Burning Passions
Burning Passions
Archie and Johnny's friendship did not start off auspiciously. Both got involved in prostitution, but not of their own volition. Percy and Miguel's friendship didn't begin auspiciously either. Both got into bad company, but not by choice. In one night, the lives of all four of them change. Archie gets a driver next to him. Percy applies for a job. Johnny is just heading out for a regular night out. And Miguel wants to relax after the week. The fate of all four of them is intertwined on this unexpected evening.
Love & Chaos
Love & Chaos
“Fuck. Your skin is so smooth. Fucck. I love it.” He cussed with pleasure. It was a sexy thing to hear. My heart leaped with joy immediately after I heard it. Compliments about my skin turn me on. The intensity of our kisses became rapid, as if time itself was racing forward. The kissing became so intense so much that it felt like it was being fast-forwarded. Our bodies began to speak loudly in different languages only we could comprehend. Kayla is a young successful woman who had given up on love, settling into having fun till forever but her decision wavers when she meets Mason. The dubiousness of Mason’s brother brought Kayla to a condition she didn’t see coming. As she fights for her life in the hospital, which resulted in the dangerous pursuit of her brother-in-law, a stranger steps forward to save her with a life-saving blood transfusion. Little does she know that this stranger holds the key to her past. Will she survive and uncover the shocking truths that awaits her?
A night in Paris
A night in Paris
It all started with a prank. Harlow just wanted Dylan to notice her. A college crush and some wrong decisions made by a new student in the university. A night she will never forget.