KASARINLAN'S VERDICT: Stigma of the Chosen
KASARINLAN'S VERDICT: Stigma of the Chosen
Prince Sari is the current Prince of Kabinihan. Just like the previous rulers of their land, he possesses alluring beauty, elegance and admirable intelligence that is very suited for a royalty like him. Not known to many, he is a “Chosen Vessel” and has the Mark of Kasarinlan on his lower abdomen — a flower-shaped tattoo that signifies that the offspring is the next vessel to carry Kasarinlan’s child. His existence is heretic and some think making him the next King would soil the kingdom’s sole purpose, and that is to serve their mighty deity Kasarinlan and make him satisfied always. If they are to nurture Prince Sari and present him to the deity, their peaceful reign might disappear in a blink of an eye. On his 18th birthday, a personal adviser is assigned to Prince Sari — his name is Ulan. Ulan is tasked to give guidance to the Prince before he faces Kasarinlan in person. Until then, the Prince must learn various things as part of his destiny. Will he be able to bring prosper to his beloved land and people... or will he be the key to their downfall?
Amobi and the Door Beyond Time
Amobi and the Door Beyond Time
Amobi is the super awesome priest of Amadioha, the god of thunder and lightning. He just doesn't know it yet. But after he accidentally makes a church explode and vaporizes a security guard, he starts to realize that there might be some truth to his grandfather's stories after all. Now, accompanied by his two best friends, who are priests themselves, they must complete an ancient quest to free the gods from their prison before the world is engulfed in eternal darkness and completely annihilated. Strap on your seat-belts. It's going to be epic.
*World building* *Character development* *No harem* *Constant uploads* The world you know doesn't exist anymore... Relics, items created by the collection of human memories from ancient history and folktales descended on the world and wreaked havoc, causing an apocalypse level event that threatened the extinction of humanity. In the year 785 AR (After Relics) A young boy plans to go on an adventure and puts together a group of talented individuals to journey across the globe to uncover the truth behind the great apocalypse 800 years ago... *Cover art does not belong to me*
Warrior Queen (Dungeon Queen Book 2)
Warrior Queen (Dungeon Queen Book 2)
My name is Lily Lemon and my life has always come in threes. Even in death, that's proving to be true. Now that I know who I really am, I'm about to shake things up in the Greek afterlife. My enemies may think they know me, but they 'aint seen nothing yet. They may be immortal gods with unlimited power and magic... But I'm Lily Lemon, and I'm about to make lemonade of their heads. Every. Last. One. Of. Them. But especially Clay.
Dungeon Queen: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance
Dungeon Queen: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance
My name is Lily Lemon and my life has always come in threes. I was born on the third day of the third month as the youngest of three daughters, and I spent three years working three jobs to attend my dream college. I had epic plans, but my first week of class, three epically bad things happened. Not the least of which was… I died. Like, literally. But am I really dead? Because this isn't the afterlife I was expecting. Instead of pearly gates or eternal damnation, I end up in a magical world quite unlike our own. A world where I am strong, mighty, powerful... I am a queen who may or may not be a reincarnated Greek Goddess. I know, crazy, right? This would be super exciting and all, but turns out monsters have been unleashed in this world and my own, and I have to stop them. Problem is, a new ruler is rising, making false promises and putting everyone in danger. Now, I'll have to conquer the dreaded Dungeons to save my people, all the while dealing with this false king's crap. Good thing I don't have to go it alone. There are three who seek to ally with me (pretty sure this is code for sex, but who's complaining?) A thief bound to me. (Hello Son of Zeus, nice lightning bolt you have there!) A wolf mated to me. (He's the bastard Son of Poseidon who got frisky with some she-wolf. Don't judge. But seriously, the Greeks will sleep with literally anything!) And a fae destined to me. (The Son of Hades never looked so good—for a guy invisible most of the time.) This world is about to learn you don't mess with Lily Lemon, or I’ll make lemonade with your head. (It's a thing.) The Devious King will fall. The monsters will be subdued. And a new Queen will rise from the Dungeons to save us all. Me. I'm the new queen. Fyi.
Palacio de Luna
Palacio de Luna
The tales of tails circulating the island of batanes. Treyton Collin doesn't believe in any of those tales. He bought a piece of land in batanes island for him to rest during weekends. One night, he heard a very beautiful voice that comes from the famous white tower. Several weekends has passed and she met two weird ladies. They don't seem normal but they claim that they know about my parents and their existence under the water. They said that the tales of tails exist.
Goddess Artemis
Goddess Artemis
She is the goddess of moon, wild animals, wilderness, hunt and chastity. She is known as a virgin goddess. She's powerful and immortal. One day her heart beat for a mortal hunter. What kind of fate could they have? They are living from a different world. She has a cruel and powerful world. Can she leave everything for them to be together? could rebirth is the only key for them to be together?
Los últimos tiempos
Los últimos tiempos
Las predicciones del fin del mundo cumplen lugar en estos últimos años, el siglo XXI será el último en la historia universal y un fuego devastador quemará todo el planeta. La humanidad intentará sobrevivir buscando vida en otros planetas para la mudanza masiva, solo las personas más importantes podrán viajar. Jack Luo, un científico chino que trabaja en una de las más importantes universidades de Estados Unidos, busca una forma de unirse a estás personas, así mismo trata de advertir los peligros ocultos detrás de las profecías apocalípticas que tenían rumbo a estallar.
Lailah, a beautiful Nymph, was spat out by the sea after angering the great Poseidon. Luckily, she was rescued by the cunning Ja Lia, who of course, immediately felt a strong sexual attraction to her. He made advances, and she submitted, wanting to repay him for his kindness. But she liked the sex a little much. Transforming into an insatiable seductress, she proceeded to test will of other men, who unknown to her were Ja Lia's siblings. Angered by this betrayal, Ja Lia sets sail on the open sea but met with new fate. Poseidon would recruit him against Lailah, who already carries his child.