Keith Jefferson, the man who loved Kelsey KingFisher at first sight was the richest and most handsome man in the US. He was also the most eligible bachelor in Los Angeles and every sophisticated lady wanted to be the Young Madam of the Jefferson clan but Keith only loved the drop-dead gorgeous beauty with appropriately-sized voluptuous curves that he met working at a restaurant. He couldn’t remove his gaze from the way she swayed her backside gracefully each time she came to serve him and his body cried out for her. He fell deeply in love with his sweet and spoilt bootylicious Kelseylicious (as he calls her) and planned on marrying her but different unexpected twists and turns happened….from his childhood girlfriend who had been presumed dead many years ago resurfacing…. to kidnapping…. loneliness… near-death experiences, etc. There are loads of suspense, really sweet experiences, romantic ones, the bitter ones, as well as hell and high water experiences….
Una Oferta Irresistible
Una Oferta Irresistible
Una oportunidad de ensueños se presenta en la vida de Samanta… Su trabajo que no solo le da estabilidad sino superación propia, lleva la vida de la chica a un rascacielos del que no quiere bajar por nada del mundo, porque, aunque ella se vea una persona segura de sí misma, Sam esconde un lado oscuro que intentará cubrir con todas sus fuerzas. Ángelo Ankarali no solo es su jefe, al pasar los años se convierte en un amigo dominante y totalmente posesivo… que, de un día a otro, le soltará una oferta imposible de resistir, llevando a Sam contra la espada y a la pared mientras todo lo que ella ha construido a su alrededor, comienza a desmoronarse…
Memories In The Future
Memories In The Future
** "Hentikan Kennan." Dorongan ringan dan suara serak khas wanita menangis, menghentikan Kennan dan kecupannya. Milly membuka matanya, bibirnya bergetar. "Aku tidak ingin patah hati lagi." Milly menatap mata Kennan dengan tajam. Kennan, hatinya perih mendengar kata itu dari gadis pujaannya. "Satu minggu saja. Kau mau menjadi kekasihku lagi? Satu minggu." Entah kenapa Kennan mengucapkan kata semenyakitkan itu untuk Milly. Milly terdiam, menatap mata Kennan dengan berjuta pertanyaan yang berlarian di dalam kepalanya. "Kau gila?" Milly melepaskan dari kukungan Kennan dia berbalik. Milly tidak menggubris. Dia memaksa pintu VIP itu terbuka. Kennan menekan pintu dengan kedua tangannya di kanan dan kiri Milly. "Aku mohon, setelah ini aku akan hidup bersama orang yang tidak aku cintai. Setelah ini, aku akan hidup sepeti mayat berjalan. Untuk terakhir kalinya, aku menginginkanmu, Milly." **
Pick You Up
Pick You Up
Kilauan berlian ataupun intan permata kalah jika di bandingkan dengan dia, kekasihku, wanitaku. Hanya saja, kilauan itu menghentikanku sejenak. mendalami apa sebenarnya tujuanku bersamanya dan saat pertanyaan itu tiba, aku melangkah mundur, menjauh dan meminalisir lukanya. Meski saat ini aku melupakannya. DAVIAN AIN MARSHAL __ Aku di sini untukmu, untuk mengembalikan semuanya. Ingatanmu dan juga kenangan kita. Mengingatkanmu tentang masa lalu yang terlupakan. Menguak kembali semua bahagia dan luka, di waktu yang sama. LAKHAESA RHIANNAN ALLEN
Masked Feelings
Masked Feelings
"Why the mask?" he asked. I kept quiet as he moved his hand to my hair. He untied my hair and let the hair band fall on the ground. "Why are you touching me? I'm a whore, right?" I asked as I stared at him, right in the eyes. He stared back at me and didn't answer. Didn't he just call me a whore? He buried his face back in my neck and lightly blow on my face. That felt good. Damn good. When his lips made contact with my skin, i bit my lips to stop a moan. I could feel his hands letting my wrists free. My hands fell on his shoulders. My eyes were closed as I concentrated on the feelings that I was getting. What the hell was he doing to me? Two persons. Two different worlds. Domination or submission? Relationship? What happens when two persons get into a thrilling, confusing and intense relationship? Love or hatred? Read to find out!
Dua puluh tujuh tahun merupakan sebuah beban teramat besar yang dilalui oleh Renjana. Terikat dengan kekasihnya selama sembilan tahun dan sampai sekarang masih belum memiliki ikatan yang jelas. Kemudian sampai pada akhirnya orang tuanya mencarikan jodoh untuknya dengan mengenalkan dengan beberapa anak dari teman orang tuanya dan juga sang kakak tidak akan tinggal diam untuk mencarikan dia jodoh. Kata orang, temani orang yang kamu cintai sampai dia menemukan jati dirinya untuk bisa menikahimu. Tapi berbeda halnya dengan Renjana yang juga sebenarnya lelah pertanyaan kapan nyusul dari orang-orang terdekatnya. Lalu apakah Renjana menemukan pasangannya?
