WOUNDED EGO: Omega’s Disguise
WOUNDED EGO: Omega’s Disguise
How far can you go in order to feed your own ego? “Twenty thousand dollars for every session. Have sex with me and keep your mouth shut.” These were the words that my Alpha boss left me the moment I caught him doing something shady inside his very office. It was obviously bribe money to prevent me from ruining his image. But even so, I still accepted his offer for the sole reason that I'm interested in knowing his true nature. But never did I thought that this curiosity of mine would only lead me into a much troublesome circumstance.
Steamy Stories(ph)
Cuando tenemos diecinueve en lo único que nos preocupamos es en pasar toda las materias, tratar de llevar una vida normal siendo estudiante universitario y evitar a toda costa tener una sorpresa en nueve meses, a menos que seas Emma Stone, claro está, y debas irte a otro continente con una persona que jamás en tu vida has visto y que reclama que eres tuya. Tal vez no sería un problema tan grande, si a raíz de esto, empieces a saber lo que realmente eres, a descubrir secretos ocultos, pactos de sangre de mil años que te incluyen, personas que dicen ser tu pareja eterna y mil cantidades de cosas más, que solo te llevaran a tu limite. Todos sabemos que cuando la copa se rebosa, nada bueno puede traer con ello, y... esta no será la excepción con Emma Stone.
Touch of Providence
Touch of Providence
They say love is sweeter the second time, in his case, will love be sweeter this time when everything has a touch of providence? Elijah thought he was over him when they met once more and this time, they had to deal with the wounds and burns they caused each other before they could consider themself right for each other. When a simple film brings the two together and as they discover the mistakes they did, they will uncover the secrets and lies behind the dreadful past, obsession, twisted desires and untold feelings. Will love be able to win? (A webtoon series collaboration with Maruchi and novel by Maple Writes)