Synopsis (Zidra #1) *** "What happened Aveline??" Zayed asked "Nothing" "Its a very beautiful morning, right??" Zayed asked looking out through the floor to ceiling glass window of the penthouse suite facing the Eiffel Tower. She nodded jerkily "A beautiful morning for a new start" Zayed said drawing Aveline against him. She pulled away from him "What start??" She asked tartly "Our life Aveline. After last night-" he was cut off mid way by Ava's sarcastic laugh "After last night what?? Sex is not a promise Zayed!!" She said leaving Zayed speechless "Aveline. Last night- I thought" he struggled with words "You thought what?? That just because I slept with you, I forgot everything you did to me?? If yes, then you are bloody naive Zayed" **** Sheikh Zayed Ahmed al Zidra ,did the unforgivable sin of accusing his wife of infidelity. Six years later ,they meet again, and the whole world comes crashing down around Zayed, as revelations are made one by one. Add to the mix,a set of mischievous triplets, two puppies and a kitten. It ought to be chaos! Tune in ,to know how Zayed makes amends for all his sins at the eame time fighting an unknown enemy, and how he achieves a happily ever after. BOOK 1 IN ZIDRA SERIES - STAND ALONE NOVEL PS : Written Mills&Boon style
[WARNING: This story contains mature themes with profanities, hardcore graphical explicit sexual situations, and others. Strongly recommended for 18+ only. Otherwise, read at your own risk.] Jack was still a child when his father abandoned him to Marianne, his lovely and caring stepmother. Through the good and bad times, they only have each other. But what if Jack suddenly admits that Marianne is the only person he wants to be with and love forever? A forbidden love that overflows like magma, so intense and hot that it burns with every touch. How will this kind of love survive in a world full of uncertainty, temptation, and mistakes? What if there are people who constantly try to keep them apart? Jack once told Marianne, "I don't give a damn about anyone. I want you to be mine! And it's fine with me if our love for each other burns me. Just want me and love me until the end, I am more than willing to be burned to death." Can their love last all the way to the end?
Steamy Stories
A Second Chance
A Second Chance
"Why can't I fucking hit you?" Thomas shouts as he hits the belt hard against the floor. He bends down to my level and pulls my chin up to stare at him. "I want to inflict pain on you, Melina, but I fucking can't. Tell me why I fucking can't. Tell me why" He hits the belt beside the ground close to me as he shouts each word into my face. My eyes are sealed as I wait for when he doesn't miss and finally hits me. "Fucking open your eyes" He presses my jaw hard, which forces me to open my eyes. "I am- so-r-r-r-y" My whole body is quivering in fear as his eyes bore holes into my head. "Fucking shut up" I seal my lips shut and try to calm myself, so I can stop crying. "Did you think it would work? Did you actually think you could get me arrested and you could run away? Are you that fucking dumb, Melina?" ******** Melina Davis was born with the face and body of a goddess. Her heart was as beautiful as her, but it never did her any good. Melina was the most unlucky woman in this world when it came to love. Her first love was an abusive con artist who made sure to exploit Melina's kindness. The second one who Melina felt was genuinely worthy of owing her heart was far more dangerous than her first. His name is Thomas Costanzo. He is the second in command of the Costanzo mafia. He was highly feared in the mafia world. Some even feared him more than the don of the Costanzo mafia. Melina didn't know she shouldn't cross him, and she did. She broke the heart of one of the most feared men on this earth, and now, he is out searching for her. Once he finds her, Melina will wish she never crossed paths with him.
