Protected By The Billionaire
Protected By The Billionaire
"You're mine, Zoe. Remember that," he said as he stared deep into my eyes. As always, I felt giddy under his gaze. This man sure knew how to make a woman go crazy for him. "I thought you didn't want me." My voice came out as a squeak. I was uncomfortable with the position he had me in. He had shoved me against the wall and caged me with his built body earned from spending hours in the gym. "Well, I do now." He smirked and came closer to kiss the corner of my lips. I wanted more than that. Seeing as he had so much effect on me, he smirked again and moved backward. "You have work to do." He walked away like he didn't just have me reeling from this sexual tension. There are so many reasons to hate this man! ________________________ Billionaire and business mogul, Philip MacArthur finds himself playing the role of a knight in shining armor for the drop-dead gorgeous waitress, Zoe Ortega. He offers her a job at his company as his secretary. Zoe Ortega is in dire need of a new job and takes it without a second thought. Zoe couldn't help but fall hopelessly in love with this rude man she calls her boss. Philip finds his secretary way too attractive and couldn't help but think of different ways he could have her in bed. But it was more than just lust; this woman had found a way to crawl into his heart and had him falling hopelessly for her. Caught in the mess of Philip's family issues and with the return of her step-father, Zoe is constantly being drawn rescued by her knight in shining armor and there's nothing safer than being in the arms of the billionaire.
La obsesión del matón
La obsesión del matón
Advertencia: este es un romance maduro oscuro, destinado solo para mayores de 18 años. "Eres mía Gracie... tus miedos, lágrimas.... Voy a destrozarte por completo hasta que no sepas nada más que mi nombre. " "Yo.. no soy tuya. " Tartamudeé. Su mirada se volvió notablemente más oscura ante mis palabras. "Qué has dicho?" Dijo dando un paso amenazante. Abrí la boca pero no salió ninguna palabra, lo siguiente que hice fue aplastarme entre él y la pared. Mi cuerpo se estremeció ante su mirada dominante. "Me perteneces.... Tu cuerpo... Tu alma... Disfrutaré marcándote una vez.... y otra vez" susurró, sus dientes rozando suavemente mi cuello. ¿Cómo llegué a esta situación, no había salida? Ya me rompió... Me quitó la virginidad... ¿Qué más quiere de mí? Graciela Evans era solo una nerd promedio que luchaba en la escuela secundaria, su único deseo era tener una buena vida, lo que sucede cuando se convierte en el objetivo del infame chico malo de su escuela... Hayden Mandrew. Ella tiene una deuda con él, y él iba a obligarla a pagarla. Ni un centavo menos.
El lobo de Trueno
El lobo de Trueno
Nadie ha visto su rostro, pero todos han oído hablar de él. Todos temen su nombre porque dondequiera que se pronuncie su nombre, el resultado es la destrucción absoluta y completa. Se sabe que acaba con una manada completa en unos pocos minutos y nunca ha habido un sobreviviente. Dicen que ataca a los Alfas, otros dicen que odia a los pícaros pero nadie sabe quién será su próximo objetivo. Dicen que el cielo se cubre de nubes negras y los truenos golpean el suelo en el lugar donde ataca. El consejo de hombres lobo lo declaró el lobo más buscado del mundo, con la orden de matar a la vista. Si tan solo pudieran tenerlo a la vista Con la vista del águila, la velocidad del relámpago y el rugido del trueno, él era el lobo más poderoso que jamás se haya conocido. Era el LOBO DEL TRUENO. ¿O debería decir ELLA?
La ángel del Alfa
La ángel del Alfa
Ava Carter era una huérfana de 17 años. Ella era miembro del Crystal Blue Pack. Ella era el saco de boxeo en su manada, ya que la gente normalmente la pisoteaba, literalmente. Ella era la debilucha, la marginada, la solitaria a la que nadie se molestaba en conocer. Hasta la noche de su cumpleaños, decidió irse. Se encontró con el hombre más guapo que había visto en toda su vida y pronunció una palabra que cambiaron su vida para siempre. "Mío" Jayden King fue el alfa del North Pack. Era el alfa más temido y, a menudo, se lo llamaba el alfa de todos los alfas. Ninguno de los que invadieron su tierra vivió lo suficiente para contarlo. Hasta la noche en que se topó con alguien a quien hace mucho tiempo había perdido la esperanza de encontrar.
