to her, which was to be his hired baby mama until when she gave her body and then the baby would be his and she could be his contracts wife until when their contract got terminated, during which they had to act in love in front of his family and after that, she gets to walk away with one hundred million dollars and her child's education will be guaranteed until whatever stage he wanted to get to.To Topaz, there was no thinking. No doubts. This was finally the breakthrough she longed for and she wasn't about to let it pass her by. She was going to escape her past and her child would get the life and education she could never have. This contract seemed to be the perfect solution for both of their problem. The more they seem to act in love in front of Adams's family, the more unsure they feel about the contract. The chemistry between them was magical and unlike something they'd ever experienced. What they thought to be the perfect plan, goes down the drain when Adams's girlfriend comes back into the picture, resurfacing some feelings he still had for her, Topaz's ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, and Adams’s family finds out about their contract.Topaz's ex-boyfriend and Adams's girlfriend decide to team up and cook up a malicious plan on how to separate them. All Topaz ever wanted, was security and a stable future for her child, especially after everything she's been through. She never intended to fall in love with Adams, and she most certainly, never expected to feel hurt from loving h
The Familiar Strangers
The Familiar Strangers
Running through the woods with logs laid everywhere and because it was getting darker by the minute, made it so hard for Laura to seek refuge. The only source of light was the full moon and even the moon didn't give clearer light because of the trees. Laura could feel she was running out of breath, but she was too scared to stop. She continues to run only for her to see a vampire coming from the front towards her direction. She turned to the right, another was coming, she turned to the left another was coming towards her, when she looked back, she saw the angry vampire she kicked in the groin coming towards her. She had no idea what to do. She knew there was no way she would escape, it's not like she could kick all of them in the groin as she did to the first. Maybe this is the end of her life, there are no two ways about it. She thought to herself as the vampires came close to her, ready to devour her when the light emanated from the moon shone on her necklace, attracting the attention of the vampires. "She is wearing the silver moon necklace, everyone run". the vampire that was hit in the groin said but before they could take off, the light from the necklace allowed the necklace to glow so much that it got the vampires and they burnt and disappeared. The moment they evaporated into thin air and her necklace were back to normal, Laura continued running not believing what just happened. As she was running, suddenly she felt a hand drag her pushing her against the tree. Laura tried to protest but the person covered her mouth. "Shh!" He whispered into her ears. "If you don't want to become their dinner, I will Advise you to stay put." the voice whispered into her ear. Laura had no choice but to succumb to his protection. Laura Hall has always lived a normal life with her family as a Florist but things changed when she had a dream or a nightmare that changed her life forever especially when that dream became a reality.
In My Darkest Hour You Are My Light
In My Darkest Hour You Are My Light
It's been ten years now and I've programmed my brain to forget her little did I know that I was deceiving myself. Things changed when I saw her. She looked different. She wasn't the same little girl I had fallen in love with. She was now a grown woman. She was gorgeous. I needed her beneath me just for one night. I'd get her out of my system and move on. That was probably a lie. Months later. Here I am drowning my sorrow in alcohol on my last night as a single man. I was getting married to a woman I never truly loved. Tara gave me a shy smile as she approached the aisle with her father. Kelsey looked away and ignored me. I was about to slide the ring on Tara's finger and her father's voice stopped me. "Stop." I turned around and faced him. Tara grabbed his hand angrily. "Dad what are you doing?!"
Ultimate Love - A Quest for Lasting Happiness
Ultimate Love - A Quest for Lasting Happiness
Chloe has had a tough life, one that most people would not wish on even their enemies. When her ex-boyfriend, who has refused to accept their breakup begins to stalk her, she flees the city, seeking a fresh start elsewhere, but this fresh start turns out to be a horrific one as fate is not done with her yet. Luckily, she meets Ethan, who himself is battling with certain issues, and she begins to fall in love with him. Ethan seems reluctant to have anything romantic to do with her because of his past experience, but just when he begins to have a change of heart, the past rears up its ugly head again, in a much worse way than before. Will these two be able to rise above the odds facing them and love each other completely as they deserve?
Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate
Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate
Danica wakes up beside a strange man in the morning. The next day, she finds herself becoming the surrogate to a mysterious man, in the bid to save her twin sister Daniella from a ruthless mafia boss. But what she doesn't understand is, why did he change the rules? He wants her body once every month till she conceives yet; she can't see him face to face...