CEO's Love in Trap
CEO's Love in Trap
Gabriella was a poor and innocent girl. She lived alone in a house that's inherited from her parents. Until one day, the house was destroyed by the Quebracha Company. When she met with the CEO to protest, an incident occurred. "You, lecherous man! Are you not satisfied with destroying my house? So, you took my virginity?" "Confess it! You purposely held your house to block our project, then now you're tricking me to sleep with you. What's your real intention, huh? Who paid you?" Max Evans, the successful and handsome young CEO, accused her of being a messenger woman. What happened next? Could Gabriella earn the CEO's trust? Or even his heart and love? Would those people realize that they were both framed? IG: @pixielifeagency
Una Oferta Irresistible
Una Oferta Irresistible
Una oportunidad de ensueños se presenta en la vida de Samanta… Su trabajo que no solo le da estabilidad sino superación propia, lleva la vida de la chica a un rascacielos del que no quiere bajar por nada del mundo, porque, aunque ella se vea una persona segura de sí misma, Sam esconde un lado oscuro que intentará cubrir con todas sus fuerzas. Ángelo Ankarali no solo es su jefe, al pasar los años se convierte en un amigo dominante y totalmente posesivo… que, de un día a otro, le soltará una oferta imposible de resistir, llevando a Sam contra la espada y a la pared mientras todo lo que ella ha construido a su alrededor, comienza a desmoronarse…
Kader Sabagh es elogiado por su mente brillante, su capacidad futurista y ese emporio que, velozmente, está creando de la mano de su hermano el rey. Ahora que está pronto a cumplir sus 28 años, comienza a preguntarse si las fiestas y eventos, son el momento perfecto para conseguir una esposa que esté a la talla y medida que él cree merecer. Así que, la convivencia diaria con Nadia Arafat; aquella damisela que acompaña a la reina, le parece un acto degradante que rebaja a su familia real. Sin embargo, cada vez que se encuentra solo, en lo único que puede pensar es en aquella mirada que trastorna su cordura y que altera todos sus sentidos de forma oculta. Todo lo que pide Kader… es salir ileso de esa encantadora mujer, que intenta aborrecer con todas sus fuerzas.
Matrimonio Forzado
Matrimonio Forzado
El destino no está predeterminado, lo escribimos con cada una de las decisiones que tomamos. En la vida siempre hay que tomar decisiones. Algunas veces son pequeñas, incluso insignificantes. Otras son enormes y pueden cambiarlo todo para siempre. Porque cuando no se puede tener todo hay que elegir, y al hacerlo, uno siempre tiene miedo a equivocarse. Así me encontraba yo, entre el querer y el deber, huyendo de mi realidad, para huir rumbo a una mentira. Estaba a punto de casarme con un hombre que odiaba y mi familia estaba alejándome del verdadero amor de mi vida… “No podemos elegir de quien nos enamoramos, pero si con quien quedarnos”
"Kamu hamil!" ucap Ayden, kekasih Delisha. "A-apa?" tanya Delisha polos. "Kamu hamil!" tegas Ayden lagi. "T-tapi." "Kita sering melakukannya, dan kita main tanpa pengaman." "J-jadi?" "Aku mau putus! Terserah mau diapakan anak itu, umurku masih 16 tahun. Aku mau bebas." Ayden meninggalkan Delisha yang mematung, tidak tahu apa yang harus ia lakukan, dan apa yang akan ia hadapi ke depan disaat usianya masih sangat belia 14 tahun.
Cerita Beruap
Contratada para un matrimonio
Contratada para un matrimonio
Que sucede cuando un empresario millonario, es llamado el soltero más codiciado de Londres y se niega a sentar cabeza, pues ama su soltería Que sucede cuando un hombre muere dejando a sus tres hijos a cargo de una madrastra ambiciosa y sin escrúpulos. Que sucede cuando un empresario millonario se entera de que su hermano menor y su cuñada murieron en un accidente, y de la noche a la mañana se encuentra con que es tutor de un niño pequeño. Que sucede cuando una bella chica y sus dos hermanos menores son echados a la calle por su madrastra tras la muerte de su padre. Esta es la historia de Melody, una chica preocupada por encontrar un trabajo mejor que le permita pagar las cuentas y mantener a sus hermanos. Esta es la historia de Rick un empresario que se entera que es el tutor de su pequeño sobrino, un pequeño que acaba de quedar huérfano y que necesita el cariño y la comprensión de una madre. Una solicitud inusual, un contrato secreto, un pequeño dolido que solo quiere cariño, un amor que nació sin darse cuenta, son los ingredientes para hacer de este un romance muy especial.
