Semua orang selalu menganggapnya pria gila. Julian Giedon, pria yang pandai menghasilkan uang dengan kegilaannya yang menjadikannya salah satu pria terkaya di dunia. Julian suka pesta dan kebebas dalam hidup dan berpikir, dia adalah bad boy terfavorit di Neydish. Semua orang hormat dan bertekuk lutut pada Julian yang di gadang-gadang akan menjadi Presiden di usia ke tiga puluhnya. Ketampanan, kecerdasan dan cara berpikirnya yang berbeda dari orang lain adalah daya tarik terbesarnya. Namun di balik semua kesempurnaan yang di milikinya, Julian Giedon hanyalah pria tampan yang kekanak-kanakan dan tidak bisa berkelahi meski mulutnya sering berkata congkak. Julian jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis yang jelas-jelas menolaknya. Akankah Julian memperjuangkan perasaannya, dan mengabaikan harga dirinya.
Let's Change The Route
Let's Change The Route
Vestele memiliki kesempatan kedua untuk hidup kembali. Terlahir sebagai peri membuat hidupnya menjadi sangat mudah. Hidupnya berjalan dengan damai hingga ia bertemu dengan Nevarth. Ia bertemu dengan laki-laki itu di festival dan menghabiskan waktu bersama. Namun, Vestele harus dihantam kenyataan setelah ia mengetahui jika dia mengandung tokoh utama laki-laki dan ia akan meninggal setelah melahirkan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, Vestele juga mengetahui jika Nevarth adalah mantan suaminya di kehidupan dulu. Vestele akhirnya berusaha untuk mengubah rute cerita. Dia ingin terus hidup dan membesarkan anaknya. Dia juga ingin menyelesaikan masalahnya yang tidak sempat ia selesaikan di kehidupan dulu. Vestele akan melakukan apa pun agar ia tetap hidup. Namun, apakah keinginan Vestele akan terwujud semudah itu?
Heart Beats For You
Heart Beats For You
Marisa is a sweet and talented dancer who runs a dance institute with her best friend. What happens when one of her students is the niece of her ex-husband? Will she be able to forget her past and give a second chance to Alex? Alex is a workaholic and a determined guy who has never failed to accept all his flaws. A guy who has always owned up to all his mistakes. But one of the biggest mistakes was to let go of his wife three years ago. Will the guilt-ridden Alex be able to convince Marisa to come back into his life? Two individuals who were once bound by the law, but circumstances tore them apart. However, after three years, destiny brought them in front of each other. Will they be able to move forward together with the help of their friends and family? And will love blossom between them? Join the journey of Alex and Marisa!
Love, Trust and Brokenhearts  (ENGLISH)
Love, Trust and Brokenhearts (ENGLISH)
For Rubick, Lahynna is different from the women that come and go into his life. She was special. He found it out from the very first time she smiled at him. She was never a flirt. So pure and clean—the words that he never thought he'd going to use to describe a woman. He loves to take care of and protects her. That’s why he treasured her and vowed to always protect her—against the beast inside himself. He knew that the moment she found out who is the real Rubick de Juego, Lahynna would never want to be with him. But God forbid, when Lahynna wasn’t in his life anymore, he would definitely be going to self-destruct.
Steamy Stories
The Beauty of Love
The Beauty of Love
Fiona McGuire and Justin Carter were both forced to marry each other. This marriage is not exactly a business deal or a contract marriage. Fiona is a simple and independent woman who also works as an employee of Carters’ Group of Industries. At the same time, Justin is the CEO of Carters’ group of industries, a stubborn head but has a good heart. So, what happens when they are married to one another without their will? What was the reason for their marriage? Will they ever be able to work this marriage out and fall in love? Two not-so-polar opposite people will give each other a chance, or will their marriage be a dead end without even having a beginning?
The Unwanted Marriage
The Unwanted Marriage
Alyssa De Guzman was in a tight situation regarding her grandma’s illness, so when Master Guang Lee offered her help for the exchange of marrying his grandson Leonard Lee, the CEO of GL corp., she had no choice but to agree. On the day of their wedding, she never thought that she would fall in love at first sight with her husband-to-be. The gentleness Leonard Lee shows to her at their wedding makes her even more attracted to him and excites her with an expectation that her marriage will be a perfect one. But little did she know that after the show, the actual intentions of her husband towards her would come out. It’s his hatred towards her! What do you think fate awaits her at the hands of her husband? Will she still choose to love him or choose to hate him back?