The CEO's Second Choice
The CEO's Second Choice
Elena Wiltshire's dreams were coming true; she just got accepted into her dream school without the sway of the powerful Wiltshire name! But when her twin sister's engagement to Sebastian Dumont, the wealthiest CEO in the UK, falls through due to her shameful ways, Elena is forced by the familial matriarchs to take her place to avoid an upper-class scandal. Will Elena survive being married to the cold, egotistical CEO especially when he's hiding a secret of his own?
(21+) Bhaga mungkin akan menyesali keputusannya pulang ke desa kali ini, atau mungkin pula menganggapnya sebagai karunia. Dia tak tahu bahwa di rumah orang tuanya kini tinggal pula seorang gadis bernama Atma. Atma yatim piatu dan hanya lulusan SMP, dia bantu-bantu membersihkan rumah dan merawat ayah Bhaga yang sedang terbaring sakit. Ketulusan hati keduanya telah menumbuhkan benih-benih cinta di antara mereka. Bhaga hampir lupa bahwa dia sendiri telah memiliki tunangan di kota. Belum lagi status sosial yang terpaut jauh menghalangi mereka. Atma tahu diri, dia tak ingin menyakiti perasaan orang tua Bhaga yang telah begitu baik kepadanya. Sampai tiba waktu Atma juga harus dinikahkan sebab usianya telah cukup. Lantas, bagaimana mereka menghadapi segala pelik yang datang?
(21+) Lantaran dipaksa menghadiri sebuah pesta ulang tahun di sebuah klub malam, Jenar yang merupakan gadis lugu dan pendiam bertemu dengan seorang aktor papan atas bernama Remo. Akibat mabuk yang terlalu berat, Remo dan Jenar menghabiskan malam bersama. Peristiwa itu menjadi titik balik dalam hidup mereka.Jenar yang sebetulnya sudah memiliki pacar merasa hidupnya hancur, hubungannya dengan sang kekasih berada di ujung tanduk, sementara Remo berjanji untuk bertanggung-jawab meski dirinya sendiri terkenal sebagai playboy berat, belum lagi Remo ternyata pria yang cukup posesif. Siapa yang akhirnya dipilih Jenar? Sanggupkah Remo mengubah gaya hidupnya dan setia pada Jenar? Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah cinta mereka yang manis dan pahit?
Modern Romance
Leave Me If You Dare
Leave Me If You Dare
"Let me borrow your husband for one night and I spare your dad's life." Trishia Meyer, the only daughter of Senator Meyer demanded. Arabella Jones was dumbfounded. She had to make a choice. To save her father's company, Arabella had agreed to marry the evil billionaire, Bill Sky. She dared to kiss him to show off her ex-boyfriend that night but she never expected the kiss would deepen and he didn’t want to let go. That night was just a mistake but they were bound to meet again. They agreed to sign a non-disclosure contract and they swore not to love each other. Sacrificing herself to be with the domineering cold man and turning a blind eye to his sexual affairs with other women were just some of the things she needed to endure everyday. Marriage with no love. Now that she conceived his baby, he wanted it to be aborted instantly. She thought that the baby inside her tummy would bring them closer together but he accused her in deceiving him. He looked at her as a two-timer and the worst gold digger. Arabella Jones then made a promise to herself that she would do everything to live a happy life with her baby far away from him. Little did she know, it's not for her to decide, that if the billionaire's wrath would allow her.
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
Laura Smith una mujer de carácter firme y directa que busca un empleo perfecto sin saber que encontrara a un jefe mandón y perfeccionista. Dyland Corner un hombre con mucho poder que busca una secretaria. Sin darse cuenta conoce a la que próximamente será su dolor de cabeza. Un jefe mandón, egocéntrico y para nada sociable. Una secretaria agradable, sincera y de buen carácter. Dos personas completamente diferentes, pero ¿Ambos podrán controlar sus celos? ¿Podrá el amor y el deseo triunfar? Te invito a conocer a Laura y Dyland un amor inesperado.