Anaelise estudia el primer año de Medicina en la universidad de Durango Colorado, ciudad donde reside con su padre. Ella trata de llevar una vida, pero sabe que es un compendio de fragmentos que ha tratado de volver a unir por años. Su terapia una vez a la semana, es el lugar de refugio donde respirar no le cuesta tanto. Todo en su vida debe ser cuidadosamente planeado Sin embargo, el cambio repentino de su Psiquiatra jubilado y el profesor más verdugo de la academia, que a resumidas cuentas resultan ser la misma persona, desequilibran su supuesta normalidad haciendo que ella saque a flote los rincones más oscuros que ha querido esconder desde hace mucho tiempo. Xavier está convencido que nadie interrumpirá su rigurosa vida, de hecho, él es lo suficientemente cuidadoso como para que nadie esté a su lado por lo menos 24 horas seguidas. Es un hombre cerrado, dominante y muy controlador, entre eso, manipulador. Pero cuando Anaelise entra en su campo de visión, no solo sacará lo peor de él, ella romperá sus barreras y desatará el caos que él mantiene oculto. Ellos son sombras, y estas, se unirán formando un caos interminable.  
Claimed by the Bikers A Menage -PR Brady
Claimed by the Bikers A Menage -PR Brady
Raine escaped a bad relationship when she moved in with her two best friends. She gets a job as a bartender in a biker bar. The President of the club has his sights set on her. But he's not a one woman man, and she will settle for nothing less. After she quits, he decides he could be a one woman man, but will have to prove it to her. Club women create problems, and then her ex shows up. Can the club protect her? Kim is one of her best friends. She has her sights set on Ice. The attraction and chemistry is there, but Ice believes he nor the club are good enough for her. He pushes her away to try to protect her. But when she ends up taken by another club, he changes his mind. He helps her open her own salon, but someone there is working on breaking them up. Sam is her other friend. She's a nurse at the local ER. The guy in her past hurt her sister and Sam refuses to have a relationship. Smokey is into one night stands since his Ex accused him of letting her brother die then split town. He's not into relationships either. However feelings change and they decide to give it a try. Then they meet Snake, the President of a brother charter. Smokey talks Sam into trying things with Snake. One of Snake's club women conspires with others to kidnap Sam and beat her up. Later feelings soon get in the way and they end the threesome. Sam and Smokey decide to try for a baby. Just as Sam gets pregnant, Smokey's ex returns. Sam finds Smokey in a compromising situation and they fight. Smokey takes off after Sam drunk and wrecks his bike. He ends up in the hospital in a coma. Snake returns to take care of Sam. The three work out their relationship and Snake steps down as Prez, to move in with Sam and Smokey. Fifteen years later their kids go through love and drama. Raine's son Maverick falls in love with Sam and Smokey's daughter Hanna. However Maverick wants to be a player while keeping Hanna from other guys. These two clash heavily. Then Smokey has a daughter show up he never knew about. She tries to take over Hanna's life. In the end someone ends up in the grave and another in the hospital. Just as things get back to normal, Hanna gets a stalker. A surprise author enters for research and helps the club figure it out. Raine and Jax's daughter ends up pregnant by Hawk and Makenzie's son who's joined the army. Hawk was Snake's VP. Makenzie worked with Sam at the hospital. Levi takes Jade with him to live on base. Maddox who's Kim and Ice's son falls in love with Jasmine, who's Raine and Jax's other daughter. They experience problems while Maddox and Maverick are prospecting for the club. Hawk and Makenzie's daughter falls in love with a biker in another club. How will this generation turn out? Mature 18+ scenes, and fast paced action with drama too.
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