She has been a virgin her whole life but one night changed everything. A blackmailer came out of nowhere just after her marriage and messed up her beautiful life. Read her story as she makes out her way from all the abuse and takes her revenge. "Brooke, please," Tanner pleaded, "we're almost married. Can't we have sex now, sweetheart?" "Do you love me, Tanner?" I suddenly asked. "I love you more than life itself," Tanner replied. "I wouldn't marry you if I didn't love you." "I want to wait," I explained for maybe the hundredth time. "I want to come into our marriage as a virgin. I don't want to have sex until our wedding night. You know I love you, but this is very important to me. I've saved myself for this long, I'm not going to buckle with a week left to go. Please, quit asking. I want our first time to be when we're married, and not a second before." "What about a blow job, then," Tanner laughed.
Steamy Stories
Ha sido virgen toda su vida pero una noche lo cambió todo. Un chantajista surgió de la nada justo después de su matrimonio y arruinó su hermosa vida. Lea su historia mientras se sale de todo el abuso y se venga. "Brooke, por favor", suplicó Tanner, "ya casi estamos casados. ¿No podemos tener sexo ahora, cariño?" "¿Me amas, Tanner?" Pregunté de repente. "Te amo más que a la vida misma", respondió Tanner. "No me casaría contigo si no te amara." "Quiero esperar", le expliqué quizás por enésima vez. "Quiero llegar a nuestro matrimonio como virgen. No quiero tener relaciones sexuales hasta nuestra noche de bodas. Sabes que te amo, pero esto es muy importante para mí. Me he salvado para este tiempo, "No voy a ceder cuando falta una semana. Por favor, deja de preguntar. Quiero que nuestra primera vez sea cuando estemos casados, y ni un segundo antes". "¿Qué tal una mamada entonces?", se rió Tanner.
Three rules apply to Victoria Allison, which are: 1. Don't kiss a customer. 2. Do not sleep with a client. 3. Do not fall a client. Everything will be OK as long as wealthy alphas Steve Clifford respects these limitations. She must get the money somehow because her father is ailing and she has medical expenses to cover. After a final encounter, she makes her father a vow to leave, but she is then presented with a plan that might help her with at least some of her issues. Will she cave in and put her own ambitions on hold, or will she stick to her strict principles?
My Ruthless Stepbrother
My Ruthless Stepbrother
Zack Lamont was the little secret inside Irryn's young heart... How could Irryn get the attention of this stepbrother of hers, whom she cherished a lot, when while she was busy loving him, he was treating her with cruelty and pushing her away? Irryn's busy loving Zack while the said beloved stepbrother was busy being ruthless to her and being the black sheep of their family. He never treated her like a sister of his. He had always seen her like trash who suddenly came into their lives to ruin his thoughts, his heart, and his mind...
Steamy Stories
Demasiado tarde para volver
Demasiado tarde para volver
Lo perdió todo: su matrimonio, su familia, sus propiedades, su parte de la herencia y sobre todo su virginidad. Quedó embarazada pero no sabe quién es el padre de su bebé. Fue violada, herida y traicionada. Deseaba morir y encontrar descanso a su corazón atribulado pero, ay, la muerte pareció percibir su anhelo y huir de ella. Cuatro años más tarde, sus hijos irrumpieron en el maestro mayor de la familia Li y ese es el comienzo de una nueva fase en la vida de Theresa Mo. Junxie Li vio los robots, una miniatura de sí mismo y no los dejó ir....
One night stand: Sweetie, you'll be mine
One night stand: Sweetie, you'll be mine
Experiencing a passionate one-night stand with a handsome stranger named Joel, Primrose happens to know that he is her fiance, also one of the richest billionaires in the world. She tries to run away from him and the bizarre marriage but is gradually approached and held by Joel. "Want to escape from me? Sweetie, don't do this. You're mine." Joel smiled softly, gently taking Primrose's chin and placing a soft kiss. From the moment he first met Primrose, he planned to keep her by his side for the rest of his life. In the end, can they be together forever?