Boda bajo un contrato
Boda bajo un contrato
Para la rubia será muy difícil acoplarse a las nuevas reglas, y mas si se trata de un matrimonio bajo contrato, que pasara ahora, cuando el amor se expresa y se esparza por los aires y los deje a ambos sin aliento para toda la eternidad ¿Sera que el millonario y la rubia terminaran enamorándose de verdad para renovar un nuevo contrato oficial de boda para siempre?, ¿será que se enamoraran sin querer?.¿Qué pasara cuando tenga a las gemelas?.
Loving Bezzie
Loving Bezzie
Between two people of different genders, which is more important, love or friendship? Some would say that friendship is more important, for others, it is love. But if you were to be in that situation, which would you choose? Tough, isn't it? Is it possible to have both? Find out how a simple working student faced that situation. A young lady named Cissie was casted away, and a young rich handsome transferee named Jay welcomed her at their home. They became best of friends. However she fell in love with her best friend. The thing is, the feeling is not mutual. Would she sacrifice her feelings or would she gamble on it and continue to love even though she knows that it's going nowhere? How would she face the people surrounding her which keep prostrating her? Would that time come wherein she and her best friend is not just friends but lovers? Please show some love on my Facebook page.
Kate is a charming, dashing lady that can happen to any guy. She finds love in the hands of two cute men of opposite personality; cool headed Brian, and bad boy, good, sexual diva; Tony. The celebration of her 20th birthday kick starts a war that makes her put Brian aside and fall into the horrible sexual web of bad boy Tony, believing he is the right one for her. But her affair with Tony sparks the worst experience not just for herself but for her family. Her father goes to jail; her family is thrown into shambles and sexual desires because she is unaware of the bad boy her heart beats for. A cloud of twist sets in when she is implicated in a crime and stands to be sentenced to life imprisonment; that was when she realized true love in Brian who owns up to her crime and serves her jail term. Brian is ready to fight the good fight of love to recover the love he has for her and help put her family back to what they were. The aura of true and sacrificial love between Brian and Kate is thereafter sealed in an agreed marriage. Tony through gritted teeth will have to spend the rest of his life in jail. But would the gripping hands of lust, and obsession give room for true love? Would Brian’s decision cost him his happiness and eventually fetch him regret?
Jenna una hija ejemplar, vive solo con su padre que la crió con mucho amor, disciplina, responsabilidad. Marck Black un hombre muy recto que quedó viudo muy joven, pero no se hizo de otro compromiso por su hija, para que viva feliz. Pero la vida es así, ambos contactaron con una empresa de cita a ciegas, donde no hablaban, usaban antifaces que no dejaban reconocer nada de la identidad del otro, sin saberlo hacen algo que causaría dolor, arrepentimiento, lágrimas. Pero hay una verdad no rebelada que al final será la causante de que sus vidas cambien en su totalidad ¿Cuál será esa revelación? ¿cuál verdad será esa? Descúbrelo cuando leas esta controversial novela Donde se descubren que el se lleva a cabo con quién puede ser algo para tí, pero ninguno sabe nada del otro ya que todo se hace en silencio y con antifaces pero también existen dichos como "NADA ES LO QUE PARECE" .
Sin and Sineus
Sin and Sineus
Lucifer Kingston, The heartless cruel, and dominant billionaire one of the richest men in the whole world, CEO of Kingston Empire, is in the midst of a very public and nasty divorce from his notoriously dreadful wife. Damaris lavender is the reporter her career is on the verge of being coming down, but she is given chance to save her career but the task is, she is hired to find dirt on him for a story. But she is surprised to discover that he is a wonderful man, he only heartless and cruel to only them who mess with him and come in his path and she begins to fall in love with him.
Demi sebuah janji akan kesetiaan, untuk kesekian kalinya Irish terluka. Janji tinggal janji, nyatanya, janji semanis madu itu berubah sepahit empedu. Penantian Irish selama 4 tahun, berakhir sia-sia. Kekasih yang telah menjanjikan hal manis padanya, memilih memadu kasih dengan wanita lain, meninggalkan Irish dengan sakit hatinya dan menunggu janji yang telanjur berucap. Akhirnya, Irish nekat, demi janji, demi cinta, demi masa depan. Irish menjadi 'pelakor' di hidup Galen dan istrinya. Iris bertekad Galen kembali menjadi miliknya! Bisakah Galen kembali, atau perjuangan Irish akan sia-sia?
Alex stood up infuriated. He took a step towards her. “I know what I said little miss know-it-all, you don’t have to remind me.” Kim gulped but still maintained eye contact with him. He scoffed at her audacity. He took another step towards her. “How much do you need this job?” Kim blinked confused. “What?” A love called hatred is a true life story of the complicated and misunderstanding caused by love mistaken for hatred .
In Love With The Enemy
In Love With The Enemy
Alina Maddox, a simple bright girl who lost her father at age 19 to a ruthless Ceo billionaire, Tristan Turner and his father. Years later while planning her vengeance, Tristan mistakes her when his company spirals downwards. In return, he holds her hostage in one of his many mansions. His intentions were to make her suffer, only to find she was innocent. He fell for her, making it impossible for him to let her go. What happens when she accidently falls for him back? Can she forget her past, the maddening pain he put her through in order to love him with all she has? Can he give up his strong ego, his professional, godly and powerful aura to love her? Is their emotional connection strong enough to fight against what makes it impossible for them to be together? Read To Find Out....
