Jamás habría imaginado que su vida terminaría abruptamente a causa de apenas 30 ml de gelatina envenenada, pero así sucedió, marcando el inicio de una existencia completamente nueva. M despertó en el cuerpo de un niño desamparado, despreciado por todos y con un historial delictivo, habiéndole sido otorgada una nueva vida y una segunda oportunidad. M fue bendecida con un Sistema Tycoon que la catapultaría a un estrato superior, brindándole la capacidad de hacer aquello que en su vida pasada le fue imposible. ¿Hasta dónde llegará para alcanzar sus metas y sueños? ¿Logrará proteger a aquellos que no pudo en su vida anterior?
Fantasy Romance
She never imagined her life would come to an abrupt end over of a poisoned 30ml of jelly, but it did, and it was the start of a new one. M awakened in the body of an abandoned child who had been loathed by everyone and had a criminal record, having been given a new life and a second chance in life. M got blessed and received a Tycoon System that would lift her to a higher level, enabling her to do things she couldn't in her previous life. How far will she go in order to accomplish her goals and dreams? Will she be able to protect those that she failed to protect in her past life?
The Cupid That Got Away
The Cupid That Got Away
What happens when love meets hate? Caelum Rouen, a dieuoublie, can't stand love. He was a banished cupid, forsaken for he has broken the absolute law, 'To give love but not receive it'. Rubin Hearthrowe, who is a cupid-in- training stumbles upon him. Naive and desperate of love, Rubin made it her goal to chase after him and Caelum couldn't help but seethe in anger. But what if the both of them was tied to each other more than they could ever think of? Will Caelum finally learn to not hate love?
Hidden Desires Of Lust Wings
Hidden Desires Of Lust Wings
This book is contemporary erotica based on adventurous and unforgettable moments. Our lives are full of mysteries or secret instances that are hidden somewhere in our hearts that we all cherish by ourselves. The moment it happened we never cared for anything as it becomes a moment of bliss for us where we want to forget whether it is right or wrong. We all call it desires, and the one that affects us most is our physical needs. This is a taboo for many as it comes under the heading of forbidden. But we all want to cross this forbidden bridge, forgetting about everything. Here I am sharing some of the pleasurable moments of life that each one of us wants to enjoy... The need of the moment or an impulsive act for fulfilling the physical need. The conflicting moment when your body betrays your self-control. When you want to live the moment for a while forgetting everything. Want to enjoy every bit of it and waking up the beast inside.