Jackson Taylor is a sex freak. It all began after after he woke up from coma, but he was wary of women after his wife divorced him thereby shattering his heart so he used drugs to calm himself down. But everything changed when he met his new secretary, Vera Santos. She was irresistible and met his needs for sexual appeal, but she couldn't stay because she has also been heartbroken in the past. He had to do anything to keep her...
Steamy Stories
The baby contract
The baby contract
BLURB " You're a virgin? " He asked, looking incredulous amidst the heat of passion. He paused at her already wet entrance and peered up at her. She nodded, avoiding his penetrating gaze. " Fuck! Why didn't you tell me this before you signed the contract?" He probed further. " You signed it even when you knew your virginity was at stake?" " Is it really worth it?" He asked again. Carla ignored his second question and said, " It didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now. I'm gonna lose it sooner or later. It's inevitable ". Her look turned into a seductive one, " Now let's do this, I'm fucking wet and ready " She said in a seductive voice.
Hunted By The Player
Hunted By The Player
Determined, dreamy and independent Selena travels to Barcelona to study for a month and get away from her past. Little does she know her life will never be the same after 30 days. Arrogant, wealthy football player, Hunter not only enjoys his great form in football but also enjoys all the femme fatale attention on his night time prowls.Little does he know that in a second, his life will change just by spilling a drink on a feisty motormouth girl who will test his patience. Will Hunter be hunted or will he conquer his prey? Together Selena and Hunter will have to find out how to deal with fame, gossip, jealousy, and distance to make this relationship work. How many chances will life give them to do so?
Steamy Stories
Déjame si te atreves
Déjame si te atreves
"Préstame a tu marido por una noche y le perdonaré la vida a tu padre". Trishia Meyer, la única hija del Senador Meyer exigió. Arabella Jones estaba estupefacta. Tenía que hacer una elección. Para salvar la empresa de su padre, Arabella había accedido a casarse con el malvado multimillonario Bill Sky. Ella se atrevió a besarlo para presumir a su exnovio esa noche pero nunca esperó que el beso se profundizara y él no quería soltarla. Esa noche fue solo un error, pero estaban obligados a encontrarse de nuevo. Acordaron firmar un contrato de confidencialidad y juraron no amarse. Sacrificarse para estar con el hombre frío y dominante y hacer la vista gorda ante sus aventuras sexuales con otras mujeres eran solo algunas de las cosas que necesitaba soportar todos los días. Matrimonio sin amor. Ahora que ella concibió a su bebé, quería que abortaran al instante. Ella pensó que el bebé dentro de su barriga los uniría más, pero él la acusó de engañarlo. Él la miró como una dos veces y la peor cazafortunas. Arabella Jones luego se prometió a sí misma que haría todo lo posible para vivir una vida feliz con su bebé lejos de él. Poco sabía ella, no le corresponde a ella decidir, eso si la ira del multimillonario se lo permitiría.
The tough economy forced a girl named Ivy Jovanika to work even harder. She became a waiter in the very famous Shane Restaurant in her city. Not only that, every night she also uses her time to work. "I want clarity on this relationship. Which do you choose, me or Lilyana--your legal wife?!" Ivy asked, clutching her stomach. That's right, she's pregnant because of what she did with Ed Shane--the owner of the restaurant she works for. "That's not my baby! You have a lot of men, it must be another guy's baby!" snapped Ed Shane as he left the table. While holding back tears, Ivy turned on her cell phone. She was desperate, it felt like all these secrets she could no longer keep alone. Will Ed Shane admit that she is pregnant with his child? Will Ed Shane stick with his opinion? What will happen to Lilyana if she finds out her husband is having an affair? Will Lilyana forgive Ed Shane?