Cinta Yang Terenggut
Cinta Yang Terenggut
Jonathan dan Theresia telah mengarungi biduk rumah tangga selama 10 tahun. Selama setahun terakhir Theresia mengalami depresi karena dinyatakan mandul oleh dokter-dokter kandungan yang ditemuinya. Jonathan sering dijadikan bulan-bulanan atas kekecewaannya, baik itu dibentak-bentak, dimaki-maki, maupun dipukuli. Suami yang sebenarnya sangat mencintainya itu lambat-laun merasa tidak tahan menghadapi kelakuan istrinya dan menggugat cerai. Di tengah-tengah proses perceraiannya, laki-laki itu menjalin hubungan dengan Karin, sekretarisnya yang manis, naif, dan lemah lembut. Jonathan benar-benar jatuh cinta dengan gadis yang kepribadiannya sungguh bertolak-belakang dengan istrinya. Apakah Jonathan akan berhasil menceraikan istrinya dan bersatu dengan kekasihnya? Cara-cara apa sajakah yang dilakukan Theresia demi mempertahankan perkawinannya? Apakah Karin sungguh-sungguh mencintai Jonathan ataukah mempunyai maksud-maksud tertentu?
Amor Acaramelao
Amor Acaramelao
Trilogía buscando el amor del ceo 1 Katherine es una chica inteligente y amante de la música con un talento innato para el canto y el violín, su madre es una azafata que se encarga prácticamente todo y su padre es cocinero y no le gusta la idea de que su adorable hija cante ya que se enfrentaría a otro mundo muy diferente y descuidaría los estudios, pero sobre todo tiene miedo a que su hija de tan solo 18 años se llegue a enamorar. Katherine busca un mundo diferente y se encuentra con 5 chicos que gustan de ella. Algunos serán ceos y otro solo serán chicos musicales artísticos. ¿A quien va elegir Katherine como amor verdadero?. ¿Con quien se casara a futuro ?. ¿Qué busca el millonario de ella?. La música es parte de su vida, quiere que sus sueños se vuelvan realidad y estar en los escenarios, y sobre todo buscar el amor de su vida, todo es un proceso y ella esta consiente de eso pero logrará tomar buenas decisiones. Ahora que pasara con la música ¿Sera que Katherine seguirá su sueño a escondidas?, ¿Sera que se enamorara al cumplir sus 18 años?, ¿Qué pasara cuando por primera vez un joven llegue a salvarle la vida?. ¿Qué secretos oculta la familia Gómez?. ¿Qué pasará cuando la confundan con otra chica?. ¿Qué sucederá cuando cumpla 28 años?
Anaelise estudia el primer año de Medicina en la universidad de Durango Colorado, ciudad donde reside con su padre. Ella trata de llevar una vida, pero sabe que es un compendio de fragmentos que ha tratado de volver a unir por años. Su terapia una vez a la semana, es el lugar de refugio donde respirar no le cuesta tanto. Todo en su vida debe ser cuidadosamente planeado Sin embargo, el cambio repentino de su Psiquiatra jubilado y el profesor más verdugo de la academia, que a resumidas cuentas resultan ser la misma persona, desequilibran su supuesta normalidad haciendo que ella saque a flote los rincones más oscuros que ha querido esconder desde hace mucho tiempo. Xavier está convencido que nadie interrumpirá su rigurosa vida, de hecho, él es lo suficientemente cuidadoso como para que nadie esté a su lado por lo menos 24 horas seguidas. Es un hombre cerrado, dominante y muy controlador, entre eso, manipulador. Pero cuando Anaelise entra en su campo de visión, no solo sacará lo peor de él, ella romperá sus barreras y desatará el caos que él mantiene oculto. Ellos son sombras, y estas, se unirán formando un caos interminable.  
one sweet atmosphere
one sweet atmosphere
Ralph Harrison and Queenie Austin first meet-up unexpectedly, it was just a mere incident for some people but it is the beginning of the beautiful relationship. Queenie Austin was invited by her roommate Mia Castro to attend the annual Festival celebration in their province, a week before the school year starts. Queenie has been working almost her entire life since her adopted father died then just about two years ago her adopted mother also passed away after a year of enduring the pain and suffering from breast cancer. The night before her adopted mother died, she found out that she was an adopted child. Ralph came from a rich family. Annually their family returns to their province to attend the Festival Celebration, usually with his dad. His dad sponsored the needs for the celebration being held. But this year, he went to the province alone because his Dad has an emergency in their company. On the night of the festival celebration, Queenie and Ralph met when Queenie and Mia rushed inside Ralph's house. Because of the sudden heavy rain, the two friends entered a mysterious house. On the same night, they shared the whole night together in bed. On that night, Queenie surrendered her previous gem to the man that he didn't even know the name. After that night, Queenie and Ralph didn't expect that they would meet again. Unfortunately, they went to the same University. They're next meet up is a little awkward but became the start of their 'cat and mouse' relationship.