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Sentimientos encontrados
"Eres mía. Nadie tiene derecho a tocarte, abrazarte o amarte... Eres completamente mía, grábate eso en tu cabezota... Acabaré con cualquiera que desee poseerte o incluso piense en hacerlo. Me perteneces, solo a mí: tu alma, tu cuerpo, todo es mío, exclusivamente mío... ¿Entiendes?" Dijo él, sujetándome la barbilla con fuerza, obligándome a mirarlo a los ojos. "Por favor... me estás lastimando", le dije, intentando zafarme de su agarre implacable. "¡Dilo!" gritó en mi cara, apretando aún más mi barbilla. "Sí (sollozando), sí... Soy tuya", dije entre sollozos, luchando por liberarme de su presión.
Su desesperación
Su desesperación
"No quiero tener que repetir esto", dijo él con voz firme, "Abre bien las piernas para mí, amor, o serás castigada". Arthur Spencer, de 30 años, es el director general y heredero de oro del colosal imperio empresarial Spencer Enterprises. Este poderoso multimillonario es uno de los solteros más codiciados de Nueva York. Se caracteriza por ser frío, egocéntrico, impulsivo y extremadamente posesivo. Posee la capacidad de arruinar la vida de alguien en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, y su familia es conocida como la Realeza Oscura. Por otro lado, Davina Ellis, una dulce e ingenua mujer de 27 años recién divorciada, se desempeña como gerente del restaurante Neens. Gracias a su esfuerzo y determinación, en tan solo tres años ha logrado que este local se convierta en uno de los más populares y exitosos de la cadena. *** ¿Qué sucederá cuando Arthur descubra que fue el exmarido de Davina con quien Olivia, su prometida y el amor de su vida, mantuvo un affaire que la llevó a abandonarlo?
Jackson Taylor es un adicto al sexo. Su obsesión comenzó tras despertar de un coma, pero la traición de su esposa, que terminó en divorcio y le dejó el corazón hecho añicos, le hizo desconfiar de las mujeres, recurriendo a las drogas para encontrar algo de paz. Sin embargo, su mundo dio un vuelco al encontrarse con su nueva secretaria, Vera Santos. Su presencia era magnética, colmando sus deseos de seducción, pero ella no estaba dispuesta a quedarse; su propio corazón había sufrido heridas profundas. Jackson sabía que debía hacer lo que fuera para retenerla...
The Vampire' Pleasure Slave
The Vampire' Pleasure Slave
Warnings ⚠️Contains strong mature content. **** "I'm sorry, master," Star shivered as the vampire slipped his finger into her wet slippery pussy. "It's late for this. You broke a law, princess. It's time to receive your punishment." He inserted another finger into her wet pink virgin hole. "Ahh." The princess cried out when he added yet another finger. "Please, stop-" "Take it, whore. This is your punishment." He joined the fourth finger to the ones already inserted. **** Who would have thought going on a hunt will bring these many problems for the young princess?Headstrong and arrogant, the young Princess was always ready to cause trouble. A headache to her father, and her mother's pride. She thought the world was hers to do as she pleases. But that was until she stepped foot into the forbidden castle, unknowingly awakening a vampire Lord who was determined to make the feisty Princess, his pet.What happens when miss arrogant meets an arrogant master? Read to find out! Note: This book contains strong mature content.
Steamy Stories
Marrying my high school bully
Marrying my high school bully
"After what you did, I'd like you to know that I can't stand you, but this marriage cuts across our hateful feelings for each other. It's something you will never understand." His eyes turned dark and vengeful immediately, causing me to take a step back. "This is my life, Dexter. You won't ruin it for me with your so-called marriage contract." I protested. He shook his head, and immediately the vengeful glints I saw were replaced with an unreadable expression. "If you don't marry me, then your life will be completely ruined, dear Lorraine. And don't forget that you have a lot of enemies, especially your step father. ************** Fate brings two former high school enemies back together in an unreasonable situation and for some reasons, Lorraine has to marry Dexter, the man she despises. But when she signs the contract, she discovers that there are several secrets that are hidden from her and it becomes worse when her husband isn't who she thinks him to be. Amidst the trials and challenges, they'll find themselves falling for each other again even though reality keeps reminding them why they shouldn't. Will their love conquer all? Will Lorraine be able to forgive Dexter despite knowing his hideous past? Will she be able to survive all the deadly arrows thrown at her by her stepfather?