Lustful Hearts
Lustful Hearts
Thеу say there's a fіnе lіnе bеtwееn lоvе аnd lust. Whеn it соmеѕ іn thе form оf a hоt, tаttооеd bad boy, wеll… уоu could еxсuѕе a girl fоr ѕtumblіng. He's mу Brother's bеѕt frіеnd аnd he's everything I despise Arrоgаnt, сосkу, рlауеr… I could gо оn, But hе'ѕ thе оnlу guy I'll ever wаnt. Hе treats mе lіkе a Sіѕtеr, whеn I want tо bе ѕо much mоrе, Hе teases аnd taunts mе, not rеаlіѕіng hіѕ tоuсh drіvеѕ mе wild. I kеер my dіѕtаnсе, іf оnlу tо save myself Untіl a сhаnсе еnсоuntеr аt a раrtу сhаngеѕ еvеrуthіng…
Secret relationships are known to be tragic but not as tragic as the one kept by Taeil and Donghyuck who happened to be professor and student which made their relationship forbidden. As well as exploiting Taeil's marriage with his beloved husband, Jungwoo Kim. When Jungwoo finds out about their secret including Donghyuck's unborn child in Taeil's womb, he decides to take revenge, as well as to get his husband back. Jungwoo eventually encounters Mark, a wealthy young man and Donghyuck's obsessive lover, studying in the same college as him. Mark offers Jungwoo to help him with the plan which Jungwoo avoids at first but goes ahead later on and they together proceed with their planning. However, things start unrolling in unexpected ways when Jungwoo and Mark start falling for each other and that's how the four souls start searching for their final destination which was already their predestination.
Aurora and The Heart of Magic
Aurora and The Heart of Magic
Aurora's world turns upside down when she gets stuck in the midst of an unwanted pregnancy and the quest for 'The Heart of Magic.' Dragons, werewolves and witches; all are in a bid to trap, lure and use Aurora to obtain the stone. How will Aurora protect herself and her baby from the power-hungry creatures? Whom will she choose to side with: the powerful dragons, ferocious werewolves, cunning witches or will she choose to be on her own?
She's My Innocent Billionaire
She's My Innocent Billionaire
The Billionaire Marriage #2 Hailey & Robert Anderson were back-- the lovely couple was happier and lovelier. If you don’t know them, well, Robert was the ruthless billionaire who fell for his personal assistant Hailey. Hailey is a psychiatrist, who tried to heal Robert of all the sorrows he had, by supporting him even when he hurt her at every single step. Finally, Robert realized that he loves her. Yeah, he fell for her because duh, she loved him so much even after everything. Robert was also the Mafia boss, but he left Mafia because Hailey wanted him to. Hailey’s brother, Alex, was also in Mafia secretly and he was Robert’s enemy all along and no one ever knew. After everything, he left Mafia too and decided to be a good man. His girlfriend, Summer, and adopted sister, Cassie, live with him. It has been a year of their happy marriage now. They faced no problems. But something had changed in the past year. Maybe Robert left the Mafia- but the Mafia didn’t leave Robert and now the past has to be corrected, the mistakes have to be resolved. The blooming romance between the couple wasn’t enough to get them through the obstacles. The iceberg did drown the Titanic, the obstacles and the wrongdoings did drown them. Can they come back again? Can they be together when everyone and everything is set to break them apart? Read the sequel to the famous book “He’s My Ruthless Billionaire”. This is a sequel, but it can also be a standalone book. Any issues? Contact the author on her official Instagram: @lexi.priyanshi
Alice Moral finds herself in an abandoned camp in the forest, wondering how she could get there from the city center. All she could remember was walking home when suddenly a hand was pressed against her mouth, and darkness enveloped her. Now she has to look into the eyes of fear when she meets the infamous Camp South River Killer.
Steamy Stories
Bella And The Two Vampire Brothers
Bella And The Two Vampire Brothers
Bella thinks that she can get through college without the hassle of love and heartbreak. Little does she know that she's about to meet vampires. She lives with Lucy and Daniel- the Kerington siblings. When Bella's friend Lucy falls sick, she has to interview the Billionaire CEO. But isn't able to, so Caspian Donovan, the CEO invites her to his house to interview him, determined to put her in her place. His bloodlust for her is raging for she has awakened the beast in him, will he be able to control himself? At college, Bella bumps into Aiden. And Aiden is not letting her go anytime soon. Caspian and Aiden are brothers but aren't aware that they are chasing after the same girl, neither does Bella know that they are brothers. Will she run for the hills when she finds out they are vampires or is it even up to her to leave?