Su Luna a Regañadientes
Su Luna a Regañadientes
Contenido para mayores de 18 años "¿Qué estás haciendo?" Grité cuando el hombre enorme me arrancó el anillo de compromiso de mi dedo. "¡No!" Grité cuando tiró el anillo de diamantes. "¡Eres mía! ¿Entiendes? ¡Solo mía!" Sus hermosos ojos verdes se clavaron en los míos. "¡Nunca! Rechazo..." No pudo completar la oración, su boca estaba sobre la mía, capturando mis labios en un beso castigador. Alice tiene su vida ordenada, tiene un buen trabajo, un prometido maravilloso. Aparte de un pequeño secreto, ella era un hombre lobo, su vida estaba bajo su control. Después de perder a sus padres en un duro ataque, la enviaron a vivir con su tía, una cuidadora. Alice era lo que uno llamaría un hombre lobo urbano que no tenía intención de encontrar a su pareja. Pero las cosas no salieron como esperaban cuando el Alfa más guapo, poderoso y peligroso de los EE. UU. la reclamó como su compañera. Con su lobo en el calor pero su mente advirtiéndole contra la unión. ¿Cómo se resistirá a ser su Luna?
Reclamada por Mi ex Marido
Reclamada por Mi ex Marido
Ella cayó primero, pero él cayó más fuerte. ******* Después de que su esposo multimillonario se divorciara de ella, Bella perdió a su bebé, lo que le dolió más. Para aliviar sus sufrimientos, sus padres decidieron enviarla a Nueva York para que siguiera su carrera como modelo. Después de construir su nombre en la industria, pensó que su vida permanecería tranquila y en paz. ¡Tampoco sabía que se verá obligada a regresar a su país después de firmar un contrato con un hombre, y ese hombre era su ex marido! ******* Ella: ¿Sabes por qué te odio? ¡Es porque mataste a mi hijo! Él: Si lo hice, entonces hagamos otro.
Su Desagradable Retorno
Su Desagradable Retorno
Acosada: una palabra tan simple, pero esa era la definición total de mi vida. Me callé y soporté. Porque en mi corazón, me aferré a esa pequeña esperanza de que mi pareja me rescatara. Sin embargo, esa esperanza se ve aplastada cuando mi compañero, el Alfa de mi manada, me rechaza ante toda la escuela. Bueno, la broma es sobre ellos cuando me paré frente a ellos como un arma hermosa con el paquete más duro apoyándome. No hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de mi nuevo Alfa. Pero, ¿estoy lista para abrirle mi corazón?
Stella: The Unwanted Mate
Stella: The Unwanted Mate
Stella Renouf is the youngest child of Remus Renouf, the last successor of their elders. Her birth brings dismay to her father as Remus wants a male child. She knows that her father doesn't like her as much as he likes her older sister, named Daisha Renouf. To carry on their family's legacy, Remus made an accord with their Alpha, named Raven Alarick. They decided to bind their families with a marriage between their youngest children. Stella meets Brandon Alarick, the finest warrior of their pack. They were given a couple of months to stay under the same roof and learn about how to be compatible with each other. Their situation made Brandon's life miserable because he already chooses his mate. He is vocal about his feelings and shows Stella that he will never fall for her, no matter what happens. Stella is longing for love that her father doesn't give her, and she hopes that Brandon might fulfil it for her. As time goes by, nothing changes with her relationship with Brandon. They were still strangers to each other. As their families noticed that they were unmatched, they decided to change Stella's mate. Brandon doesn't know what he feels when he finds out their chosen mate for Stella. He wants to get her back, but it is already late. How can he get back the woman he tries to send off? Does Stella still want him to stay by her side? Is there a second chance for them to cherish each other?
A Marriage To Cure A Broken Billionaire
A Marriage To Cure A Broken Billionaire
"I will never marry and pass this curse on to another human being. Do you understand? It's your fault that I'm broken! I will never give you the satisfaction of having a child from me! I will remain a lonely man! I promise you that!" "They say you should; never say, Never." Dexter Lee is about to find out why that statement is so true. Though he meant every word he said, despite being tall, dark, and handsome, it doesn't hurt that he is the only son of one of the world's 3% wealthiest Billionaire families. He's the kind of man a girl can only wish to obtain because he checks all the boxes perfectly on the outside. Dexter Lee would have been perfect if he wasn't a broken man with a haunting secret that only a unique martial bond could cure. But he promises Never to Marry. All that will change when he unimaginably meets the most unlikely and intriguing girl. Is Tameka Tran the cure this broken man needs? Or will she only make his lonely existence more miserable? It's a riveting sweet romance novel. No cheating. No cliffhangers. Happy ending? You'll have to read it to find out.
